A Failed Blinken -Yang Summit and Looming Fertilizer/Food Crisis
Peter Navarro’s Taking Back Trump’s America Podcast
Hi. I’m Peter Navarro, its February 21, 2023, and in this episode of my Taking Back Trump’s America podcast, we will do the postmortem for yet another disastrous negotiating session between the Biden regime and the Chinese Communists and sound the alert over a looming fertilizer crisis. Oh yes, and there is that pesky secret trip Biden made to Ukraine to meet with Zelenski – a nice little poke in the eye of Vladimir Putin that gets us just a little closer to war.
Okay. Let’s start with the latest sit down between US and Communist Chinese negotiators, this time in Germany over the weekend. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken went eyeball to eyeball with Communist China’s State Counselor Wang Yi AKA Tiger Yang. This was a meeting that had been delayed by Communist China’s spy balloon caper. And this meeting was a poster child of Newtonian physics – every action gets an equal and opposite reaction – as applied to politics.
The first time Blinken and Yang met was right at the beginning of the Biden regime in Alaska; and true to form, Tiger Yang gave Blinken a lecture about the decadence and flaws of America’s racist democracy. This first time, Blinken went back to DC with his tail between his legs, and he was rightly portrayed in the press as weak. This time, Blinken tried to at least put on some offense against Yang and what was supposed to be a meeting to soothe tensions between superpowers quickly turned into the proverbial catfight.
Memo to Communist China: If you want to make any progress with the Americans, don’t send Tiger Yang. That guy is not diplomat; he is simply a loud-mouthed martinet. I know this firsthand as after the 2016 election during the transition, Steve Bannon and I along with Jared Kushner sat down with Tiger Yang and several other Chinese diplomats for a negotiating session. When Yang tried that crap with us, we shut him right down, and he was back benched for much of the Trump administration simply because the Communists correctly understood that if they tried to mess with us and Donald Trump, that would not end well.
Memo to the Biden regime: It is time to decouple economically and politically from Communist China. But, of course, that won’t happen. The Biden crime family – Hunter, the brother James, and the big guy Joe – are too compromised by their profitable, albeit treasonous, former relationships with Communist China. As a result, we are going to continue to limp along in limbo land, hawkish fools like Tiger Yang are going to be emboldened by the weakness of the Biden regime, and we are likely to see everything from Communist Chinese weapons arming the Russians to a communist move on Taiwan.
I am reminded here of the Vietnam War when Communist China was the arsenal of authoritarianism for Ho Chi Minh. We let Communist China get away with that then and tens of thousands of American lives were lost from weapons Made in China and many of our planes were downed over the skies of Hanoi by Chinese – and yes, Russian – missile batteries. Are we really going to let Communist China get away with that kind of surrogate war behavior again without completely decoupling our economy from them?
Last take here: Joe Biden is taking us towards a proxy war between the US versus Russia and Communist China. Biden’s unannounced drop in to kiss Zelenski’s ring in Kiev was indeed a poke in the eye of Vladimir Putin. And no good can come of any of this.
And now a quick 30 second message before our second story:
Did you know that besides being President Trump’s Chief China Hawk, Trade Czar, and Fauci-fighter, Peter Navarro was also President Trump’s best labor negotiator. In fact, Peter was responsible for quietly but quickly helping to settle what had been two prolonged labor strikes. The first was the 2019 General Motors strike which featured a walked out of 48,000 United Auto Workers members. The second was a 2020 strike at General Dynamics Bath Iron Works in Maine.
Our second story of the podcast is ineluctably intertwined with the first. While most Americans consider the US to be one of the great bread baskets of the world and a farming superpower, the Achilles’ heel of American farm production is the single most important ingredient besides water for producing crops, namely, fertilizer.
The three main types of fertilizer inputs include nitrogen, phosphate, and potash. So guess who leads the world in the production of nitrogen? That would be Communist China.
Guess who leads the world in the production of phosphate? That, too, would be Communist China. As for potash, Canada is the world leader but Putin’s Russia is not far behind. And in terms of total world production, America ranks a distant fourth behind China, Russia, and India and, importantly, America produces no potash in significant amounts.
The broader point here is that much of been made of the disruptions and rising costs associated with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine because of the impact of that war on oil and natural gas prices. But there is also a fertilizer component to this crisis. So if you’re wondering why eggs and vegetables and meat are costing so much more, it’s not just because Joe Biden and his transportation secretary Pete Howdy Doody Buttigieg have screwed up our supply chains and domestic energy supply. It’s also because of the war in Ukraine.
Now, we are in a situation where tensions continue to rise between the US and Russia as Joe Biden empties out America’s weapons arsenals and ships those weapons to Ukraine – and then raises what he calls America’s defense spending. It’s not America’s defense spending it all. Rather, we are spending tens of billions of dollars to defend Ukraine’s eastern border even as we spend nothing to stop the invasion of literally millions of illegal aliens on our Southern border. Meanwhile Communist China is actively flirting with arming the Russians in a quid pro quo. In their view, how could the Americans protest if they are doing the same thing to arm Zelenski in Ukraine. So, stay tuned.
The dogs of war are indeed slipping; and here’s the important point: These are politician-made disasters manufactured in the Biden White House, the Department of State, the Defense Department and none of this would be happening if Donald Trump were President. These are yet more reasons why we need to take back Trump’s America.
And that’s it for today’s podcast. Please post a review of this Taking Back Trump’s America podcast on Apple or Google or wherever you get your podcast as it helps get the word out. In the meantime, why not let your fingers do the walking over to Amazon and buy your copy of Taking Back Trump’ s America today. Taking Back Trumps America is the blueprint and battle cry for the modern MAGA movement and my mission, and the mission of this podcast and my book, is to put Donald Trump back in the White House come January 2025. But we are going to need your help. Peter Navarro. Out.