February 23, 2023
A Never-Trump Who’s Who at Fox News
Hi. I’m Peter Navarro. It’s February 23, 2023, and in this edition of the Taking Back Trump’s America podcast, I want to drill down a little deeper into the recent revelations about the Never-Trump sentiment within Rupert Murdoch’s Fox News Corporation. Spoiler alert: It would behoove all of us in MAGA Land to cut the Fox News cable cord and use alternative MAGA-news friendly television, Internet, and print outlets to get the real news you can use.
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Now let’s get down to the dark, dank, swampy bottom of this Fox news story. You may have seen recently in the news what the Left has described as a “treasure trove” of emails and documents from Fox executives and on-air personalities purporting to dump all over Trump’s claims of a stolen election. But the story is a bit more complex.
You can think of this story is a tale in two acts – Act One takes place between the November 3rd, 2020 presidential election and the filing of a $1.6 billion lawsuit by a voting machine company on March 26, 2021. Act Two includes the rise of blatant Never-Trumpism within Fox after the filing of that lawsuit.
In Act One, we first see understandable outrage over the premature calling of Arizona for Joe Biden by the Fox News desk. Tucker Carlson, in particular, was deeply concerned how such a call would damage the credibility of the network at the same time that it would alienate pro-Trump viewers. He was absolutely right about both concerns.
Biden allegedly won Arizona by the slimmest of margins, but that slim margin is proof in and of itself that the election was way too close to call so early. And yes, there is considerable evidence the Trump actually won.
Either way, the real point of that bogus early Fox call was that it suppressed Republican turnout in Arizona because discouraged Trump voters stayed home; and Fox saboteurs thereby, in and of themselves, put their thumb on the scale.
We also see a great debate in the email correspondence over how much credence to give President Trump’s stolen election claims. What is remarkable about this debate from a news organization is that the concerns did not center primarily on the credibility of the claims that were being made. Rather, many inside the Fox tent were simply concerned about losing pro-Trump viewers to rival Newsmax and therefore did not want to dismiss the stolen election claims. Of course, the Never-Trump folks inside the Fox tent, who were on the other side of that debate were more than happy to debunk Trump’s claims.
The crux of this particular matter boils down to the attorney Sidney Powell who, to the consternation of folks like myself who had actually done a deep analysis of the election returns, made wild claims of voter fraud, always dangling the existence of a so-called “Kraken” that would blow the whole case up.
As I document in my In Trump Time book, Powell did more damage to the cause of investigating voter fraud than any single person in the Trump movement. Not so politely, I called her a total idiot – and that is exactly what she was. The Fox correspondence emphatically proves my point because it was Sidney Powell’s rants that would prove to be the fulcrum for moving the election fraud issue off the Fox network.
Here are two things can be true at the same time: First: the voting machines may not have played any role whatsoever in the theft of the 2020 election from President Trump. Two: Other very well documented types of election fraud and irregularities almost certainly contributed to the theft of the election by Joe Biden and the Democrats.
Following the voter machine lawsuit, however, the Fox News Corporation wanted nothing to do with anything related to the subject of election fraud and irregularities. Part of it was a legitimate fear of losing a billion-dollar lawsuit. But, and this is the truest thing I can ever tell you, the other part of the jettisoning of the subject of election fraud by Fox News was simply that going silent on this subject fit in with the Never Trump objectives of the very substantial Never-Trump wing of Fox News.
Who exactly am I talking about here? I cover the subject in detail in my Taking Back Trump’s America book. However, some of the big names that come to mind on the Never-Trump side include Brent Baier, who made that on-air bogus Arizona call, Karl Rove, Chief Strategist for the globalist wing of the traditional Republican Party from George W. Bush to Mitch McConnell, the Canadian John Roberts who used to constantly chide me on and off the air about my nationalistic and Buy American views, the always ascerbic Neil Cavuto who I actually like, and before he parachuted off to CNN Land, Chris Wallace, who I genuinely dislike.
On the Board of Directors, there is also former speaker of the house Paul Ryan who pops up constantly on the air to throw digs and darts at Donald Trump. Of course, in the executive corps, there is Suzanne Scott who runs Fox News and Lauren Petterson who runs FOXBusiness. Here, I should note that it appears to be primarily Scott and Petterson who enforce the ban against televising Trump rallies and prevent pro-Trump folks like me from getting any airtime on Fox. It is an open question, however, how high the directives go in the Never-Trump land that has become Fox News. Rupert? Lachlan? Who knows?
Meanwhile, there remains a solid core of pro-Trump on-air personalities within Fox who now engage in the worst kind of self-censorship for fear of losing their jobs or power. I won’t name names here because the people remain vulnerable to being pushed out by the Never-Trump wing and I love each of them. But I will say that every single one of them has now been effectively silenced when it comes to any pro-Trump views; and none of them are allowed by Fox to have pro-Trump folks on like me or Mike Lindell or Rudy.
So here’s my request, advice, and admonition all rolled up into one ask: Until Fox News starts televising Trump rallies again AND until it allows legitimate pro-Trump surrogates like me and Mike and Rudy back on their airwaves, please cut the Fox News cord. Do it today!
You are not getting real MAGA news from Fox anymore. Rather, you are getting just a more subtle and far more dangerous form of Never-Trumpism than either CNN or MSNBC delivers as those two liberal networks wear their Never-Trump salvos on their sleeves.
So cut that Fox cord and try Real America’s Voice and particularly Steve Bannon’s War Room, John Solomon, and Charlie Kirk’s show. You can also check out Jack Posobiec at Human Events Daily. On the print side, you can try the Drudge-alternative citizenfreepress.com to view the daily news landscape. And of course you should not miss the Hoft Brother’s Gateway Pundit, Darren Beaties’ Revolver News, or Raheem Kassam’s National Pulse. And of course, my two favorite national and international newspapers are the Epoch Times and Washington Times.
Well, that’s it for this edition Taking Back Trump’s America. Please cut that Fox Cord until further MAGA notice. Peter Navarro. Out
Just finished this book, highly recommend it. I knew a lot of the key players were corrupt and DS puppets but Peter named names and I learned many many more and what they had done to Pres Trump to undermine his 4 yrs in office. Traitors all and need to be treated as such, no forgiveness, justice needs to be served.
I've liked Navarro but why so dismissive of vote fraud by the Dominion machines and to attack Powell? As a retired programmer, I understand how easily the machines can be tampered with, even remotely, programmatically and done directly by a tech. Since nobody was allowed to look at the machines, coding, etc. why, Fox-News like, impugn Sidney Powell when the multiple avenues of fraud were plain to see, including problems with the machines? Being a lawyer, she was no-doubt coached in terms like "kraken" and "broke the algorithm" but she was courageous and she is on-our-side and she was correct about the machine fraud.