After TikTok, Let’s Break up Facebook and Google
Transcript of Peter Navarro's Taking Back Trump's America Podcast
Hi. I’m Peter Navarro and let’s start off this Taking Back Trump’s America podcast with a quick riddle: A major country or group of countries is breaking up a big tech company to prevent it from exerting undue influence on the entity’s political system. Is it Europe, Communist China, or the United States?
If you been reading the news, you almost certainly guessed Communist China. In a widely publicized announcement, the Communist Chinese counterfeiter and pirate company named after a thief – Alibaba – announced that, under not-so-subtle pressure from the government, it was splitting its own giant corporation into six different pieces. And, frankly, there is a lot to learn from this market moving event by America’s politicians .
For starters, Alibaba had a market capitalization of about $260 billion even before the announcement, and with that announcement, the Chinese Communist company added more than $25 billion to its value. What pisses me off about this – and it should piss you off – is that a lot of that value and wealth transfer to this Chinese Communist company came from American pension funds and retirees investing in US stock market indices or in Alibaba directly.
To be clear, Alibaba got its start by ripping off the intellectual property of American companies and much of its wealth rightly belongs to American citizens and entrepreneurs rather than to this Chinese Communist pirate and agent of the Chinese Communist Party.
Of course, we here in America put up with this myopic crap because our political leaders are too stupid or venal to see the threat. But be that as it may, why the hell do we continue the to funnel American capital into a country that is America’s biggest existential threat and the very symbol of Chinese Communist intellectual property theft?
AND why are we helping to finance this Alibaba breakup when the breakup is actually helping the Chinese Communist Party retain power – at least if you believe the rhetoric of the dictator Xi Jinping who has pledged the breakup China’s version of Big Tech because of its threat to Communist China’s authoritarian style of government?
And by the way, the stripping of even more capital from American investors has only begun with this announcement. A big strategic component of this restructuring is to facilitate the issuing of will likely be an avalanche of Initial Public Offerings or IPOs. These IPOs will suck literally hundreds of billions of dollars more out of the American economy. Memo to Congress: please turn that damn spigot off.
When I was in the White House serving Donald Trump, we had multiple opportunities to do just that – turn off this American capital tap both to the Chinese Communist mainland and Hong Kong after Xi Jinping brutally took that country. Regrettably, we missed that opportunity; and I can’t say this often enough – it was because of Wall Street New York appeasers like Steve Mnuchin and Larry Kudlow and Gary Cohn who got in the way of all that.
And by the way, at one critical juncture, both Attorney General Bill Barr and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, got in the way as well, particularly on the Hong Kong issue.
Memo to the Biden administration: If you want to get a leg up on us during the 2024 campaign, you might think about instituting a comprehensive investment ban on Communist China. It’s something that I believe Donald Trump will likely do in his next term – if they don’t steal that election from him again.
The second take away for Congress from the Alibaba breakup is that it’s easy to do; and it should be quickly done by Congress particularly for Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook. At this point, Facebook, with its woke progressive Democrat Chessmaster at its helm, may well pose the single greatest threat to the Republican Party and Donald Trump in the 2024 race.
Recall here that it was Mark Zuckerberg and his Zucker Bucks that help steal the 2020 election from Donald Trump. In an astonishing statistic, Zuckerberg actually spent more in the key battleground states of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania then the Trump campaign itself did. Of course, Zuckerberg’s efforts were primarily focused on spreading the evil of drop boxes around the states which, in turn, facilitated illegal ballot harvesting and the theft of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania from the Trump camp.
And in the coming election cycle, there are the artificial intelligence algorithms that Facebook is developing that we should worry about . These algorithms are capable of slicing and dicing Facebook participants into micro groups that can be easily manipulated politically. Danger Will Robinson, danger.
So Congress, get off your fat asses, stop taking big bucks from the Big Tech fatcats, follow Communist China’s lead on this and execute the breakup of Facebook along with the now always doing evil Google and musky Twitter, which by the way, continues to censor me with its algorithms so I know damn well personally that Elon Musk still hasn’t wrapped his head around the beast that is Twitter in a manner sufficient to neutralize its cancel culture dangers.
Peter Navarro. Out with what I hope to be the best short form podcast and substack in politics. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe to Peter
Yeah Peter are we sure that legislation proposed to deal with tik tok is not just going to used against civilians and conservatives in particular? Like patriot act 2.0 .
Don't take the bait! Banning TikToK is what the DS wants. This will allow them to censor all other platforms deemed "dangerous" to the US. This includes all conservative platforms.