Dear Patriots,
I write to you today via means of communicating with my publisher - Winning Team Publishing. To all of you who have pre-ordered my new book, The New MAGA Deal, THANK YOU!
As I serve out the remainder of my term in prison, I have been fortunate enough to receive your messages, well wishes, and prayers. I cannot thank you enough for your support. It truly means a lot to me.
As you all know, I am serving a 4-month prison sentence for refusing to go along with the January 6th witch hunt committee. Sadly, this is affecting Donald J. Trump who is facing the same kind of persecution and attacks in New York and beyond. The left is determined to undermine our nation at any cost.
The New MAGA Deal, which will ship on July 16th, is the unofficial policy blueprint for how President Donald J. Trump will save our Nation. Make no mistake, our Nation and Freedoms are constantly under attack. Joe Biden's Communist Regime will never stop persecuting us! We will never stop fighting back and we will always put America First.
As a thank you for your support please enjoy the full introduction from The New MAGA Deal and please pre-order your copy today at
Thank you,
Dr. Peter Navarro
P.S. Tell your friends to get their copy today!
Introduction - The New MAGA Deal
As America’s forty-fifth president, Donald John Trump provided the American people with unprecedented peace, prosperity, and national security. If elected on November 3, 2024, as America’s forty-seventh president, he will do it again. This next time, however, it will be a much harder battle for Donald Trump and his advisors. Even as you read this book, far too many powerful special interests are massing to stop Trump!
Because of these special interests—from the corporate suites of America and Wall Street to the K Street lobbyists of Big Pharma and the dark money of the vile Koch network—we are living in Joe Biden’s America. This is a place where Joe Biden’s stagflation is killing our economy, driving down the real wages of working-class America, and turning the retirement hopes and dreams of far too many Americans into an ash heap as 401(k)s are reduced to 201(k)s, cars are repossessed, and even once middle-class Americans are being evicted from their homes.
Joe Biden’s America is also a place where our southern border is being overrun, rogue nations from Communist China and Russia to Iran and North Korea are stoking the fires of war, Biden’s FBI and Department of Justice have become weaponized partisan tools of the radical Left to punish and often imprison American citizens for their religious or political views, and where the most commonsense political movement, Make America Great Again, has been turned into a four- letter word, MAGA, threatening to spark a civil war.
The wounds that Joe Biden is inflicting upon the American people will not be healed easily. Yet, if there is any one person capable of turning Joe Biden’s America back into Trump’s America, it is Donald Trump himself.
In this book, we will systematically work our way through many of the major problems facing this nation—our coverage is not exhaustive by design.
Most importantly, we will offer an action plan and set of policy prescriptions that a new Trump administration will likely begin to implement on day one of a new Trump presidency.
Ultimately, this book is much more than a book. It is a weapon of peaceful change in the hands of every Trump deplorable MAGA supporter. Only Donald Trump can return this great American nation back to the path of peace, prosperity, and national security and back to a world in which God, country, and family reign supreme.
As a final note before we get started, we would like to strongly reiterate the message of the subtitle of this guidebook. This is an unofficial guide to the Trump campaign.
While this guidebook draws heavily upon both the president’s speeches and numerous policy postings on the Trump 2024 campaign website itself, only President Trump and his official spokespersons can be the final arbiters of the president’s positions and campaign platform. With folks like Susie Wiles, Jason Miller, Chris LaCivita, Stephen Cheung, and Brian Jack assisting, the Trump 2024 campaign is in extremely good hands.
Peter Navarro’s Substack account including all individual article posts are temporarily being handled and managed independently of him.
If you want to support Peter in his fight on behalf of our Constitution, unpaid subscribers can convert to paid and paid subscribers can always try to share his posts with friends.
Great summary of the first Trump term!
Make no mistake, we are counting on Trump to ACCOMPLISH his goals this time. DRAIN THE SWAMP! Appoint better people this time, get rid of ‘lawfare’, get this country back to American values and Constitutional principles!