On Sunday, March 17, I found myself in a church I hadn’t attended before.
At some point during the preceding evening – with Dr. Navarro’s unjust imprisonment hanging in the balance, pending a Supreme Court decision on his emergency application to stay free as his case is appealed – I felt the need to attend Mass on Sunday morning at a church named for St. Peter.
As a Catholic from northwest Indiana, I searched online for churches in my area, and the only nearby St. Peter’s I found was a Catholic church that had been founded in 1853 in La Porte, Indiana.
Thinking about the imminent Supreme Court decision, it struck me that I would be attending Mass in the same small city where Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts had graduated from Catholic high school. Roberts had grown up in nearby Long Beach, Indiana, after moving there from Buffalo, New York during elementary school. Roberts’ father was a plant manager for Bethlehem Steel.
After Mass on Sunday morning, when the rest of the congregation had left, I spoke with the pastor, explaining why I had come to this place of worship called St. Peter Church, which is in Indiana’s Steel Belt region just south of Lake Michigan. I mentioned the great achievements that President Trump and Dr. Navarro have made for American workers and industry. This includes putting in place tariffs that – even to this day, as Dr. Navarro endures political persecution in prison – continue to defend American steelworkers like my father against the economic aggression of totalitarian China.
The genial pastor, who described a trip to St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome during our several-minute conversation, told me that he would pray for Dr. Navarro, and said that I was always welcome at the church. Soon after the Mass, an alert on my phone told me that the War Room Prayer Posse was livestreaming, and I tuned in to this program for the first time, offering up prayers for Dr. Navarro with fellow Americans of different denominations from across the nation.
While driving to Chicago early the next morning on Monday, March 18, the day that the Supreme Court was to deliver a decision on Dr. Navarro’s emergency application, I followed up my previous day’s Mass at St. Peter’s by listening to an episode of a podcast called “The Bible in a Year.” It’s a podcast that my mother, a devout Catholic, had recommended to me.
As I drove, I listened to an episode titled “Peter Is Rescued from Prison.” In this episode, the pastor reads from the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 12, in which Herod arrests and imprisons Peter. However, fervent prayers for Peter were being made to God by the Church, and an angel rescues Peter from prison. The angel awakens Peter, saying, “Get up quickly,” and chains fall from Peter’s wrists.
Later that day, Chief Justice John Roberts, acting on his own, and without referring Dr. Navarro’s emergency appeal to the full Supreme Court, denied Dr. Navarro’s emergency motion to stay free pending appeal of his case, in which Dr. Navarro is protecting executive privilege. With this unilateral decision, it was determined that Dr. Navarro would report to federal prison the next day and potentially spend his 75th birthday there on July 15, if he is not released before the four months of his sentence are over.
Even as he stood in Miami the next day, facing the media only moments before entering prison, Dr. Navarro was stoic and dignified, giving an eloquent and incisive summary – characteristic of the Harvard-educated economist and professor he is – of the issues at stake and the historic import of what he is fighting for, while continuing to provide an example of strength and character for us to follow.
Caption: Dr. Navarro addresses the media on March 19. His forthcoming book “The New MAGA Deal” is shown.
The next weekend, I attended Mass at St. Peter’s again on Palm Sunday, and now prepare to attend Mass on Easter Sunday while praying with my fellow Americans for Dr. Navarro and our nation during one of the most critical election years of our nation’s history.
With this in mind, I’d like to share some prayers for Easter and beyond, as well as a message for Justice Roberts, since there’s a chance he will read this.
Prayers for Easter and Beyond
I pray that God blesses and protects Dr. Navarro while he is unjustly held in prison. I pray that those who are persecuting Dr. Navarro will finally realize the evil of what they are doing, publicly repent, and take immediate action to end this injustice. I pray that when Dr. Navarro emerges from prison even stronger than before, that his leadership, example, and monumental contributions to the Make America Great Again movement are recognized and rewarded, and that he serves in the second Trump administration in a position that will maximize the efficacy and impact of his continuing service to President Trump, the American people, and the United States. (Could this be as Vice President, as I asked Dr. Navarro in an interview? Or, as Dr. Navarro suggests in his book “Taking Back Trump’s America,” Secretary of the Treasury?
Caption: A screenshot of my article featuring an interview with Dr. Navarro.
Caption (for preceding two screenshots): Excerpts from Dr. Navarro’s book “Taking Back Trump’s America”
I pray that lawfare against and political persecution of President Trump and his allies ends, that fundamental election integrity, in contrast to the 2020 election, is defended in the 2024 presidential election, and that a renaissance of greatness in the United States will be realized in January 2025 with the dawn of a second Trump administration.
Now, a message to Justice Roberts.
My Message to Justice Roberts
Justice Roberts,
We both grew up in northwest Indiana, our fathers have worked for decades in the region’s steel industry, and we both graduated from Catholic high schools about 40 miles apart. You are the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court. I am a fellow American speaking truth to power.
I hope that you will sincerely and earnestly read and consider this message. Most importantly I hope that you will immediately take real and public action within the rightful powers of your office to correct the injustice against and political persecution of Dr. Peter Navarro.
On March 18, when you unilaterally denied Dr. Navarro’s emergency application for stay of judgment without referring the application to the full Supreme Court, an American hero – who has served as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand, as a professor of economics at the University of California, Irvine, and as the Director of the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy from 2017 to 2021 – was sent to federal prison.
A man who has earned a Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University, who has so far authored more than five important books educating the American public about how to revive America’s manufacturing base and economy and defend against the aggression of totalitarian China, and who has saved countless jobs and lives while in the White House– including as Defense Production Act policy coordinator during the COVID-19 pandemic – is now a political prisoner because he has loyally persisted in his duty to the President and the Constitution by protecting executive privilege.
As Dr. Navarro’s emergency application notes, the nature of his conviction in Washington, DC is unprecedented, and “in [a case with] nearly identical circumstances, the Honorable Carl J. Nichols found that precluding a defendant, who failed to comply with a subpoena issued by the same congressional committee as Dr. Navarro, from presenting any defense based on the Appellate Court’s opinion in Licavoli v. United States, 295 F.2d 207 (D.C. Cir. 1961), presented a ‘substantial question of law that is likely to result in reversal or an order for a new trial.’”
Witnessing, alongside other fellow Americans, the gross injustice that is taking place, I request that you issue an injunction that releases Dr. Navarro from prison pending the outcome of his ongoing appeal. If you are, for some reason, unwilling to do this, I request that you explain to the American people why this is and, at the very least, sua sponte (on your own initiative), reconsider your unilateral decision on Dr. Navarro’s emergency application and refer this matter to the full Supreme Court. Time is of the essence, as Dr. Navarro continues to be held as a political prisoner in the United States under a two-tiered system of injustice.
The courage of conscience required to make this decision to reverse injustice is great, but so is the opportunity to show the American people such courage.
Dr. Navarro’s legacy in the scope of American history is soaring, especially in the face of this political persecution. And his continuing service, in addition to what he has already achieved, will be of great importance to the future of the United States. You now have a clear opportunity to showcase conscience and wisdom at the helm of the Supreme Court by moving to end a major ongoing injustice.
I sincerely hope that you will take immediate and visible action to stop the unprecedented lawfare against and political persecution of Dr. Navarro.
Adam Molon
Adam Molon is a guest columnist for Peter Navarro’s Taking Back Trump’s America and author of NewSentry, a Substack publication. Dr. Navarro has called Adam “a rising Young Gun in journalism.” Adam is on Twitter/X and Gettr @admolon and on Truth Social@NewSentry.
Peter Navarro’s Substack account, including all individual article posts, are temporarily being handled and managed independently of him.
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What a truly heartfelt article. Thank you for your eloquent words of prayer and support for Dr. Navarro 🙏
Sometimes Adam you have to walk through that Valley of Death that Dr. Navarro is doing. He is carrying his own cross so we will still be free in 100 years from now. His sacrifice in not going unnoticed by true freedom loving Americans. It is no longer a battle between left and right. It is a battle between good and evil, and we clearly see the evil. Happy Easter to you. There is only one God we need to worry about, and he sacrificed his son to let us know.