Like so many Americans, I’ve watched with disgust as the Biden - Garland Department of Justice has engaged in political targeting of former Trump administration officials, non-violent January 6th protestors, Catholics, and others over the past few years. My staff and I talk with and routinely meet with so many constituents and others that we want to help, including Peter (stay tuned), and it’s a hard thing to meet with families and others targeted by DOJ, knowing that while I sit on the House Judiciary Committee, I am not able to directly change prison conditions or issue pardons. It is critical that we re-elect President Trump in 2024, and he needs good staff throughout the administration to help right the wrongs of Joe Biden. This includes pardons, commutations, apologies, and settlements, all of which the President can directly order on his own.
But while the House of Representatives is only one-half of one branch of government, and while even Republicans are often weak-kneed about January 6th or the targeting of Americans, this Congress has been moving the ball in the right direction. After the first speaker fight with McCarthy in January, one concession we obtained was a select committee (subcommittee now), with subpoena authority, tasked with investigating the Weaponization of the Federal Government. In addition, right before I initiated the process which removed Speaker McCarthy, he did finally caved to pressure from the right and opened an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. Under Chairmen Comer of Oversight, this inquiry has taken the lead in investigating the Biden crime family, and done great work.
The importance of the impeachment inquiry, and the Weaponization subcommittee,, are not merely that they provide convenient public platforms, or that they allow witnesses or whistleblowers a safe place to land—obviously they do. More important, these two initiatives enable the House to use one of its two major tools in divided government: the subpoena power, and the threat of contempt.
Against Peter, this subpoena power was abused, but that same tool has been used to take a legitimate look into how Big Tech was colluding with the Deep State in 2020. Chairman Jordan and his staff have brought in numerous journalists and others to talk about the “Twitter Files,” and how the government worked hand-in-glove to censor political speech and influence the 2020 election.
More importantly, Chairman Comer was also able to get Hunter Biden to show up to a first deposition. We now know that Hunter and Joe colluded to use Joe’s position to make the family money, and we now know how Hunter worked with the Chinese and other foreign governments to launder these bribes. And under oath before the House, Hunter Biden lied about all of this. I hope House leadership works to hold Hunter to account.
What should the end result of all of this be? If you recall, the January 6th Committee not only issued a report, but turned over materials to the FBI, made criminal referrals, and pursued contempt against certain witnesses, including Peter. While the Weaponization Subcommittee has not been nearly as aggressive as the “January 6th” Committee in issuing subpoenas or enforcing them, and while the impeachment inquiry has had much less time, the House certainly has options available, right now. Back in 2023, for example, I introduced a bill to hold Mark Pomerantz, a rabid anti-Trump New York attorney involved in the Alvin Bragg case, in contempt for failing to comply with a Weaponization subpoena.
We could do the same thing for Hunter, or numerous other non-compliant or perjuring witnesses. Because not only do we need to get to the bottom of their bad actions, but until we start fighting fire with fire, the political targeting of Americans by the Biden administration and the Left will continue.
Representative Matt Gaetz is the United States Representative for Florida’s First Congressional District and is a guest columnist for Peter Navarro’s Taking Back Trump’s America
Peter Navarro’s Substack account, including all individual article posts, are temporarily being handled and managed independently of him.
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Where's the action to meet fire with fire? Where is the imprisonment of flagrant contempt, i.e., Hunter in prison? Why so many RINOs picking up their ball and going home? And why Speaker not fire Gallagher and force a replacment representative?
Mat Gaetz, your efforts are much appreciated! The political persecution of the J6 protestors, and the targeting of Pres, Trump need to be stopped. These are criminal actions against American citizens brought on by our own government! Are we not protected under the Constitution? Immediate action required! Do your thing with God's speed!