Fox News Thinks You’re Stupid and More Reasons to Kick the Fox News Habit
Transcript of Peter Navarro's Taking Back Trump's America Podcast
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Hi. Peter Navarro here, and in this episode of my Taking Back Trump’s America podcast, I’m going to offer even more evidence as to why, at its core, The Fox News Corporation is rapidly anti-Trump and why every MAGA Deplorable in this country should cut the Fox News cable cord – at least until Fox ceases its not-so-secret war against Donald Trump.
If you have been following this podcast, you know that in both my Taking Back Trump’s America book and in this podcast and my substack, I have described each of the various anti-Trump actors within the Fox Empire. To reprise, at the top you have Rupert Murdoch who has already publicly jettisoned Donald Trump for the 2024 campaign along with Suzanne Scott, the CEO of Fox News, and Lauren Petterson, the CEO of FOXBusiness.
In addition, you have former Congressman and Speaker of the House Paul Ryan – and tool of Wall Street -- who is constantly taking pot shots at Donald Trump. T he latest was a promise by Ryan not to show up at the Republican National Convention if Trump is the nominee. Please, please Paul, keep that promise.
On the talent side, key Trump haters on the on-air side include most prominently John Roberts, Brett Baier, Neil Cavuto, and Karl Rove; but these folks wear their never-Trumpism on their sleeves.
The really bigger problem right now is that the putatively pro-Trump on-air talent has been effectively neutered by management. While it is okay to attack Fauci now – finally – none of these folks can probe January 6 issues or issues of election integrity; and they have their marching orders to promote other Republican candidates in the presidential primary, particularly Ron DeSanctimonious – yes, the Boss does have a knack for nicknames.
So you already know all of that, but here’s the new big reveal of this podcast: The way that the Murdoch-Scott-Petterson-Ryan censorship works is through the ranks of the various producers that effectively govern what actually goes on the air in any given show.
Yes, that’s right, it’s not the on-air talent that ultimately decides what they say on the air. That decision is made by the producers, often through orders given explicitly or implicitly by upper management.
How do I know this? Because I have both seen and experienced it firsthand when I used to be a regular guest on Fox News and FOXBusiness; and I can now say all of this not with speculation but with near certainty after reviewing the lawsuit that has been filed by a woman you have probably never heard of but who now represents arguably the single greatest threat to the credibility of the entire Fox Empire.
Her name is Abby Grossberg, and for years she was my primary contact when I was in the White House and Maria Bartiromo wanted me to appear on her Sunday Morning Futures show.
While Grossberg’s lawsuit is dressed up in various claims of sexual harassment which I don’t doubt for a minute, the real meat of the Grossberg matter is the charge that Fox is trying to make both Bartiromo and Grossberg the fall guys for the voting machine lawsuit filed against Fox.
To be clear, I have not talked to Grossberg about any of this and haven’t spoken to her in a very-very long time. But once she filed a lawsuit, a lot of things fell into place for me which reveal a great deal about never-Trump censorship within the Fox Empire.
What I can tell you here is that the first rumblings that I would be canceled from appearing on the Fox network began over a period of months after I left the White House when Bartiromo and Grossberg tried to book me on Bartiromo’s show and got push back from the executive producer core. Yep, Cotton and I were right, and so was Bartiromo.
At the height of her power, Bartiromo was absolutely fearless in her support of Donald Trump and, more importantly, talking about all the hard issues that nobody else at Fox dared to touch. For example, Bartiromo was the first Fox news anchor to allow guests like me and Tom Cotton to assert that the Communist China virus almost certainly came from the Wuhan lab.
Bartiromo also gave me free reign to go after Tony Fauci for all his various lies and foibles – another topic that was largely off-limits for a long time at Fox.
Eventually, however, the hammer came down on Bartiromo, particularly after Trump allegedly lost the election in 2020 and particularly after the lawsuit was filed. As this never-Trump era dawned at Fox, there were many instances where I was prevented from coming on Bartiromo’s show and other shows like those of Judge Jeanine and Gerry Baker or prevented from talking about certain topics.
In fact, there was one infamous example where a segment was actually cut from what had been a finished Bartiromo show because I had trampled on one of Fox’s sacred cows – a producer ordered Grossberg and Bartiromo to cleanse it before it went on air. Eventually, of course, I was totally silenced.
Throughout this first censorship and then cancellation process, it became crystal clear from discussions with producers like Grossberg and many other lower level producers that management and other executive producers were calling the shots; and the on-air talent at Fox no longer had much discretion about what they could say. And that is where we stand today :
Every well-coiffed talking head you see on Fox these days is merely a management puppet, Fox is no longer a cable news network but simply a propaganda arm for America’s globalist corporations and Wall Street hedge fund managers, and the people who watch Fox are simply viewed at Fox as stupid cash cows who are happy to be fed conservative rants in exchange for being subjected to an endless barrage of Big Pharma advertisements along with the other obligatory ads for alcoholic beverages and foods that are bad for your health.
My broader point here, of course, is that each of you reading this has a choice to make every time you pick up your TV remote. Just know that when you watch Fox news these days is waging a silent war against MAGA and you would be far better off tuning into real cable news TV networks like Real America’s Voice or Newsmax rather than Fox. Or develop a healthy podcast habit and listen every day to the four hours of Steve Bannon’s War Room Pandemic. Peter Navarro. Out.
Tucker has done a few segments on J6 but he’s actually seems to be stifled these days…but has lots of contempt for the uniparty, the J6 committee , the fact that Biden is responsible for bombing Nord Stream pipeline etc. he’s the only one I watch….
Agree 100%.
I stopped watching FoxNews a year ago for all the reasons you described.
Americas Real News with Bannon’s WarRoom and WeThePeopleConvention hosted by Tom Zawistowski of Ohio is what I listen to regularly.