In December 2020, the mRNA “pseudo-vaccines” were rolled out to millions of Americans who were ready to come together “for the greater good” and fight what most had never faced before. A lethal global pandemic. However, when the mRNA “pseudo-vaccines” turned out to not be completely safe or effective, Americans were told that they would help “prevent serious disease progression.” The nation was assured that the CDC would be there every step of the way in closely monitoring the safety of these new gene therapies.
CDC website still states that, “Millions of people in the US have received COVID-19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring program in US history”. This safety monitoring program is outlined in the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) Standard Operating Procedures and Policies (SOPP) document which demands the prompt follow-up of any reported vaccine safety issues, particularly those requiring a rapid response.1,2
In reality, none of this was true.
In June of 2021, a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request was made by Siri and Glimstad3 for all documents concerning individual VAERS reports requiring a rapid response from January 1, 2020, to date of the first FOIA filing. The FDA’s response took over a year and it concluded; “A search of our records did not locate any documents responsive to your request”.
The FDA and CDC Lied To All Americans
This response shows the FDA did not follow the SOPP standards set by their institutions, and throughout 2021, the outcomes of individual VAERS reports remained largely hidden from the public. In response, a number of entities subsequently filed successful lawsuits. The documents received showed that for months the FDA and CDC hid or downplayed the data showing unacceptable numbers of serious cardiovascular and neurological damage, miscarriages, and deaths.
Subsequent information obtained by Judicial Watch, America’s First Legal, and the Epoch Times, reveal a tale of incomplete mRNA vaccine testing, cover-ups of adverse “vaccine” events, and the CDC covertly ordering Twitter and other social media, to de-platform any doctor that dared speak out against the increasing poor efficacy and risks of taking a mRNA “vaccine.”
As a clinical researcher myself, it is a priority to maintain the safety and welfare of clinical test subjects and later patients. A discussion between the patient and provider is necessary to explain the possible risks of any proposed procedure and ensure that patients or test volunteers make a truly informed participation decision. Informed consent and constant safety monitoring are paramount.4 Yet this policy disappeared during COVID-19 when the “vaccine” vial leaflets simply stated; “This page is intentionally left blank.” Even worse, the mRNA “vaccinations” soon became unconstitutionally coerced or mandated.
The doctors and personnel who administered the mRNA “vaccines” were never informed of the risks or ingredients in the vials. Three years later, we know that unacceptable DNA contaminants are present, and the mRNA “vaccine” used in the first actual clinical trials was not what was given to the general public.5,6
We all have moments when we will never forget where we were. For me, one defining occasion was the VRBPAC advisory meeting on Oct. 26, 2021, with a recommendation for COVID mRNA “vaccination” for ages 5-11. In disbelief, I heard the chilling words spoken by Eric Rubin: “We are never going to learn about how safe this vaccine is [in children] unless we start giving it.”7
In 2022, an expert meta-analysis of the Pfizer data showed a negative mRNA “vaccine” Benefit-to-Risk-ratio. It is more dangerous to take a mRNA “vaccine” than to be infected with COVID-19 and to be hospitalized.8
Again, our children have been sold-out to Pharma. Not a single individual or parent ever gave true, informed, consent. Yet the mRNA “pseudo-vaccines” are now on the Childhood Immunization List. The “safety” measures proudly exalted to the American people was a lie.
The lies continue to be told to former President Trump and the Biden Administration. Which senior federal health bureaucrats have actively spanned both Presidential Administrations?
The answer is Dr, Anthony Fauci MD and Dr. Janet Woodcock MD.
Which doctors worked actively to ban safe, early drug treatments thus avoiding the need for experimental, dangerous, vaccines?
The answer is Dr, Anthony Fauci MD and Dr. Janet Woodcock MD.
Overwhelming evidence shows no federal or state agency has been watching out for the safety of Americans. WE must now take on that responsibility and there is always a bright light: Countless doctors and nurses, scientists, researchers, laypeople, biostatisticians, and a handful of government officials9,10 have stepped up to fill in the gap of what our government bureaucrats fail to acknowledge.
Researchers are now funding their own studies, doctors are speaking out, countries are starting to ban the use of mRNA-pseudo-vaccinations, non-profits are forming new, incorruptible medical journals, and healthcare professionals are studying therapeutics to heal our legions of vaccine injured.
IT IS UP TO US as physicians and scientists, and we hope that you join in the mission.
Kirstin Cosgrove has been a clinical researcher and project manager for over 20 years, supporting medical freedom, the return of ethical research in the United States, and is currently assisting those who have been injured by vaccines. She is also a guest columnist for Peter Navarro’s Taking Back Trump’s America.
Peter Navarro’s Substack account, including all individual article posts, are temporarily being handled and managed independently of him.
If you want to support Peter in his fight on behalf of our Constitution, unpaid subscribers can convert to paid, and paid subscribers can always try to share his posts with friends.
1. FDA Admits it Has No Records Indicating COVID-19 Vaccine Safety Protocols Were Followed - ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network ( (Accessed January 22, 2024)
3. IR0514-FDA-OBE-VAERS-follow-up-1.pdf (
5. McKernan K, etal., Preprint Sequencing of bivalent Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaccines reveals nanogram to microgram quantities of expression vector dsDNA per dose – ScienceOpen
6. Sheng-Fowler L, et al. Issues associated with residual cell-substrate DNA in viral vaccines - PubMed (
8. Fraiman J, etal.,Vaccine. 2022 Sep 22; Epub 2022 Aug 31.
Great, truthful article. I remember the talking heads on TV saying they would NEVER take the Trump vaccine. Funny but when the election was stolen and Biden entered the White House all the talking heads talked up the vaccine as if the Biden vaccine was different than the one developed under Trump. All of a sudden they were all for it. If while in office DJT had single handedly found a cure for cancer, the Communists, formerly Democrats would have piled on him for contributing to population growth. The answer to why the Bolshevik Bastards hate Trump with a passion: He represents the hated Middle Class. And that is why we love him.
What an absolute $hitshow it was. We were at the mercy of these monsters during a pandemic, trusting ‘the science’! Horrific to think. And look at the devastation, sickness and deaths due to their negligence. They all belong in prison.