Joe Biden’s Role in America’s Forced Illegal Immigrant Child Labor Fiasco
The Latest Taking Back Trump's America Podcast Episode
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Hi. I’m Peter Navarro, and in today’s episode of my Taking Back Trump’s America podcast, I want to focus on what is becoming an epidemic of illegal immigrant children being forced to work in American factories. Here’s the topline bullets of the story:
1. Joe Biden’s reversal of Donald Trump’s secure border policy has catalyzed an epidemic of forced child immigrant labor being used in American factories, punishing these children and costing Americans jobs and higher wages.
2. Biden’s border invasion – and you won’t read this in the corporate media – is hollowing small towns and villages across Latin America as able-bodied workers are leaving their families behind to go to El Norte so this catastrophe affects both sides of the border.
3. Biden’s so-called solution is not to seal up the border again but rather spend your tax dollars trying to fix the problem on our side of the border. And
4. At the root of all of this is a cynical, long term Democrat strategy to stuff the ballot box, particularly in Red States, when these immigrants start to vote.
Now the rest of the story: To set the stage for a discussion of this crisis, I want to take you back to my days in the White House when I was trying to help President Trump and his staffers like Stephen Miller seal off America’s southern border from what was an invasion of illegal immigration, principally from Mexico and the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. During my time in the administration, over 90% of illegal immigration came from just these four countries.
The problem we faced in the White House as we tried to secure our Southern border was a set of legal decisions rendered by liberal judges that forced America’s border patrol agents to release illegals into the interior of America after catching them -- Judge Dolly Gee is the poster girl for this judicial indiscretion.
These decisions also catalyzed and facilitated the use of young children by the drug cartels and illegal immigrant smugglers to assist adults coming over the border and benefiting from the so-called “catch and release” policy. Importantly, note that in many cases, these children were not the accompanied by their actual parents. Rather, they were just being used as pawns in this deadly game played by the smuggling cartels.
By 2019, with the Democrats lagging on building his wall, and liberal judges having him in handcuffs, President Trump was searching for some out-of-the-box thinking that would finally seal the southern border. I remember the day well in the West Wing when White House Legal Counsel Pat Cipollone and I brainstormed on the problem; and what we came up with was an idea of the president himself, using the threat of tariffs under various national security statutes to force Mexico to solve the problem on their side of the border using what is called “safe third nation” agreements.
Under such safe third nation agreements, countries like Mexico hold illegals on their side of the border until any claims for entering the US are processed. Given that such processing takes months if not more than a year, illegals are not only prevented from entering the US at that time. They are discouraged from coming to crash our border at all.
At any rate, given my experience in writing executive orders, particularly in the tariff space, I was very confident that we could make such a credible threat and not be overturned by the courts if we actually had to resort to tariffs. So that’s exactly what the Boss did – threaten tariffs. Of course, the heads of the liberal media – along with some of the Never-Trump wing of Fox News – exploded for 24 hours, calling the idea crazy and illegal. But the Mexican president saw the threat as extremely credible and promptly sent thousands of troops to the border and adopted a safe third nation agreement.
And it gets better: within weeks, President Trump consummated safe third nations agreements with Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador as well. Effectively, our border problem was largely solved with the stroke of four pens catalyzed by the threat of Trump tariffs.
Of course, one of the first acts of Joe Biden upon taking office – yet again stolen elections have catastrophic consequences – was to void the safe third nation agreements. The result has been the worst invasion of illegal immigrants into America in history, with more than 2 million illegals flooding across the border each year.
Regrettably, many of these illegal immigrants are children – the number of unaccompanied minors crossing into Joe Biden’s America last year hit a record 130,000 and that record is likely to be broken again this summer. And Joe Biden’s illegal immigration is not now just coming from Mexico and the Northern Triangle anymore. It’s coming from all around the world funneling through Brazil, up across Latin America, and into places like the Rio Grande Valley of Texas or Imperial Beach in California.
Of course, far too many of these illegal immigrant children are winding up as child labor fodder in American factories – yes, that would be the same factories that have lobbied for decades for open borders and unlimited immigration: companies like General Motors, General Mills, Frito-Lay, Ford, J.Crew, Walmart, Target, Ben & Jerry’s, and even Jeff Bezos’ Whole Foods.
Now here’s what you won’t read about in the New York Times. This border invasion is also having catastrophic consequences across Latin America. According to my own boots on the ground intel, villages and towns across Mexico and the Northern Triangle have become economic wastelands and ghost towns as the most able bodied head to El Norte. Left behind in many cases are young children and the elderly often to fend for themselves.
And guess what, this crisis is all on the hands of Barack Obama who appointed the liberal judges who opened up our borders and Joe Biden who catalyzed the current invasion on our Southern border by reversing Trump policies. And let’s not forget the cynical Democrat strategy of importing illegal aliens, particularly into Red States. The long term strategy is to stuff the ballot box under the assumption that if and when these illegals get voting rights – can you spell “amnesty” – they will vote Democrat.
Predictably, the Biden regime has responded to this crisis not by addressing the root cause – the illegal immigrant invasion itself. But rather by spending more tax dollars on other solutions designed to address liberal angst. Of course, the next shoe to drop will be a liberal clamoring for the aforementioned and massive amnesty programs. Joe: For the sake of the children, close the frigging border now.
And I don’t know about you. But I can’t wait to get Donald Trump back in the White House to implement sensible immigration policies. And that’s it for this edition of my Taking Back Trump’s America podcast. To support this podcast and my brother Mike Lindell, please go to and try out the new mypillow 2.0. Please use promo code Navarro, that’s promo code Navarro and if you buy one my pillow, you get one free. That’s, promo code Navarro.
Obama/Biden bringing destruction, division, racism, suffering, and trauma with every action they take.
Dr Navarro, I have been a subscriber to Dr Malone’s substack from the beginning so when you announced you were going to concentrate here I was immediately on board. I am a geologist with over forty years of experience, but was raised by a business man and a business woman and as a result have been a lifetime individual investor in the Warren Buffett/Benjamin Graham school. I considered the grim science as an undergrad, but rebelled when I had straight As, but got a B because I wasn’t in the business school. Never the less I am looking forward to your Economic in-sites. Enough about one reader, but I thought you might welcome a summary of someone in your audience.