Newsmax Alert: Punks, Traitors, and Trump’s Metaphoric MAGA Kill Shot on DeSanctimonious
Transcript of Peter Navarro's Taking Back Trump's America Podcast
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Hi. I’m Peter Navarro and in this latest episode of my Taking Back Trump’s America podcast, I want to talk a little bit about what it takes for a former member of the Trump White House to land a cushy gig on a TV network like Fox or CBS and talk a lot more about what happened over the weekend at the Trump rally in Waco Texas and why Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has already likely made a fatal strategic error in his quixotic quest for El Presidente.
Okay, for starters, over the last several days, we’ve seen former Trump White House official Mick Mulvaney go on Fox News and bash Donald Trump, and Trump’s former press secretary Kaylee McEneny offer praise and hosannas for the traitorous Mike Pence.
Meanwhile, former National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow continues to drag investors down the road to their financial ruin on FOXBusiness while dissing Trump, former White House Director of Strategic Communications regularly tramples on Trump for CNN, and another former Trump press secretary Stephanie Grisham was last seen blowing up on the Fountain of Wokism otherwise known as The View. Just what is going on here?
It’s pretty damn simple. The corporate media across the ideological spectrum has made it very clear that to punch their ticket and get a lucrative gig, you have to punch Trump in the nose or kick him in the gonads –or in the case of Mulvaney and Farah, do both.
For me, hands down, the worst one of these traitorous pricks – and that term best describes Mulvaney, pardon my French – is none other than the Mick himself. You can read my In Trump Time book for the deep dish version, but in a nutshell, Donald Trump was kind enough to pluck Mulvaney out of congressional obscurity and give this ungrateful airhead not one but three cushy jobs.
As the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, the one and only smart move Mulvaney took was to hire Russ Vought as his second in command. Yes, Russ did all the work yea, while I think Mulvaney probably kicked back on the golf course.
For God knows what reason, the Boss then made Mulvaney Acting Chief of Staff Mick but that lasted only right up until the point of arguably the worst press conference ever held by a Chief of Staff that almost got Donald Trump impeached.
As his final kind gesture on Mick’s way out the White House door, the Boss handed Mulvaney an ambassadorship to Northern Ireland as a face-saving gesture. Yet despite all of this, Mulvaney has consistently trashed Donald Trump on television – and at CBS, he likely makes more Dinero than all the other Trump trash combined save Kudlow.
Let me be clear here: Mick Mulvaney hates Trump and hates MAGA and when I was in the White House I constantly had to fight him over my efforts on behalf of the Boss to strengthen our manufacturing base, both through tariffs and through the two simple rules of the Trump administration, Buy American, Hire American. Mulvaney is an ungrateful punk and anybody who sees him in those fake owl-eye spectacles should also know he is as dumb as he appears to be vindictive.
As for the women traitors – McEneny, Grisham, and Farah -- it just makes me sad to see each of them, who I genuinely liked during my time at the White House, sell their souls to the corporate devil.
I get it. They’ve got ambitions and mouths to feed at home. Yet, the only one worth forgiving is Grisham, who was treated horribly by Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and did not deserve that ill-treatment whatsoever. As for McEneny and Farah, it just boils down to naked ambition at great expense to the greatest president in modern history and to this country.
Finally, there is Larry Kudlow. He spouts his free-market at any cost nonsense, never mind the Chinese cheating, like he’s been doing for the last forty years, and again, Kudlow was one I had to fight every day in the Trump administration just trying to do what the Boss promised to do – crack down on the unfair trade cheaters.
Larry would have none of it, and now he’s making his million-plus bucks a year on Fox consistently misreading the stock market and screwing up investor portfolios not of the big hedge fund managers mind you who know Kudlow is full of it but us little people who try to manage our own retirement savings and have to listen the misleading crap Kudlow pedals.
I’m sure it hurt the Boss deeply when Larry let him down, but for me, it was a paradigm of assumed inevitability. Trump was just Larry’s ticket back from obscurity to TV fortune and fame and now he’s punched it.
Well, there it is. I share this kind of information with you simply because I think it’s critical that we all be astute observers of what the corporate media is trying to feed us. Just be aware that when you see officials who used to serve Donald Trump run him down, know also that they were never loyal to Trump even when they were in the White House. They’re just political climbers out for themselves, never mind the country, never mind MAGA, and never mind you.
Now for the big finish. After a long hiatus, I returned to Newsmax for something that I really enjoy, which is to help cover the Trump rallies. So I did a nice six minute segment that was fairly wide-ranging that I urge you to take a look on Rumble by clicking on this link. In the meantime, the points I covered were this:
In his campaign for president, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has gotten very low marks over the last several weeks for his flip-flop on Ukraine and cheap porn star shot at Donald Trump. But, as I point out on Newsmax, DeSantis’ real problem is that he has virtually no support in MAGA and that is been a self-inflicted wound.
Point 1: Folks in MAGA land have watched with dismay as DeSantis has groveled on both knees for the Democrat hedge fund managers and globalist Political Action Committees like the Club for Growth for their filthy lucre donor money, thereby signaling the sellout of black, brown, and blue-collar Americans and middle-class families who simply want fair trade, secure borders, and an end to endless wars.
Point 2: the current effort of the George Soros-backed district attorney in New York tracks all the way back to efforts that began right after Trump won the 2016 election. From my perspective in the trenches – I was 1 of only 3 senior White House officials who would be with the president all the way from 2016 to the end of his first term – I trace the history of efforts to take out and take down Donald Trump using weaponized agencies of government like the FBI and Department of Justice. It was a disgrace then. It’s a disgrace now.
At any rate, please enjoy the Newsmax clip on rumble, please leave a review of this podcast, and I’ll see you next time. Peter Navarro. Out.
Trump is my President.
I always wonder why he chose many unloyal ppl to join his admn. So many of them have thrown him under the bus....America needs him or we'll be gone forever in the ash heap of history.
How did McEneny backstab Trump?