The Real Inside Story Behind the Donald Trump Indictment
Transcript of Peter's Latest Taking Back Trump's America Podcast
Hi. Peter Navarro here, it’s March 31, 2023, and in this episode of my Taking Back Trump’s America podcast and substack, I am going to play for you the clip I did last night on the Greg Kelly show on Newsmax.
I did this clip just hours after the Democrats weaponization of our injustice system went nuclear, that is, after a George Soros-backed New York radical Democrat masquerading as a district attorney indicted the front runner in the 2024 Republican presidential primary, former President Donald John Trump.
As you will see in this clip, I share a very unique position with Donald Trump vis-à-vis the Democrats use of the legal system to attack MAGA, key Trump advisors such as myself, and Trump himself.
It is a fact that Donald Trump is the first former American president to be indicted – although I hasten to add here that this is a very common occurrence in Third World countries and banana republics, which apparently we have descended into under what passes for leadership in the feckless, and yes dangerous, Biden regime.
At the same time, it is also a fact that I, Peter Navarro, share the president’s uniqueness in this situation in that I am the very first former senior White House advisor in the entire history of our Republic ever to be criminally charged with contempt of Congress. And for simply doing my duty to this country, the Constitution, and my commander-in-chief, Biden and company want to put me in prison for as much as two years – effectively a death sentence at my age.
It is also a fact that Donald Trump and I share the common experience of suffering through an unwarranted assault by the FBI. With Trump, it was on his property at Mar a Lago. With me, it was on my person when a team of five armed FBI agents needlessly took me down at an airport when a simple phone call would’ve sufficed.
Finally, there are only two people on this entire planet who have been both sanctioned by the Chinese Communist Party and are being prosecuted for contempt of the US Congress – Steve Bannon and myself. What is interesting here is that this very same radical Democrat district attorney in New York that is recklessly prosecuting Donald Trump is also trying to put Steve Bannon in prison as well.
I think you get the picture: If you’re a high-ranking official who served Donald Trump – or Donald Trump himself – you have a target on your back simply for serving in a presidential administration that delivered the strongest economy in American history, stood up staunchly to Communist China, and served the black, brown, and blue-collar workers and middle-class families of America rather than the Wall Street hedge funds, Big Pharma, and the long list corporations which every day try to make a buck off your backs.
So please, watch this clip carefully. And after you watch it, please go to my substack at and if you haven’t yet already, please subscribe as a paid subscriber.
Not only will you receive the best short form podcast and substack and politics. By paying for your subscription, you will help me raise money for my legal defense, the cost of which is now exceeded half a million dollars. Now click here for the Greg Kelly clip on Rumble.
Keep standing, Keep speaking, Keep on keeping ONWARD! They've already lost.
Peter, during the 2016 campaign, there was a photo taken of DJT and a man talking after one of the rallies. DJT was on the left and the man was on the right, and there were not a lot of people around them.
If I remember correctly, DJT had reached out and was touching the man's arm and was clearly focused on the man and his message. Later the photographer asked the man what they spoke about.
The man replied, "I asked him to not let us down."
At this time, that photo and the message, if properly distributed, would be a very powerful tool.