What bugs me is how Wall Street freezes up 48 hours before the Holy Grail employment numbers come out and how the headline number is blasted across the newswires without any analysis until much later in the day. The pom poms were out on CNBC immediately after the top line number was released even though the numbers disclosed a sizable bulk was non GDP productive government jobs and a significant amount of leisure & hospitality jobs. What are these? Part time bartenders, servers or hotel housekeeping staff ? Meanwhile high paying manufacturing & tech jobs were stagnant or down. And the delta between the overall expected & topline number of jobs was less than 1,000 per state. All reasons not to get too excited despite what Wall Street, the media lapdogs and the White House try to convince you otherwise.

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Thanks for the analysis. Here in central Wisconsin, I am watching the falling gas prices stall and I believe they are about to rise. I noticed prices for eggs and butter have risen a fair amount, and over New Years snack foods rose. $4.49 for a standard bag of potato chips but the Family size was $4.50 But, I think people around here are spent out. Auto fuel prices would have been higher by now but people are being more efficient in the trips they take, and not running to town because they need one or two things at the grocery. I do not think the RV Dealer near me has sold anything for a long time, but the lot has a bunch of new inventory. (we live in a place with a lot of vacation homes and travel trailer parks, both State Parks and private. Quite a few vacation homes in my loosely defined sub division are travel trailer, mobile homes and even tiny houses.

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Monthly top line numbers from BLM have been consistently revised down. They are over inflating the headline number to provide political cover for the corrupt fake President. Chalk up another institution that you can’t trust any longer.

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