A Biden Fool, Useful Musk Idiot, and Xi’s Propaganda Coup
Peter's Debrief on the Xi-Biden San Francisco Summit
During my four years in the White House, I witnessed President Donald Trump deftly negotiating with the Chinese dictator Xi Jinping on critical issues ranging from unfair trade and Taiwan to the slaughter of Americans by Made in China products and drugs. My key takeaway: Such negotiations only serve Communist Chinese interests because the dictator Xi simply cannot be trusted.
No matter what Xi has promised Joe Biden, Communist China (ChiCom) will continue to ship massive amounts of chemicals used by Mexican cartels not just to manufacture fentanyl. ChiCom factories also provide the poisons needed to produce everything from cocaine and heroin to ecstasy and methamphetamine.
Following this latest summit, Americans will continue to die by the tens of thousands at China’s hand, decimating our youth and sapping our workforce. This is all according to China’s unrestricted warfare plan – and all without Biden pushback.
No matter what Xi has pledged, Communist China will likewise continue to flood U.S. markets with illegally subsidized products. Many will be manufactured with stolen intellectual property.
As the ChiComs continue to break every rule in the WTO book, America’s trade deficit will continue to grow. America consumers will thereby fund the Chinese military while transferring exorbitant sums of American wealth and capital to the Communist mainland.
No matter what assurances Xi has given, his increasingly massive military forces will eventually invade Taiwan. This invasion is inevitable without strong US leadership and a combat ready US military – we have neither under Biden rule.
Left undiscussed at the summit was the repeated ChiCom attacks on Japan, the Philippines, and Vietnam. The territorial waters and air spaces of these important American allies are now regularly invaded by China’s rapidly growing navy and air force – Biden simply doesn’t care.
On the climate change front, Communist China will continue to rapidly swell its carbon footprint through the equally rapid construction of new coal-fired powerplants. Meanwhile, Xi and his advisors will laugh as Biden’s Green New Deal chokes our economy, neutralizes America’s massive advantage in oil production, and once again makes America easy prey for Saudi and OPEC price-gouging.
One alleged “victory” hailed by Biden was a joint pledge to improve military-to-military communications. That will not stop ChiCom subs from stalking American aircraft carriers or ChiCom planes from harassing American aircraft in international air space.
As for Communist China’s well-known human rights abuses against Tibetans, Uyghurs, and Christians, that beat – and all of the beatings – will go on while Biden sees no evil. Support for human rights in Biden’s America stops at the Pacific water’s edge.
As I faced off with Chinese negotiators in Mar-a-Lago, Buenos Aires, Beijing, and Washington as a Trump advisor, this, too, became clear: Communist China’s strategy to conquer America without firing a shot centers on tying us down in endless negotiations.
From Nixon, Carter, and Reagan to the Bushes, Clinton, and Obama, the ChiComs have learned that if they can just keep the White House TALKING, America’s presidents won’t DO anything about China’s horrific abuses.
That’s why Xi Jinping hated Donald Trump. Negotiations never stopped Trump from walking his tough talk; most famously, he did not hesitate to impose stiff tariffs when Xi refused to cease China’s unfair trade practices.
That’s why Xi and his Communist cronies did everything possible to defeat Trump at the polls in 2020. Whether that “everything” included infecting America with a deadly virus remains an open question.
My biggest disappointment serving this country was my failure to gain West Wing support for an executive order that would have gotten to the bottom of Communist China’s role in the pandemic. The order would have determined whether the release of the COVID-19 virus from the Wuhan lab was an accident or possibly intentional. That executive order would also have held Communist China financially accountable for the trillions of dollars in damages that the virus did to the United States economy and our people.
Predictably, the Wuhan bioweapons lab virus never came up at the Xi-Biden summit. This lacuna brings to mind the last words in my 2011 Death By China film uttered by former Congressman Dana Rohrabacher: “China has been treating us like fools. And that’s because we have been fools.”
Biden has indeed been Xi Jinping’s fool since his days as Vice President. Meanwhile, Xi has flown home with a massive propaganda victory at a time when he is struggling with a sagging economy and an increasingly restive population.
Finally, were you as disgusted as I by the standing ovation given to Xi Jinping by America’s corporate elites? Fanboys included Elon Musk, with his massive Tesla sweat shop in Shanghai, and Apple’s Tim Cook -- 95% of all AirPods, iPads, iPhones, and Macs are Made in Communist China.
Also in kowtowing attendance were Nike’s Executive Chairman and the top dogs at Pfizer, Qualcomm, and Mastercard. Meanwhile, two of the most treacherous unregistered China lobbyists during my Trump years, Black Rock’s Larry Fink and Blackstone’s Steve Schwarzman, broke bread at the head table.
We’ll see if these useful idiots of the Chinese Communist Party wildly applaud after Communist China invades Taiwan and Xi confiscates all their factories and investment capital.
One of the reasons the U.S. powers that be don't want to investigate the China COVID connection is that the U.S. deep state is deeply complicit in the development of the biological and psychological weapons deployed during COVID.
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