Thanks Peter. It’s always a pleasure to hear the truth without all the hair on fire pontificating. We all have reason to be very concerned but listen to sound advice and keep your powder dry- ie- I believe cash is king.

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Once Trump becomes the nominee and we near the 2024 election consumers will begin to trust the market again. Call me irrationally exuberant but I still believe in this nation despite all the current turmoil here and abroad. Short term bearish but the poll stated 6 months out so I will be bullish.

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I’ve read several articles warning that Ozembic has side effects of, If I remember correctly, pancreatic cancer, kidney damage, and possibly others. So I wouldn’t short the junk food stocks just yet. I suspect a whole slew of people who thought they’d found the easy route to slenderness are going to find their health completely trashed instead. Big Pharma does it again!

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Amazing stuff thank you. So much of what you say seems to be echoed in my options classes of Mike Coval. Looking forward to your next post.

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I believe the rise in the market is probably for psychological irrational exuberance (a nod to Greenspan) rather than any fundamental reason.

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MAGA Mike is righting the ship

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We are still in an overall uptrend for the year

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i don't think the market will improve and continue until Trump wins the election. That will be

the signal that will instill confidence that our economy will grow and flourish again. Just my

thoughts, but I greatly enjoy reading your great breaths of sanity and common sense every week. You are a base of sanity in these crazy times and I thank you so much for that!

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This is GOLD, Jerry! Gold!

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I don't see any sane reason to be positive on the overall stock market for the next six months. I see a typical end-of-year rally that may stretch through January, then bombs away. But on the other hand(I'm starting to sound like either a blind economist or Paul Krugman), there is so much negative sentiment around that we may see a major uptick first (S&P near 5000) before we see any pullback.

Whatever...when the Fed starts to lower interest rates, I'm all in on gold, silver, and 30-year Treasuries.

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