Any law that violates the Constitution is null and void, no matter who makes it, and an unconstitutional law “imposes no duties, confers no right, creates no office, bestows no power or authority on anyone, affords no protection, and justifies no acts performed under it” No matter how dire the emergency, the Constitution may not be suspended or violated No government agent or agency has the authority to overrule the local sheriff’s decisions. The sheriff is the ultimate authority and law enforcement power in his or her jurisdiction. FEAR = FORGET EVERYTHING AND RUN -- OR MY CHOICE = FACE EVERYTHING AND RISE --- UNITE --- FAITH = FOR ALL I TRUST HIM --- IN GOD WE TRUST ONE NATION UNDER GOD - WE THE PEOPLE MADE THE GOVERNMENT... WE OWN THE GOVT....., THEY DO NOT OWN US....,. THE GOVT., GOT TOO BIG FOR ITS BRITCHES BY TAKING BRIBES, BLOOD MONEY AGAINST US AND USING OUR TAX DOLLARS AGAINST US. TREASON THUS USURPERS ILLEGALS FOR VOTES BECAUSE WE THE MAKERS OF OUR GOD BLESSED AMERICA KNOW THE TRUTH THEREFORE WE MUST UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED SOLDIERS OF CHRIST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS TO PREVAIL IN GOD WE TRUST 🙏🇺🇸💪

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no one's calling it a "bumpy landing"... "one lump or two"

Trump's tax cuts are still keeping employment high.

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17 years ago I started day trading and did it for a couple of years. Net - didn't lose but didn't make any real money. The market is for the big boys with their computers. A couple guys I knew played GE everyday, trading in and out for penny's. They made big, big bucks. Takes a real knack and strong nerves to play the market.

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Insider info doesn't hurt either.

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When talking heads say what moved the market without any real way to validate their claims is worthless.

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