Mr. Navarro (Peter seems too informal, since we never met, but that is how I think of you), I cannot thank you enough for being the relentless warrior that you are! You are one of the few people I subscribe to, and read your writings and I respect what you have done and are doing more than I can express. I think there are many of us who are beyond appalled and outraged at what we see happening, and some of us who are doing our best in our corners of the US to combat as many of the wrongs being done as we can. You are a blessing to me, as I can understand your plain-language explanations of what is happening with the economy. I bought one of your books, and I quote you and recommend you as an expert. I know you will never give up, and I hope it is some small comfort to you that you DO make a real difference. Wishing you a Merry Christmas (or at least a peaceful and reasonable one if that is all that is possible) and safe, healthy, and successful New Year! All the best to you!

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This poor leadership HAS to be on purpose.... but why? that is the question that I ask of thee

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Destroy America, subjugate and control the world is the goal. The only two things to be gained by their well planned atrocities, that I can see, are more power and more money. They are under the illusion that they are gods. How much is enough???????

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No. They are just incompetent and corrupt. With emphasis on corrupt.

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Merry Christmas Peter! Stay strong! All the best in the coming year.

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Merry Christmas Mr. Navarro. Enjoy this holiday break, because I think we are going on a hell of a ride through '24. I am afraid hard times is the only way the people will be able to come to their senses. Still, a large percentage never will.

I always enjoy your appearances on Warroom and pay particular attention to your economic analysis these days. Thanks.

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Great article and I feel is only scratching the surface of the sociological changes we will see as result of the decay of these large American cities. Most of these cities will be in debt crisises sooner than later. My wife and I moved from Chicago in 2022 and have not looked back. We simply did not feel safe walking around and living downtown and that is a stress that I can’t properly describe to always have to look over your shoulder.

My friends who stilll live in Chicago tell me about these pop up refugee shelters all over town housing illegals. There are close to 20,000 illegals in Chicagos . They are all working age and with nothing to do. Peter, honest question what do you do with these illegal immigrants in cities like Chicago and NYC? They can’t work, don’t pay taxes, can’t speak English. I mean truly what is to happen with these folks? They can’t assimilate properly since they are illegal.

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And do not forget that most of them totally uneducated with some speaking dialect instead of a known common language.

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Merry Christmas Peter, I read your book “ journal” in Trump time outstanding eye opener of 4 yers in, thank you, Peter

I now well understand Pres. Trump frequent call for “loyalty”, I also appreciate President Trump saying that he knows now the good the bad and the ugly He really have had many bad ones. It is amazing that he still was able to accomplish so much on top of 4 years Russia collusion political coup d’état. The next one has to be perfect!!!. Americas survival depend on this.

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If cities and towns refused to give food and lodging to illegal immigrants, maybe they would stop invading. Also, they should refuse to allow alien kids in schools and refuse health care to them unless they pay for it.

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It looks like the plan is to do the exact opposite.

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Welcome to the sunshine 🌞 state. I am so very thankful to and for all those holding truth. May Truth and compassion rule and reign Supreme soon in our days. And may evil fall so a new glorious day will dawn. Keep the faith. Stay true to yourself.

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Praying for you, Peter! Hopefully you will not spend anytime in their infested gulags! This madness has got to stop. Thank you for serving your country only to be hassled.

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It’s hard for me even to hear about San Francisco these days. I grew up there and attended USF, all the while walking down to work at my parent’s business. Years would go by and after continuing the business and still loving my city, I saw the slow decline becoming immenent. Needless to say, I never imagined in my conspiracy like brain that it would go beyond my expectations of demise. I sold my businesses and left the state. It hurts to even see the news of how this once incredible and diverse city has hit skid row literally. Obviously, if it ever turns around it will not be in my lifetime. Woke policies, only promote one agenda: chaos and ultimate government control.

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Merry Christmas Dr Navarro. God bless you. We are behind you through this next stage of the great awakening.

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We went to DC about 15 years ago and had a wonderful time. I won’t go back anymore. Sad.

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In the 70’s Washington was not a safe area. Then comes good leadership and the Regan era.. Washington cleaned up... now 30 years later it is worst. Excellent accurate summary Mr. N.

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I live in MD, a Chicago transplant, and I concur. DC and Chicago have fallen from grace due to woke leadership choices which place policies over people. I pray for you Mr. Navarro, you deserve better.

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Well, I live in Chicago now and we're glad you've left. Too bad you didn't take all your friends with you.

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I assume you are going to appeal whatever judgement comes this month.

I’m sorry to say I couldn’t send to your go fund me acct this month but will resume in Mid January. Keep fighting the good fight, you have a strong following. We’re with you!

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Dear Dr. Navarro, take heart. We do not know when this tyranny will end, but I have a feeling that it will end in the near future -- not years. I lived over the other line in McLean, VA for a few years decades ago and had two 2nd half uncles from Springfield and Fredericksburg — many cousins. Even > 50 years ago Virginians knew better than to go to DC except for rare events held during the day. Georgetown was an exception back then, but that has probably changed. Alexandria seems like a good choice for Leonsis and company as VA typically does not put up with riff and raff. They hold the line at the Potomac. Both VA & MA have high illegal alien populations, but my home state MA is a complete basket case.

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