Dr. Hatfill, thank you for the article and for remembering Peter Navarro. Too many people are silent. Peter's imprisonment is unjustified.

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The Supreme Court overturned J6. Navarro and Bannon should immediately be released. Along with the J6ers. Everyone on that J6 committee need to be imprisoned. Especially,

Liz Cheney, daughter of Uncle Fester.

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We have not forgotten Peter Navarro. He iss in our prayers for GOD to watch over him and keep him safe until the Election allows action on his behalf to commence. He must remain strong and calm and hopefully willl not think for one moment he has been forgotten. He is a brave and very courageous soldier in a War that has been brought against innocent citizens. He is our American Hero; we HONOR him.

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The party who claims to want to save Democracy is the one who is jailing political dissidents. Navarro will go down in history as a martyr and a patriot.

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Along with Bannon...

How the J6ers are being treated is a stark warning to all of us.

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Absolutely Correct. The warning is understood..

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Maybe it has set the precedent that we can use after January 2025.

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Absolutely. What goes around, Comes Around. We have been very generous with the "Patience and Goodwill toward Evil" effort.

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No, they keep saying they want to save OUR democracy, meaning them the democrat party, the party that has successfully cheated many elections, maybe going back to Woodrow Wilson (the guy who campaigned on keeping us out of WWI). They try to call themselves the democratic party and want everyone to use that term indicating they are democratic, but nothing about how they run their own party is done democratically = Lock step voting on issues in the house and senate, Super delegates in their conventions, refusal to acknowledge legacy democrat RFK Jr. to run as a democrat. (If they had they might have had a viable replacement for ByeDone. Now they have to live with the problem they created for themselves.) Just deserts are rarely sweet!

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This involves Republicans too

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The Uniparty.

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Thank you for doing this. It needs to be said.

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Fauci has been a murdering psycho for 40 years.

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"In reality, Dr. Fauci did not have a clue how to manage a pandemic. ... His incompetent actions with HCQ paved the way for ... forced mass-vaccination campaign using experimental mRNA “pseudo-vaccines”

Incompetence? More like "Liars, Cheats, and Crooks"


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Fauci did not treat one covid positive patient in a hospital setting.

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That music video is GREAT!

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Don't get mad. Get even.

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Thank you for this great article!

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When Fauci flipped to saying paper masks worked, I knew he was lying. Only a hazmat air supply suit would give full protection. N95 is better, but not perfect. And the distancing! Airborne viruses can travel at least a hundred feet, per one study. This HCQ thing makes my blood boil. 😡😡😡

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It's his election fraud evidence that pissed the demoncraps off. God bless and hang on Peter.

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I feel your anger in this piece which I thank you for writing. The piece is evidence, not just hearsay, because you were in the room. Fauci is trying to cover-up and make himself look like a hero. Hopefully he can somehow be prosecuted for his misrepresentation of medical facts which aided in the deaths of the people. At the very least he should be stripped of his unjustified government pension and income from any patents he benefits from from the backs of other scientists.

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There once was an America where a hero such as Pete Navarro who is unlawfully imprisoned would be freed from his imprisonment by patriotic citizens and the judge or judges who sent him there would run for their lives, lest they wear a coat of hot tar and chicken feathers. That was an America that desperately needs to return to vanquish the Marxist freaks who afflict us.

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Really Terrible, sometimes worked, sometimes did not. Not in keeping with Christian morals. We need BETTER government officials who use their power instead of running awaay from it. PATRIOTS! please apply for government position if you are a tur PATRIOT and have the qualifications to do the work involved.

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Thank you. Now, how do we get him out of there?

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Dr. H,

Thank you for your stellar article of truth exposing the lies and propagandized information that continue to swirl around the World News networks. Dr. Peter Navarro is a National Hero and genuine patriot and so are you for sharing the truth about this horrendous national crisis that still deceives and damages people throughout the world.

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There was also the 2005(?) NIH study (I believe Fauci was listed as an author) that show HCQ efficacy again SARS virus…

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Thank you for writing the truth. A rare occurrence in these days that are filled with outrageous gaslighting and lies. Dr. Navarro should not spend another minute in prison and the dirtbags that sent him there deserve their day of reckoning.

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Please share with me how our election process has changed since 2020? Nothing has changed. Remember the “Red Wave of 2022?” Didn’t happen. Please open your eyes to the fact that Trump isn’t a savior and he very well will have the election stolen again.

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We are all Very Tired Citizens. The process has not changed. The Citizens have changed. They are wide awake, and can clearly see that WE must do something to make this Election TOO BIG TO RIG or FAIL. Attitudes have changed. The fear level has risen. WE need and want CHANAES to be made. President Trump is not Our Saviour, he is our Greatest Leader today, and has shown the courage and intelligence to Right Many Wrongs and to get us on a better path to success. He has done more for us than all DEMOCRATS CRAMMED TOGETHER have done over a century, and is willing to do it all again. I continue to pray for his success as it will mean Tthat all of us Tired Citizens can get back to living our excellent lives in OUR COUNTRY, WITH ALL OF OUR CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS IN A PLACE OF RESPECT AND OBEYANCE. WE will not cower to or cater to foreign or American traitors who wish to harm us and remove our Rights and our Enjoyment of living in a FREE NATION. The Rallys have shown that Americans have Faith in President Trump's ability to lead us through this Political and Spiritual War. We Trust in God's Promised Blessing of Help, and We Trust President Trump to do the work he is able, and loves to do. I hope you will be strong in Faith that Our Great Nation is worth fighting for, as long as it takes. I wish you a very happy and positive day ahead!

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So what if people have changed. You are still going to use the SAME systems to vote as you did in 2020. If the “citizens” had any influence, Biden wouldn’t be President. Stop worshipping Trump like a god. No different than those who worship at the altar of Obama or Hillary Clinton.

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