After graduating (high school), I have always been deeply into World Affairs, Geography, History, Cultures, Populations and basic economics. Thank you Peter for taking us deeper into understanding how political economics really matter in the world and to the world. You are great American and an asset to America. While President Trump was in office, I found out about you and now have learned much regarding political economical relevance. Always look forward to learning from you.
Omg. People need to stop bashing Trump and the vax! You all have Trump confused with Biden!!!
People were crying for a vax and Trump helped coax getting a Delta vax going for the elderly/vulnerable only!!! Trump said the vax has pros and cons and is not for the young in Newsweek! And it’s a choice!!
Other countries switched to only giving it to seniors which was its main intention to begin with.
Blue states were playing games with data so Governor shutdowns were a good idea in the beginning. Even RFK Jr tweeted support for lockdowns.
Biden abused a Delta vax for Omicron!! He opened it up for all ages and mandated it!! He’s the real criminal with Fauci.
Trump did nothing wrong under the circumstances. The data still supports vaxes for seniors and that’s why it’s still given.
Peter about this kid Cortes, I looked at his furniture 🪑 on Steve show and I knew he was always talking about saving others. I don’t like talking about anyone, it’s not nice but some time call it out.
Peter Steve one chance to keep our country together because if people don’t take this chance we may lose it for every. I would never think our great country would be in this shape sad. So let’s stay on top of it everyday.
My problem with Kennedy is that he is pro abortion, pro same sex marriage and believes in the climate change scam. The rest sounds good. If I was American these would be vote changers for me. I agree though that the belief in the covid vaccines is Trump’s Achilles heel.
Kennedy is sincere and he’s been brave about exposing the vaccine problems and promoting freedom of speech, the latter out of necessity. It’s amazing how treating somebody like they treat you opens their eyes. This works on bullies and Democrats, but I’m being redundant. That’s where the good news ends. Other than that, he’s a garden variety Leftie.
Keep doing what you do, Peter. You’re a good man in a country with a a bad government.
After graduating (high school), I have always been deeply into World Affairs, Geography, History, Cultures, Populations and basic economics. Thank you Peter for taking us deeper into understanding how political economics really matter in the world and to the world. You are great American and an asset to America. While President Trump was in office, I found out about you and now have learned much regarding political economical relevance. Always look forward to learning from you.
Omg. People need to stop bashing Trump and the vax! You all have Trump confused with Biden!!!
People were crying for a vax and Trump helped coax getting a Delta vax going for the elderly/vulnerable only!!! Trump said the vax has pros and cons and is not for the young in Newsweek! And it’s a choice!!
Other countries switched to only giving it to seniors which was its main intention to begin with.
Blue states were playing games with data so Governor shutdowns were a good idea in the beginning. Even RFK Jr tweeted support for lockdowns.
Biden abused a Delta vax for Omicron!! He opened it up for all ages and mandated it!! He’s the real criminal with Fauci.
Trump did nothing wrong under the circumstances. The data still supports vaxes for seniors and that’s why it’s still given.
You think that the Democrat base will care about what happened in reality 🤔
Reality to Democrats is like garlic to vampires. They stay away at all costs.
Did Biden go on tour with Boomer Bill??
the governmentally ill murderous pedocrat demonicrats live in evil corrupttranz bizzaro world
Peter about this kid Cortes, I looked at his furniture 🪑 on Steve show and I knew he was always talking about saving others. I don’t like talking about anyone, it’s not nice but some time call it out.
Peter Steve one chance to keep our country together because if people don’t take this chance we may lose it for every. I would never think our great country would be in this shape sad. So let’s stay on top of it everyday.
Trump is going to have a Bobby Kennedy antivaxx problem soon. I've warned you that he's fractured his base.
My problem with Kennedy is that he is pro abortion, pro same sex marriage and believes in the climate change scam. The rest sounds good. If I was American these would be vote changers for me. I agree though that the belief in the covid vaccines is Trump’s Achilles heel.
RFK jr is a climate hoax lunatic.
We all cannot have another 4 years of democrats anti oil policies!!!
China is already making power moves against the petro dollar. Green policies only benefits China and its suicide to continue this way.
RFK jr liked the lockdowns and it sounds like he is the type to fall for WEF climate shutdowns!!! Read his tweet.
Kennedy is sincere and he’s been brave about exposing the vaccine problems and promoting freedom of speech, the latter out of necessity. It’s amazing how treating somebody like they treat you opens their eyes. This works on bullies and Democrats, but I’m being redundant. That’s where the good news ends. Other than that, he’s a garden variety Leftie.
You gave him an exit ramp in Nov 2021 with your book but instead of taking it, he went on vaxx tour with Bill O'Reilly (moron).
Who the hell is advising him?!?!