The Big Fat Question: will there be clean elections in 2024?

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Dominion over US

You can’t make this stuff up. Do they laugh in our faces? Was the name Dominion chosen to prove their dominion?


A Republic or a Democracy? Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


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WE NEED TRUMP TO FINISH WHAT HE STARTED,,,,,,Joe Hoft: These Steps Must Be Taken to Ensure Trump is Elected Fairly in 2024 -- https://banned.video/watch?id=64a5f5ab2cd4064e070670dd --- UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED BROTHERS AND SISTERS TO DEFEAT THES EVILS DESTROYING OUR AMERICA

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We just need to give Ole Joe another 4 years, I'm sure he will be able to fix the mess Trump left him.

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This is all designed to create a total financial collapse and then societal chaos. With this chaos the Masters will suspend the US Constitution to maintain 'safety' and they'll try to never look backwards to the way it use to be. Enslavement awaits or will the Patriots stand up.

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1. Election tampering is still out of control and frankly, as long as that is true, nothing else matters.

2. This latest "no limit" debt ceiling will postpone the pain. And low information voters need pain to vote for change.

3. Trump policies would help but see 1. He has to be the nominee and then win. Vipers all around.

Honestly, the odds are not looking too good. Despite the polls. Too many other evil forces in play.

But fight on, we must.

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There is a way out of this, Peter Navarro, and the American People will rally around it, but you need to please make this part of the Trump Campaign 2024 and go public with it as soon as possible. There is no downside to this. Our Action Radio Citizen Legislature a year ago wrote a Constitutional Amendment to take away the power of Congress to borrow money. Here is the bill again:


I'm trying to connect our show with the Trump Campaign so we can directly supply you with our best legislation. This is one of many bills as you know. Thank you! Please take this to President Trump.

Greg Penglis

Creator, Host and CEO,

Action Radio Citizen Legislature



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If the American electorate cannot see clearly how awful this disastrous Administration has been on the economic front, the America most of us grew up in will become a fairy tale history told to disbelieving children who get to eat meat once a year on very special occasions.

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The Democrat Party has, at least since I've been aware of politics, identified itself with the working class or the "common man". The Marxist influence introduced or accelerated in the 60's caused a negative shift in the dynamics of the once patriotic and populist Party. There is more anger and indignance directed at wrongs, serious as they are, than there is the will to correct them. Forgotten is the wisdom of the sayings " There but for the grace of God go I " and " Judge not lest you be judged". The result has been that they have fallen into all the errors that they abhor. "With malice towards none" and " bind up the nation's wounds", the words of Lincoln, prompted by the appalling reality the Civil War hit the nation with, have not been fostered forward. If balance is to be restored, it must be done with ONLY the interest of the Nation at heart, going back to founding principles such as justice and fairness(proper interpretation of the Law and Election Integrity). This will be a big task for the Republican Party, struggling as it is with all its own internal battles and faults, but if it is to be the keeper of the Republic, and draw others to a proper vision, it must measure up. The Republican Party is not deserving of this designation, it was chosen. That is why it will have to go through its own "baptism of fire" if it is to succeed.

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With latest employment situation summary Dementia Joe took credit for having created some 13 million jobs during his time in office. What he doesn't say is that 2.3 million of those jobs were created by spreading the same number of man-hours per week among more people.

It's impossible for people to earn more by working less.


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Bidenomics but one half of the problem. Equally at issue is the Fed's economically illiterate attempt to corral the inflation Bidenomics helped create.


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Trump was elected in 2020 and probably will be elected in 2024, but somehow the Dems aren’t very worried because they have a plan to cheat again! If there is not a machine like the Dems have for the GOP, Trump will lose again. They will use the same playbook and it doesn’t seem like Trump has the groundwork to change it. Then it will be final chance to change our elections and Dems will rule indefinitely!

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Seven or so years ago, around the time of the descending on the escalator by Trump, I saw the beginnings of how civil wars start. When mentioning it people thought I was a little off base. They don’t anymore...

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If we fail to secure an honest election our young will never live the lives that we enjoyed. They will never achieve the successes that we had. They will pay for these policies. Not fair

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BIDEN = Biggest Idiot Democrats Ever Nominated.

That guy is consumed with rage against those who disagree with him. In fact, he can't distinguish a simple policy disagreement from hateful rage against him. But I'm not even sure he's in charge of his party of Jacobins.

On a side note: It may be late in the game, but I think a report about the pitfalls of a central bank digital currency should be exposed to your readership.

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Where's heck-whizzle to the no-izzle!?

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