Ev’s are unsustainable. Sales slowing way dow in Europe. Who wants an electric car? No one. They are dirty to produce and dirty to dispose of when the time comes.

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I think what has happened with the UAW strike is that this is EXACTLY what "Joe Biden" wanted to happen.

Biden (incorrectly) believes that the only types of jobs possible in automobile factories are union jobs. And just like everything that battered, brain-dead Bolshevik believes, he is wrong in every possible way.

One of the things President Trump showed everyone was that wages can rise faster than any inflation rate without union interference. But there is one negative economic effect that a union like the UAW imposes upon markets is a toll, in the form of union dues, that is assessed against the employee and paid for by the employer. This is a unit of friction that the employer has to overcome before he sees a profit, and it is an incentive for businesses to locate in non-union jurisdictions. It also makes the acquisition costs to the ultimate buyer higher than if the friction didn't exist. Which is part of the reason that Biden only talks about union jobs. The unspoken part of why is because of the graft that they enforce to the benefit of the Democrat Party.

When things are good, unions are unneeded friction in the job market. When things are rotten, they become the only way for some to survive, at the expense of the general public.

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Great synopsis of the problems facing US auto makers and workers.

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For some time unions operate similar to lame stream STATE news media. Useful tools for evil crooks.

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Elon infuriated Taiwan with his comparisons to Hawaii. It’s clear Elon, as outspoken as he is on all topics, never criticizes the CCP.

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And Steve Bannon, who I have a hard time taking, was right on. It’s obvious Musk is with the CCP and is todays Robber Baron. He is a bad dude. Why do we seem to admire and accept him?

I better get a good ole gas car now & a stockpile of gasoline if we will be like Cuba. Is it moral to drive an electric car made by slaves? if reparations are required for 150 year old slavery here, Imagine the future reparations? I guess my China slave labor sneakers have to go too. Well, in my smart city or re Ed camp, I guess I won’t need a car or have any shoes. It is a Nightmare!

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The only EV winner, in the long run, is the CCP.

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Elon is a profits-driven billionaire and I don’t think he’ll ever be convinced to manufacture in the US when he has China kissing his arse, at least for now. Things could change, but for now, I still want my gas driven car. My hubby owns a Tesla and I rue the day he bought it.

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I understand the mess, but would it not be interesting for the American car ppl to make SMALL less expensive cars that ppl can buy?

Similar to what they did in the 1970’s? Today’s cars are loaded with very nice options - but many ppl just need simple transportation.

I am old enough to remember the small but efficient Hondas and Toyotas that were made and sold quickly in the 70’s bc of Carter’s dumb gas policy. Those cars were NOT GAS GUZZLERS AND DIDN’T HAVE A BUNCH OF LUX ITEMS. THEY WERE JUST SIMPME TRANSPORTATION that a person could afford

Even Hilter was smart enough to create the VW - specifically for the average person in Germany after the war.

Come on guys, take a step back into your history to solve a problem - it won’t be forever. Be brave and more creative GM, Ford, etc!!!!

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Yes, that would make perfect sense, but that only works in a true free market. Unfortunately, we no longer have a free market based on supply and demand. Our government has put their thumb on the scale and they’re telling us which goods and services are best for us.

Elections have consequences, stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.

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Catalytic perch. 👏🏻. 😅

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So sorry you are not still making deals for American workers

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Obama saved the auto industry, maybe he can sell GM to the Chinese.

Fiat still laughing at us.

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I can’t help but think we are going to resemble Cuba. As the auto industry is driven nearly to extinction, used cars will be in high demand, and

Talented mechanics. Cash for clunkers anyone...”Come on man.”

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Sure Joe Biden is helping to create jobs, but when it comes to him claiming that he's putting people back to work, he's just lying through his teeth. It's the very reason why he's now paying the price with this impeachment.

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Again, you hit the nail on the head. And you are right, we may seeing the last years of the U.S. auto industry. Musk is so far ahead of them they ca not catch up. Their engineering is still oil driven and most of their engineers can't mentally switch to EV mode. Think it's the same with the European companies.

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Well stated. Under Biden, nothing will be accomplished to the good of anyone nor the industry.

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