Just became a paid subscriber, although I've already bought your book Taking Back Trump's America and followed you for years. Thank you for all your hard work, wise assessments and great recommendations. I recommend folks follow you and listen to what you have to say every chance I get. Thank you again!
Dr. Navarro, I came across an article by Laura Loomer on her substack: EXCLUSIVE: Kevin McCarthy Gives His Top California GOP Donors Green Light To Host Fundraisers for Candidates Challenging Donald Trump For 2024 Nomination. Thought you might like to pass this along to the appropriate folks if you did not about it already. I’ll never understand why President Trump endorsed McCarthy! As always, I appreciate what you do for this country.
That idiot GWB inspired me to register as a DEM. I will never forgive him. There is much I like about Trump. But there is a problem that MUST be corrected, as explained below. This is a comment I posted with Bonnie Ann Cox, pasted here.
Thanks Bobbie Anne. I am a NJ resident, still a registered Dem. I’ve had the change of party affiliation form on top of my printer for two years. I almost it filled it out. Then came April 2023.
There are a lot of things Trump says that I like. For example: I read the two volume work by Matthew Ehret. It took a Canadian to get me caught up on American history. In some of his speeches Trump ran down the list of initiatives that capture “The American Sytstem” dating back to Alexander Hamilton. I don’t know if Trump knew that’s what he was doing. But it is important in the extreme. I was much impressed. 150 years ago governments around the world including the most authoritarian leaders were wholly enamored with the American System. There was a spirit of upward mobility for whole societies in the works pushing progressive changes. Not long ago I finally read Dostoevsky’s “The Brothers Karamazov” not knowing what I would find there. One of the themes was Russia’s societal adjustments to liberation of the serfs in 1861 by Alexander ll. Former serfs on the jury nailed poor Mitya. The whole investigation and trial seemed to me like a Perry Mason episode … way more modern than I expected.
Lincoln and Alexander ll were corresponding on US-Russia cooperation. The US transcontinental RR was in progress during the Civil War. British Columbia applied for annexation to the US. The trans-Siberian RR was built with PA steel. Who knew this while watching the film “Dr. Zhivago?”
Then Lincoln was assassinated by a trainee of British Intelligence operating out of Montreal. Alexander was assassinated. Then McKinley...a Civil War hero and advocate of international cooperation. The Brits would not have it. The City of London did not like competition to their lock on trade through ocean going ships. Then came WWl. WWll. Korea. Viet Nam. Kennedy. Kennedy. MLK...etc. it’s all on the same track. It’s possible the whole fake pandemic and the tyranny that has captured the not-so-former British Empire, the UK included, can be traced right back to today’s City of London.
There is one reason Trump does not deserve a second term: he has not repudiated the COVID shots. There is a cascade of critical conceptual and policy initiatives that are gutted by failing to do so because there is a thread of denial and ignorance that will ruin everything else.
Kennedy is the only candidate who understands the integrated nature of reform in health care, agriculture national defense, law enforcement and energy. Our survival depends on it. It all rests on restoration of Constitutional Governance so brazenly sapped, especially since the 2020 election
You articulated beautifully the catch-me-if-you can tactic by Dems, both State and Federal. They use the formidable legal hurdle to do whatever they want. I call it “whatcha-gonna-do-about-it.”
What troubles me is that the policies are beyond idiotic. They are depraved. A super majority might give themselves outlandish pay raises, but promoting mutilation of children and a free ride for felons? And suspension of due process when there was, in fact, no public emergency in the first place, the propaganda that inspired this power grab? Hochul is either certifiably insane or a CIA asset. Or both.
It is important for attorneys to recognize this fact. There was no public emergency. The mass casualties in our hospitals were NOT the virus. They were the consequence of unethical protocols. And the DOJ, Biden, Fauci, HHS … sat back and watched out of their presumption of invulnerability.
Attorneys need not … must not … begin every proceeding with an apology for the terrible pandemic. There was no pandemic.
Just became a paid subscriber, although I've already bought your book Taking Back Trump's America and followed you for years. Thank you for all your hard work, wise assessments and great recommendations. I recommend folks follow you and listen to what you have to say every chance I get. Thank you again!
Peter, please read "Prospective, Values and the COVIDcrisis" by RWMaloneMD@substack.com on July 8. There aren't many I can trust with this.
Dr. Navarro, I came across an article by Laura Loomer on her substack: EXCLUSIVE: Kevin McCarthy Gives His Top California GOP Donors Green Light To Host Fundraisers for Candidates Challenging Donald Trump For 2024 Nomination. Thought you might like to pass this along to the appropriate folks if you did not about it already. I’ll never understand why President Trump endorsed McCarthy! As always, I appreciate what you do for this country.
Great interview!
That idiot GWB inspired me to register as a DEM. I will never forgive him. There is much I like about Trump. But there is a problem that MUST be corrected, as explained below. This is a comment I posted with Bonnie Ann Cox, pasted here.
Thanks Bobbie Anne. I am a NJ resident, still a registered Dem. I’ve had the change of party affiliation form on top of my printer for two years. I almost it filled it out. Then came April 2023.
There are a lot of things Trump says that I like. For example: I read the two volume work by Matthew Ehret. It took a Canadian to get me caught up on American history. In some of his speeches Trump ran down the list of initiatives that capture “The American Sytstem” dating back to Alexander Hamilton. I don’t know if Trump knew that’s what he was doing. But it is important in the extreme. I was much impressed. 150 years ago governments around the world including the most authoritarian leaders were wholly enamored with the American System. There was a spirit of upward mobility for whole societies in the works pushing progressive changes. Not long ago I finally read Dostoevsky’s “The Brothers Karamazov” not knowing what I would find there. One of the themes was Russia’s societal adjustments to liberation of the serfs in 1861 by Alexander ll. Former serfs on the jury nailed poor Mitya. The whole investigation and trial seemed to me like a Perry Mason episode … way more modern than I expected.
Lincoln and Alexander ll were corresponding on US-Russia cooperation. The US transcontinental RR was in progress during the Civil War. British Columbia applied for annexation to the US. The trans-Siberian RR was built with PA steel. Who knew this while watching the film “Dr. Zhivago?”
Then Lincoln was assassinated by a trainee of British Intelligence operating out of Montreal. Alexander was assassinated. Then McKinley...a Civil War hero and advocate of international cooperation. The Brits would not have it. The City of London did not like competition to their lock on trade through ocean going ships. Then came WWl. WWll. Korea. Viet Nam. Kennedy. Kennedy. MLK...etc. it’s all on the same track. It’s possible the whole fake pandemic and the tyranny that has captured the not-so-former British Empire, the UK included, can be traced right back to today’s City of London.
There is one reason Trump does not deserve a second term: he has not repudiated the COVID shots. There is a cascade of critical conceptual and policy initiatives that are gutted by failing to do so because there is a thread of denial and ignorance that will ruin everything else.
Kennedy is the only candidate who understands the integrated nature of reform in health care, agriculture national defense, law enforcement and energy. Our survival depends on it. It all rests on restoration of Constitutional Governance so brazenly sapped, especially since the 2020 election
You articulated beautifully the catch-me-if-you can tactic by Dems, both State and Federal. They use the formidable legal hurdle to do whatever they want. I call it “whatcha-gonna-do-about-it.”
What troubles me is that the policies are beyond idiotic. They are depraved. A super majority might give themselves outlandish pay raises, but promoting mutilation of children and a free ride for felons? And suspension of due process when there was, in fact, no public emergency in the first place, the propaganda that inspired this power grab? Hochul is either certifiably insane or a CIA asset. Or both.
It is important for attorneys to recognize this fact. There was no public emergency. The mass casualties in our hospitals were NOT the virus. They were the consequence of unethical protocols. And the DOJ, Biden, Fauci, HHS … sat back and watched out of their presumption of invulnerability.
Attorneys need not … must not … begin every proceeding with an apology for the terrible pandemic. There was no pandemic.
Agreed. An enlightening interview with two remarkable men. Everyone should see this.
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Now if I could figure how to get you to shut up a could sell that info to Bannon
Hilarious....Steve's just a teddy bear.