I enjoy your lively prose, Peter, and your take no prisoners attitude, which so mirrors Trump's own. I hope you are back in the White House in January 2024--in the West Wing proper, I mean, with direct access to the President. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year as the President continues to surge in the polls.

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The cleansing of player stooges is greater than it is sad.

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Loved your interview with Tucker 👏👏👏

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What this is really about is ushering in Globalism, which is a new form of Communism. It's all lies, and many, many millions of people worldwide could die from this evil. Before the Berlin wall came down, Gorbachev was busy planning this rebranded version at the so-called 'Club of Rome.' I wasted very little time on this piece of trash, but P. 145 (actuallly) = The Vacuum • 115 (link below) is a piece of the plan.



It seemed that Dr. Navarro (20DEC23) appeared on "THE TUCKER CARLSON ENCOUNTER." Link below:



Now add CCP China to the mix. Almost all of these elite and powerful Globalists — useful idiots (Yuri Bezmenov) — will be executed. The lie's on them.

Merry Christmas to ALL

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You've always struck me as one of the no-nonsense truthful people in PresidentTrump's WH. I'm also struck by how quickly some of PresidentTrump's inner circle went full blown Omarosa on him and can only surmise that they were either promised something or were faced with being exposed. For those promised something, would one of the promises be an entry to a safe area when TSHTF... perhaps escorted (with family) promptly to a DUMB?? Just a theory, but would like your take on it.

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This is like a script or a fiction novel. Hard to believe the level of lowlifes involved. I know there are worse as well.

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