That's it in a nutshell. Donald Trump must correct his mistake regarding the clotshot. Expose the DOD. Otherwise he will never be reelected.

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He was lied to about Covid 19 to get him to sign the paper work Fauci had planned way in advance for all this crap plus death in order for that to happen.

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Then he needs to tell us all who lied to him and expose it. He still claims the clotshot has saved millions of lives. That! Is a lie.

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That thought has crossed my mind when he brags about Warp Speed.

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Fauci had the ingredients changed in the vaccine that was suppose be used in the Warp Speed instead. Dr. David Martin can explain it best, you can listen to his videos on Rumble.

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I have listened to all of Dr. Martin's stuff and I never heard him say that. He explains how everything was patented long before and the companies involved along with the DOD.

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Have been a Trump supporter from day one, the early primaries. My burning question is does Trump have any pending announcements regarding the Covid mNRA vaccines serious side effects? As we all know, even the CDC VAERS data shows 30,000 deaths along with the thousands of injuries. The CDC acknowledges that the data is under reported by a factor of 8, so the deaths could be 240,000. When the CDC, FDA, NIH, and yes, even Trump, said the vaccines are safe and effective, well we know this to be false, and people are asking for justice. This question can be ignored of course, but the question is the elephant in the room that won't go away. Own and have read both of your books Mr. Navarro.

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Uh, that would be a “no.” He kept saying to get the jab and how great it was.

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I know several people, Mr. Navarro, that this question about Trump eats at them and would make a difference in their vote. How many more votes would be turned in Trump's favor if he just said, "hey, I trusted the doctors to do their best job, and they made me look bad with a faulty vax. I don't think people should take it, and I'm sorry I didn't speak out about this sooner regarding the negative effects." I think this admission would change some people's mind. Me, I'm still voting for Trump despite this, but I know others who this is stuck in their craw, and they can't get past it to vote for him.

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Exactly. You wrote what so many people are thinking.

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Actually this is the great man’s Achilles heel. DT may have been mislead but surely there are people around him who can set him straight.

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I know he was mislead. Everyone was mislead. The Pfizer documents that Pfizer demanded be sealed for 75 years, no one saw, not even Trump. Now that a judge ordered the documents be revealed, we find Pfizer knew the vaccines didn't work. Pfizer knew the 3rd big side effect was catching Covid. Pfizer knew 35 minors developed heart damage within a week of the jab. Pfizer lied and said the injection stayed put, but they knew it traveled to every part of the body. Pfizer knew there were 300 deaths out of 4200 adverse effects. 61 deaths from stroke 50% within 48 hours. 270 women got pregnant, they lost most of the records, but of 36 records left, 80% lost their babies. The vaccine particles go into breast milk, one baby died, the milk was so bad that only 16% nursed. 72% of vaccine harm went to women. In 2022 there has been a 13-22% drop in live births, but only in the vaccinated countries. Trump didn't see all of this but by now, unless he lives in a sealed vacuum, he has to know. All of this is so horrific, that Trump simply has to say something. Credit for this info is to Naomi Wolf, from the Rowen report. Now with RFK in the race, be certain that he'll say a great deal about the clot shots, Trump can't stay silent. I think it would behoove Trump to get ahead of this and come out against the shots ASAP, admit he was mislead, and demand justice for the millions.

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I would buy that if his ego would have stopped him from keep pushing it after he was out of office. He didn’t and he won’t. This issue alone is what has people on the fence.

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Yes on the fence. Dr. Malone has said he can't support Trump as long as he supports the clot shots. Dr. Alexander seems to support Trump no matter what, but he says he's close to agreement with Trump, he knows Trump personally. Dr. Alexander is one of those leading the fight against the shots. Allan Wayne Root supports Trump, but is fully onboard to cancel the clot shots and prosecute those responsible. Some examples.

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Thanks. Facts are so important today. People need to stop the fairytale “we are going to prosecute Fauci!” Look around. The justice system is gone. FoxNews helped to put the final nail in the coffin. Facts won’t come out now in a trial. The case is sealed up on how the election was stolen.

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Mr. Navarro's latest book, "Taking back Trumps America", names all the backstabbers, lawless rino criminals and bureaucratic slugs that sold their souls for money and power. It is a real eye opener. He exposes not only the corruption in our government, but the deep state is much deeper than I could have ever imagined.

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I read the book and in spite of Peter's non stop praise of Trump, I came away wondering how on earth did Trump select so many traitors, losers, and all that you say??? Trump is actually a bad judge of character. Trump knew that Peter was the sharpest tool in the tool box, yet chose to disregard him too often. I hope this entire column can go to President Trump for his eyes to read.

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President Trump is still his own worst enemy.

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Totally agree. He just can’t shut his mouth.

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That’s always been my question and why I still question what went on (and know answers.). Here is this successful businessman who stacked his administration with members of the Council on Foreign Relations and other globalists who leaked and worked against our country every day. Sorry. Things have never added up on that.

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I have to agree wholeheartedly. I read the Daily Clout / War room book, listened to Naomi Wolf- read all the information. I even went to a Dr McCullough talk when he came to. Australia . In Australia we have a higher than normal death rate that the governments and health authorities are studiously ignoring and politicians are making it so very difficult for the vaccine injured to be heard. See Paul Collits Substack post on this. DT must confront this. I am at a loss to know why he is so blind.

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Australia had it much worse. Myself and many weren't "vaccinated". We didn't do anything different during the so called lockdown. Only wore the stupid mask going into a few big stores. I think the difference is that most Americans are armed, most Australians have no weapons, so the authorities there can be ruthless. The authorities that pushed and forced the vaccines in Australia and the United States must be held accountable, prosecuted, and jailed for years.

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Indeed. But will it happen?

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I think so in the United States, to some extent. But we have overflowing corruption, the DOJ, FBI, prosecuting innocent people and ignoring criminals like the Biden crime family. They're in the pockets of the FDA, NIH, Fauci, the Democrats, so they aren't anxious to prosecute the thousands of vaccine injuries and deaths. Biden killed thousands of Americans, especially our military from his vaccine mandates.

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No. Our justice system is hopelessly corrupt.

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How do you “know” he was misled? Were you in the WH? Were you a part of meetings? Sorry. I don’t mean to be snarky, but way too many people worship Trump like he is a god and that is a very dangerous thing. J.D. Farag (pastor) has a great YouTube video short on the subject of Trump.

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I'm going by what Peter Navarro and Dr. Atlas has said. Everyone was misled, the Pfizer trial documents were to be sealed 75 years, so no one, including Trump, was able to see this info. But of course now it's a different story, so Trump should come out and condemn the clot shots.

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But see that is different than what you wrote. “I know he was deceived.” You know what you have been told by people in the room. That’s not the same as knowing what happened in that room.

Trump isn’t going to come out against the crimes against humanity jabs. He could have done it once out of office. He didn’t. He kept plugging them.

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I attached what Dr. Alexander says. To me it's a great mystery as to why Trump hasn't condemned the clot shots by now, would like to ask him in person. Would like to hand him 10 books on the deadly clot shots, give him Ed Dowd's "Cause Unknown". Dr. Alexander has one of his Substack columns over 1,000 studies proving the clot shots are deadly, yet he supports Trump, maybe there's an ulterior motive? Here's a possibility, perhaps if Trump condemns the clot shots, the opposition to his presidency would cause him to lose, but if he stays quiet, he wins the presidency, then after winning, he can come out fully against the clot shots. I just don't know, we're all in the dark.

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That’s the problem. It seems no one can rein him in. He often acts like a preschooler in the sand box when someone snatches his toy away.

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Look up David Martin... He has several posting all about the Covid mNRA vaccines. Go check it out on >>>> https://rumble.com/

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Dr. Martin is excellent. There are hours of Martin video's. Is there a segment where he address's Trump?

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Can't denounce everyone at Fox and leave out Tucker. He's one of them. Limited hangout.

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Hey Peter, did Hatfll tell you guys he was on the short list of the Anthrax suspects post 911? Hoe did you all miss that?!?!

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I think some of that 770 million belonged to Soros. Coming in to save the day. 🤪

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Dear Dr Navarro

The power of an invitation!

So glad to get your invitation to the tour at Trump National Doral! Wanted to go but hadn’t taken action.

I said yes thank you and got tickets for hubby and me! Hope to even meet you in Trump Time America! Thank you for great media work: truth narrative, humor, and Trump level personal moral standards and excellence!

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JB Hixson discusses what is happening in “Spirit of the Antichrist” volume 1 & 2

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I think the overarching thing is that our country and world are being run by the WEF’s new world order. Look around you. Republicans in DC are DOING nothing except talk. Green can’t stop acting like a fool and an embarrassment. At what point do you start asking “what is going on?” Dr. Navarro seems to get it partially about the globalists, but nothing is stopping it. It will stop one day. God wins in the end. Time is short. Just please stop worshipping Trump like he is a god.

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Sadly, FOX is the hidden face for Director Paul Ryan, one of the RINOs working to destroy the USA.

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It’s on both sides. Call them out for what the are: globalist demons.

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