Does the Huawei “spy chip” have the ability to get data from beyond the user of the phone? If so, using what technology--if you know? Thanks for your always-valuable insights.

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Worried about spying. That's the least of our problems:

haccines (6x hack ... they love that satanic number):

1. They hacked cell DNA nucleus to produce lethal spike proteins and other lethal proteins forever (even the cells replacing them, because it was inserted in the DNA)

2. They hacked your cell DNA, including carcinogenic Simian Virus SV40 sequence.

3. They hacked your immune system by disarming and destroying it with HIV biotech inserted in the spike.

4. They hacked your body into a walking shrapnel bomb: you became a "vaccine shedder" to get your closest.1

5. They hacked you with para-magnetic carbon/graphene micro and nanotubes to turn environmental EMF into electricity to power nano-chips:

6. They hacked your body with nano-routers emitting BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), picked by your phone and retransmitted to DoD human-ID website server.

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


If we don’t succeed, they’ll succeed with their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:


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It's all about short term profits. Even private companies like Kohler, inherited and now ran by woke midwit kids, sold out completely to China.

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What Kohler doesn’t make their engines in Southern USA anymore?

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No kids living with us. Two melded families with 5 between us and we will not turn to them for help. It's really a matter of cash in a declining economy or stay with the real estate.

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Good info as usual. Hey, you warned them but the almighty dollar got in the way of their rational thinking. I’ve shared this with Elon on Twitter. Maybe losing a few billion won’t be concern to him. But the fact he’s imbedded with the CCP should be.

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Immediate question though for we in our eighties; do we sell our house and take a cash position, buy some gold and silver and crypto and move into a retirement community or keep the real estate and muddle through this coming downturn?. We are in the CA central valley where buyers from the bay area are paying premium for our homes. Assume it’s corporations or Chinese buying them. Any thoughts

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Yes to the selling in California, and Yes to the gold and silver and retirement community. Have watched much on Ave Maria, Florida. Or anywhere cheaper than California. Midwest and blue states are thriving.

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Why not rent it out and use the rent income to cover the retirement community costs?

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That has been explored but there is a mortgage on the house and with management fees, City fees and landscaper we would have negative cash flow. Plus we are looking at a new water heater and HVAC expense in the next couple of years and a new roof in about five.

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Watch a guy on you tube called Econimic Ninja. He’s a genius.

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Why not just sell now at high dollars and get out of California in first place? Just about anywhere in country is cheaper than California.

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That’s a lot of overhead. Do you have kids?

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I wrote a guest column in Ft Wayne Sentinel. A letter from a GE employee to Jeffrey Immelt. A last minute $1 /hr raise to avoid a plant closing. (NAFTA)

Sorry Mr Immelt but I’m afraid the buck stops here.

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NOT a coincidence that the USA left dollar convertibility to gold in 1971, precisely triggering the government deficit coupled with the trade deficit and inflation.

This is the Achilles heal of all nations: masonic and satanic secret societies counterfeit paper money and launder trillions with which they buy politicians, political parties, listed corporations, media, HMOs, etc.

Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


If you are a mason or know a mason, ask him to ask his 33° master to put in writing and sign it, who is "the great architect" and that he is not Lucifer. If he refuses, then he’ll know who he is really serving, Satan: tell him to get out of masonry NOW. Sooner or later he’ll be required to trample on a cross to get to a higher degree.

President John Quincy Adams: “Masonry ought forever to be abolished. It is wrong - essentially wrong - a seed of evil, which can never produce any good.”

Confessions of a former mason (Serge Abad-Gallardo):


Confessions of ex-illuminati Ronald Bernard (all lodges obey the same master, Satan):


Confession of 33rd degree master mason - Masons worship deities/demons


Masonry's Satanic Connection


Masonry's Satanic Doctrine | From Their Own Books


Do Freemasons Worship Lucifer? Evidence They Don't Want You To See


Satanic Ritual Abuse and Secret Societies [1995] [VHS]


Satanic Pedophilia Torture and Blood - Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed




The best way to have a real dialogue about vaccines being weaponized to handicap, infertilize and murder the “over-population” is to start with vaccine contamination: nobody could be in favor of contaminated pharmaceuticals.

1. Carcinogen SV40 in Oral Polio Vaccine: they knew it since the 60s but kept distributing it even until 2016 !!!

2. hCG in vaccines to infertilize women detected since the 90s: still going on

3. Thimerosal, aluminum, Mono-sodium Glutamate (MSG) and other NEUROTOXINS

4. Heavy metals

5. Human DNA 2000% in excess of FDA 10 ng limit (main driver towards brain damage like autism/asperger/ticks, leukemia and non-Hodgkin cancer), probably related to point 7 below.

6. Graphene oxide in Flu and COVID shots but now with anything injectable (even dentist anesthesia, hospital IV, etc.).

7. Carcinogenic SV40 genomic sequences and double-stranded DNA in mRNA COVID shots: the hacked DNA in the cell doesn’t stop producing the poison when the cell dies, but its descent continue the poisoning until the haccinated casualty dies.

8. Bluetooth nano-routers injected with COVID vaccines and inserted with swabs (which explains why they rejected the cheaper non-invasive saliva test).

Proof of criminal intent:

Points 7 and 8

Censoring and blocking 30+ COVID cures

Labeling the most lethal batches with a lethal code (howbad.info)

Blocking the real knowledge of effectiveness v. "adverse event" rate

That proves:

A. There's zero Government control

B. There's zero Manufacturer liability

C. There's zero Media coverage

D. All that, during decades and still going on, not only with vaccines but also with medicines, food&beverage additives, etc. Everything, even institutions have been weaponized!

E. There's zero political action to stop that (except RFK2 in the USA)

A school buddy told me "I know you make sense but if I recognize it's true, I won't be able to enjoy life anymore".

16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet


If we don’t succeed, they’ll succeed with their 6-sword lethal plan fully exposed here:


Change goes in hand with the number of awakened! Thank you for sharing this to save lives!

If you subscribe, I’m about to release several bombshell news that very few know.

PS I'm sorry I'm linking to my own substack. It’s not self-promotion: I couldn’t find better links but if you find anything better, I'd be glad to replace.

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My savings is all gone now, so watching my money is nonexistent.

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Late breaking ... Alaska! I can't bear it.

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When Kennedy set us on the path to the Moon Landing, It was a speculative venture, founded on national pride and confidence in our abilities, that could have ended in great reward or financial loss. We pushed sensible boundaries but not at the risk of our total economy. The entrepreneurial spirit should always have these elements to a certain degree, but anchored by a solid foundation of national prosperity, with solid backing, and risk should remain compartmentalized and owned by those who cause it.

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Take Down the CCP!

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Maclaren learned the hard way as well

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With people like the Bidens and so many well connected people described in Peter Navarro's "Taking Back Trumps America", how can we overcome the purposeful, calculated dumping of junk into our country?

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Hold cash risk free at 4% to 5%, and wait for the inevitable stock market decline. Then scoop up some blue chip stocks at a decent valuation.

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10-20% isn’t enough. The stock market gained 10K imaginary points under Obama and it all needs to go. We need reality for these greedy assholes.

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