Prayers to our Courageous Truthful True Patriot American Dr. Peter Navarro, God is with you and so are the Patriot Americans

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I'm thinking of Matias Desmet, psychology professor from Belgium, and his thoughts on mass formation psychosis.

Only the prevalence of some form of psychosis can adequately account for a scenario where an honorable man such as Peter Navarro serves time in a US prison.

Desmet also has explained that only about 5% of a population need to resist a psychotic narrative to effectively negate it.

That is what Mr. Navarro is doing. Share his story, keep the spotlight on it. Never let a gross injustice "go to waste". Particularly when a heroic character is making a sacrifice to benefit all of us.

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While mass formation psychosis applies to the masses pretty well, Roberts is well aware of the take down of America and has picked his side. This ruling will be a part of the history that Roberts will be forever remembered for. How is he advocating and interpreting the Constitution? And what ever happened to the separation of powers? How does the January 6 committee have the ability to find a member of the executive branch in contempt of congress and deny executive privilege the have him convicted and sent to prison? Will this become precedent forever more? Will Biden's staff meet with the same. Or if not, will Justice Roberts Make Peter Navarro whole for what has been done to him = financially, lost time in his life, legal expenses? Not holding my breath.

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Excellent questions. While we're at it, when was the last time a war, or military operation, was initiated with the approval of Congress? You know, Congress. The citizens we elect to represent the will of the people?

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What do they have on Robert’s do you suppose? Why was he the only One too reply? Hum!

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Roberts is a W. Bush Globalist appointee. He is in full agreement with the new America 2.0 and the destruction of the US Constitution. He takes his orders from the NWO/UN/WHO/WEF ruling elites. He's rewarded greatly for his allegiance.

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Can Roberts be ousted from the Chief Justice position? I would hope Clarence Thomas would be the one to fill that spot. Roberts makes questionable judgements

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Epstein Island

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As unjust as it might be, I suppose having his claim rejected by a compromised fraud such as John Roberts merely adds to Mr. Navarro's luster and heroism. At some point his appeal will be heard and perhaps - just perhaps - Kavanaugh and Gorsuch will grow a pair, Barrett will open her eyes and Justices Thomas and Alito will gain a majority to end this totalitarian madness. I still fully expect Roberts to side with the three Macbethian witches of the left. He is just that reprehensible. What is the secret they have on him?

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BINGO! I too suspect they have dirt on Roberts. The intimidation by Communist, formerly Democrat Brown Shirts, protesting outside the homes of Constitutionalist Justices is a powerful force which Schumer and Co. know full well. Like the "Night of the Long Knives" the Brown Shirts (BLM, ANTIFA) will be eliminated when the power behind them takes total control.

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If there were ever an extra test applied to Members of the Judiciary, it would be a literacy test. Require all appointees to take a literacy test based upon American Civics. They should also be required to pass the test with a 100% score; otherwise, they would earn a "Not Recommended for Appointment" grade from the panel that would administer these tests. At the same time, get rid of any opinions of the American Bar Association in evaluating judicial appointees. Based upon their past rankings, they have demonstrated that their organization is primarily an advocacy organization intent upon forcing change through the court system.

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Give that test to every elected member of Congress, too. We'd lose most of them. Prager U had a nice little test yesterday that I sent to my kids and friends for a laugh, have not received their scores yet, except 1 son missed 2! -


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I agree; I was mostly intending to focus upon the idea that Chief Justice John Roberts didn't want to take up the Separation of Powers issue in the case of Peter.

But I will add in the case of having members of Congress take and pass a Civics test, the Democrat-leaning members would say,' "In the Constitution, it says Congress has the right to pass laws," and they will use that clause as their reason for changing everything that's sane about our system and make it more like their horrific vision of the US. and the end of America.

Please note: I do not use the terms America, United States, and US interchangeably; each has a distinct meaning and application.

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The Separation of Powers decision was imposed upon SCOTUS by a rogue Congressional Committee. If it is not answered with a negation by the members of the discrete Judicial Branch, they have given tacit approval to a complete abrogation of the SoP concept! SCOTUS will be next, if it hasn’t already subsumed its discrete autonomy from Congress by this scandalous abandonment of responsibility!

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I don't think the Supreme Court really wants to evaluate Constitutional issues anymore.

There will be the occasional case where they will accept these cases when they are valid. But if the cases have a political effect in addition to their effect on Constitutional issues. they will not consider it if the political issues are more important than the Constitutional part.

Yeah; read that paragraph again, and tell me it makes sense.

I don't think it makes sense. But that's the point of how they act. Especially the Chief Justice.

Or maybe he's the Chief buttwipe for the Biden regime.

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If SCOTUS relinquishes its constitutional duty to evaluate the constitutionality of acts by the other two branches of government, it relinquishes its raison d’etre.

Article III of the Constitution starts with “The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.”

Because of federalism, there was no language setting up inferior courts. That was left to the discretion of Congress. That discretion did not include hierarchical command or control of courts once established.

The founding fathers’ reluctance to establish lower courts was a reflection of the suspicion of further centralizing federal power.

This is a test Congress has put on SCOTUS to test the legislative branch’s ability to leapfrog SCOTUS. If SCOTUS now fails to rein in the attempt by Congress to challenge judicial authority and Executive Privilege, it has forever relinquished its ability to do so. This is no joke!

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With uniparty in charge, there is nothing to stop dems destruction - the other side has no backbone. We got what we elected, and with the ease to manipulate voting, we are lost.

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If you're old enough to remember people walking down the street in the 1950's and compare them to people today you will notice stark differences in the way they dressed, they manner in which they behaved and the state of fitness they are in. What are we to expect when the pool from which we draw politicians, justices and bureaucrats is a cesspool? We need to change ourselves to enable goodness in government.

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Hahaha - I am a Canadian and I passed that test!

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The Soo-premes have been at work for decades and decades, centuries in fact. The "Idea" of "Precidence" is Unconstitutional in itself. Each Issue before the Court should be judged according to the written constitution, not some earlier coutesan ruling. I Spit.

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Ethics test is what they are missing

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Perhaps. It is surely true of the Liberal Justices. Ethics however takes second place when violent protesters are allowed outside the homes in which your children are sleeping. I know not what I would do in their place for the bridge has not been presented to me.

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Deeply true Lou. Roberts sadly a juggler who views his role as politics. What a disappointment he is (I suspect) to our old boss William Rehnquist.

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It is rumored that Roberts flew to Epstein Island with the one who "hung himself," perhaps with help. The opinion on Obama's health care plan indicated to me that the Justice has something he wants to keep secret and his enemies know that secret. At the very least he is not a constitutionalist nor are the Liberal Justices which seems odd for that is why they sit where they do. To put it more simply if one is to decide on matters of the constitution, what is written there should be the guide, not what one imagines is between the lines.

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Thank you, Lou, for a succinct statement of fact. Always praying for you, Peter.

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So, President Trump’s Director of the White House Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy is in jail for contempt of congress. While on the other hand president O’bamma’s Attorney General Eric Holder (the guy how takes pleasure kicking people when they’re down) gets to thumb his nose at justice. Welcome to the twilight zone. We are clearly living in the World of Bizarro!

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Bizarro world and UPSIDE DOWN WORLD!!! 🌎😭😡🤬👿

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Of the many things we owe Donald Trump a debt of gratitude it is this: His presidency brought the enemies of freedom from their hiding places to show themselves without disguise. Speculation is a thing of the past.

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Chief INJUSTICE Roberts us UNFIT to preside over a municipal night traffic court. He needs to stand trial for TREASON.

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Obviously John Roberts and sadly the other 8 have no regard for the Constitution. For SCOTUS to allow such egregious violations of, for example, the first and eighth amendments, and SCOTUS to agree with it is unconscionable and a total lack of judgement.

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It may just be fear of the mob. Intimidation is a powerful force brought to bear by Schumer and the other Communists, formerly Democrats sitting in positions of power. They allowed illegal protests outside the homes of Constitutionalist Justices and before we condemn them we might consider what we would do if they were chanting outside our homes where our children are sleeping.

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I despise those who rule our country. They are illegitimate posers.

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Well said Lou Dobbs!!!

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1984 😡😡😡

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For the sake of America I can only hope and prey Trump becomes Americans next press

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Me too. However we must prepare for the Communists, formerly Democrats unleashing the Brown Shirts again with Burning, Looting and Murdering to put the Trump Presidency off balance and less effective. Globalists Billionaires the world over are aligned against MAGA and thus the odds of us being victorious are slim but they are not zero.

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Perfectly said Lou! This is a TRAVESTY!!!! 👿👿👿

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As I responded to another poster below, this Separation of Powers decision was imposed upon SCOTUS by a rogue Congressional Committee violating executive privilege. It is precisely the role of Scotus to maintain the autonomy of the three branches of government. It has failed in its role.

If it is not answered with a negation by the members of the discrete Judicial Branch, they have given tacit approval to a complete abrogation of the SoP concept! The executive branch has effectively been subsumed to the power of Congress. SCOTUS will be next, if it hasn’t already subsumed its discrete autonomy from Congress by this scandalous abandonment of responsibility.

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Just call it the Supreme Soviet and be Done with it, Comrades.

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