Peter Navarro, I'm so glad you explained how deviously and purposely Trump was lied to during Covid. Dr. Zelenko who became a friend of mine, and with whom we wrote an FDA reform bill, had the treatment for Covid. You had some 80 million Hydroxychloroquine tablets ready to wipe out Covid in a few weeks. Please tell that story next time.

If you can, please ask President Trump to incorporate these bills into the 2024 Campaign. We've talked about them on the show, but they are now more needed than ever.

1. Restoring vaccine product liability to Big Pharma:


2. Ending Big Tech censorship:


3. A Constitutional Amendment to remove the power of Congress to borrow money:


4. No withholding of money for income tax until after the Standard Deduction amount has been earned.


There are many more of course, but these are the ones WE the PEOPLE can latch on to, share, and demand of Congress, and the State Legislatures. Thank you.

Greg Penglis

Creator, Host and CEO of the Action Radio Citizen Legislature

Show site: BlogTalkRadio.com/citizenaction

Bill site: WriteYourLaws.com

My Substack explaining the bills: GregPenglis.Substack.com

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I'm just curious if any of the many folks who like my comment have clicked the links and read any of the bills I have posted? I'd love to know what you think please.

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Yes, if you get a chance tell Trump he needs to put forth policirs and legislation that bans big pharma or Gov't from dictating what a Dr. Percribes for his patient and breaks up the medical deep state outlined in RK jr's book at all levels of Gov't state and local and stops hospitols from taking Big pharma money and implementing restrictions on how a Dr treats their patient and requires them to treat patients vacinated or not. Start with defunding the FDA, CDC, NIH, incl all sub elements AND GET OUR HEALTH SYSTEM out of the hands of insurance companies. We need a patient centered system.

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I'd love to tell Trump all of those things. I just wrote an article on how the cure for Covid was always - Freedom. Here it is.


Best thing you can do if you want those policies, is to write them in a bill we can advocate. Check out the bills post above, see how we do it, and have at it. You can call the show and we can do a workshop. Let me know please.

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DeSatan is not the problem for Trump. The problem for Donald is Bobby and Donald reluctance to renounce the vax. Bobby will beat that issue like a drum

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It seems that the US is deeply involved with bioweapons research and development all over the world. The Ukraine, Africa and China are good places to look at. From my periscope, both China and the US own covid-19. Who is more responsible? We will never know.

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I agree. I relectantly voted for Trump in 2020 as arrogant and prideful people are a turnoff for me. Whenever someone boasts about something they didn't actually create themselves and still continue to dig their heals in and declares in an interview that the vaccine was a great accomplishment despite the already known side effects and imposition on our bodily autonomy taken under Biden that is a HUGE NO from this Mama. I'd switch parties for RFK on that issue alone. At least that man has a genuine heart and clearly has an understanding of the evil behind the 3 letter agencies. As for Ron, he bears fruit in his state I will be listening very closely as to how he defends accepting special interest donations and who/what he will disavow.

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Don forget he’s being funded by Murdoch and Soros. His teachers are Jeb Bush and Paul Ryan, true Trump haters

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The Boston Herald used to be a much more conservative newspaper before Murdoch bought it.

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Fair positions to take

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Oh yeah and I got your signed book nice sticker

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I hate the sticker.

I send books back that have the sticker.

I buy signed books not signed stickers.

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Yeah I was a little offended by that cause I mean even Alex Jones actually signs his books

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You buy a signed copies to have a connection to the author.

They hold it in their hands and sign it.

Also they have no collector value.

Took 2 months but I got my money back from Naomi Wolf. Plus I ended up with two books.

Make PN give your money back.

It's a bait and switch, plain as rain.

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I mean I am grateful for the book in general. Honestly I really like Dr Navarro and would have liked to have worked for him at the WH. My name was on that original database from November 2016 that got destroyed and no one ever got called to go. I would have gladly been a political appointee back then.

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You didn't pay for a signed copy?

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The beauty is how we can so clearly see who is not MAGA after all.

Ron must be stupid. Had he just supported Trump, he could have inherited the entire infrastructure for 2028.

Either the RINOs played him, and he is that stupid, or he agrees with the RINOs.

Both scenarios are not good.

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Trump needs to distance himself from the vax, say he was lied to, deceived by fauchi, Pfizer and others. Trump needs to acknowledge the damage covid vaccines have done to some people, those injured by it. To Trump's credit he was right about therapeutics like hydroxycloriquine that would have saved many lives and gotten us out of the pandemic very quickly.

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He may have been right but he allowed himself to be muzzled by his scientific advisors and ridiculed by the media.

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Great article, Peter. All good points and scenarios. Unfortunately, it all comes down to fair elections. The minute DeSnake signs SB7050, which amends the FL constitution to allow him to run for pres while governor, he strips us of our voice in elections. The bill bans hand counts, mandates machine tabulators, rejects reports from volunteers, does not require proper proof of residence for vote-by-mail or proper proof of citizenship, prohibits anyone but gov't officials to view election data.

He screwed FL. How can anyone think he'd be good for America.

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I looked at several local reports about SB7050 and not one of them has what you wrote here. What is your source for these claims you make? Please attach a link so we all can see this for ourselves.

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They aren't claims. They're facts and I didn't even list all the problems with the bill. To see more, including weakness in citizen ID and residence verif, go to DefendFlorida dot org. Press "click here for list of our concerns." You'll get a google doc with an outline on the left hand side. Bill text is included.

For example, under "Hand Counts Should Be Permitted is this:

The last sentence of Florida Statute 101.5604 requires counties to use tabulators: “A county must use an electronic or electromechanical precinct-count tabulation voting system.”

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I'm seeing apples and oranges. SB 7050 is not FL Statute 101.5604. Where is your substantiation for your claims about SB7050? Here is the link to the Bill, which people can read for themselves:


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It's not apples and oranges. It's an existing statute that this bill should amend/address but does not. Here is the statute: https://www.flsenate.gov/Laws/Statutes/2022/101.5604

I get that you want to find fault with me. The bigger issue here is that SB7050 makes FL elections less secure and less transparent.

There are many bills that DeSantis signed that have hindered the freedom of Floridians. HB269 and SB252 are two more.

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Time for Trump, to discuss the issues vaccines have/are causing and, why this happened. If he doesn’t, I don’t think he will win.

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I don't think he will do that because he is proud of Operation Warp Speed.

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I hope the Boss follows your path on the vaccines, Fauci et al. He will win in landslide.

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It’s good we found out now what a RINO DeSantis is. If he would have become Trump’s VP and waited his turn, we would have elected him in 2028.

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President Trump will prevail! He is an outside the box, hard-nosed, never give up, creative thinker with some loyal, brilliant advisors at his side, (Peter, being one)who have the ability to change the trajectory of this country. We, the people, are at WAR to save the country and in fact the world. Do you want a Churchill (Trump) or a Chamberlain (DeSantis/globalists) leading this country?

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Trump will not "apologize" for his role in the vaccine.

And should not.

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I don’t think anyone here said Trump should apologize. I don’t think he should. But he should acknowledge the vaccines are harmful. I have not heard him do that. I want him to be President again but he has to acknowledge that he was deceived.

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So you want him to say he is stupid.

Ever heard of the buck stops here.

He will do exactly has he has always done.

He did make a mistake and he won't make it again.

He acted like a politician.

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2/3 of the US took the shot. Are you saying they are all stupid? Not what I said either.

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Only a fool would take a shot of a rushed new type of vaccine for a unknown virus, by an unaccountable industry with a long track record of lies ?

The best you are gna get from Trump.

"I made the best decision at the time." Which requires no apology

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What about Jack Posobiec’s idea for Trump to offer RFK to be head of HSS so he can go after Fauci, Birx, and the (anti-)medical establishment? Any real possibilities there? Or is RFK to stubborn?

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I’m an educated consumer. Lost my job to the mandate. Here’s how I view Trump’s candidacy.

Trump must acknowledge that the COVID shots offer only death, disability and chronic immune suppression. They are not even a Pharma product, not even legal cGMP. The pressure he was under in 2020 was high. So, he caved to Fauci, et al, and dismissed solid advice from many others about early treatments and ending the lockdowns. He was moreover oblivious to the incentivized extermination of Americans in our hospitals by illegal and unethical policies.

Let’s be clear. These massive hospital fatalities were NOT the virus, but that was a lie deliberately fomented as fear propaganda by Fauci, the Agencies and MSM.

This was not a pandemic. It was an invasion without an army. The lowering of the drawbridge was the 2020 election. The bureaucrats took over and we were left with 1M dead by hospital policies and shots, economic devastation and crippling debt. Who needs Genghis Khan?

Trump must recognize lessons learned: he lacked the independent judgement to resist the devastation that followed. Minimally he could have rolled out HCQ and IVM in defiance of Fauci. He was on the right track and he had the support of thousands of physicians, albeit a minority. But his own gut-level, but woefully mistaken belief in shots got in the way. Had he revealed that the shots were not a Pharma product and that massive hospital deaths were due to policy ... not the virus ... the fear propaganda paralyzing the public could have been countered. If he does not know these things he needs to know them NOW.

Here is single executive bullet that covers it all: the shots destroy the microbiome. This is the fundamental problem with ALL of them and especially with the COVID shots.

The problems with these shots, including, for example, the massacre of 61000 “laptop millennials” in Q3’21 when their history of childhood over- vaccination collided with the mandates, is directly traceable to this fact. Combined with the spike proteins, immune suppression, heart attacks, brain clots and cancers develop in the most compromised citizens. The fact that Joe Biden poisoned his entire electorate and nobody will talk about it is stultifying.

The deployment of the shots was a gigantic tragedy. It speaks directly to perhaps THE most egregious shortcoming of medical practice in the US and the urgent need to overhaul public health.

The circumstances Trump was working under are extenuating for sure but it requires “sorry about that I was mistaken.” Trump must state categorically that he would NEVER have mandated the the shots ... I certainly hope not ... and indicate how public health reforms will be carried out. If he does not repudiate these shots, how do I know he will carry out the reforms and prosecute the liars?

25% of adults did not take the shots: we are a one-issue voting block ... maybe two including Ukraine ... as Dr. McCullough pointed out. Trump made a big mistake NOT bringing RFK, Jr into his administration and should hint he would not make that mistake again. Trump’s policies in Ukraine are yet another reason to doubt his judgement. Of, course was lied to again. When will he have the outreach that is necessary to combat lies? Does he have it now?

I know that Trump cares about the country and the Constitution. Health freedom is at the heart of it.

Start talking about the extermination of 1M Americans under the Biden administration, decimation of our military by the shots and idiotic woke ideology. Talk about the choices Trump himself should have made and the people he should have listened to, but did not. We all learn from experience. No one has had more withering experience than Trump. He is tough. We will never know what DeSantis would have done under the same circumstances. I’m not quite convinced, as he was pushing the shots at first. Much of DeSantis’ record of accomplishments, impressive as they are, come from the Florida legislature. How will he do on his own? I was one among many who wrote to him “Back off on those shots!”

Bobby Kennedy is the only candidate who had it right from day one. Thousands and thousands of doctors are complete morons on the pandemic response topic. That pressure was hard to resist. We need gut-level understanding in the administration to resist iatrogenic stupidity in future. If Trump is elected he had better include RFK Jr., otherwise we need Kennedy ... not Trump ... in the WH.

Do you look at Paul Alexander’s substack? He understood everything but got screwed out of his pay during time as an advisor in the WH because he did not agree with Fauci. Tell Trump about it. Listen to Paul NOW and get him his back pay.

Ukraine is other problem. Look at the rabid Neo-Nazis who have dominated the Ukraine government and military. The Biden administration’s woeful incompetence is part of the war provocation. But that was only a continuation of what was already going on. It isn’t just public heath that needs reform.

We should NOT be Russia’s enemy. Look to helping them with security assurances and reset the clock to the time when Lincoln and Alexander ll were corresponding on plans for cooperation, even if pathetically “woke” Britain doesn’t like it.

Trump speaks brilliantly about the elements of the American system. It sells me on his Presidency. But he has to pay attention to existential problems like agricultural reform and real progress in energy and pollution. Does he understand these issues? Kennedy does. I want that understanding in the WH one way or another.

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Fauci is the Dr. Mengele of the 21st century.

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You must tell this story about the evil folks who suppressed you and the boss to get their vax out.


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Agreed. We must remove the U.S. from the WHO and countless other global organizations that are being utilized to remove our national sovereignty.

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