Dr Navarro we are with you as you prepare to serve your rigged sentence in jail. Take heart and wear it as a badge of honor. Consider that time as perfect quiet time to plot your revenge. God bless you brother.

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How I love me some Trump. That being said, his only weakness (and it is a weakness) is in picking people to deliver some MAGA righteousness. All of the short list candidates for VP that I read about fall outside the parameter of "dedication to MAGA agenda". Granted the genuine are few and far between.

Tim Scott is as big a No as are the others. Where is Kari Lake? Devin Nunes? Tucker Carlson? Mike Flynn? Maybe JD Vance or Vivek? Maybe? See if Vivek answers differently on the question of January 6; he said it was due to "censorship" (insert eyeroll here.)

DEDICATION TO MAGA AGENDA is really the only criteria.

P.S. If you really want to landslide the race, let's put together a statement regarding the Warp Speed "vaccine". "Under the advice of experts and limited but alarming information on the virus at the time, etc. the closing of flights to and from china was the right decision .

And given what we know now, that we have been able to quantify and study in retrospect, we would take a measured approach to any recommendations much less mandates, which I opposed and only came into place during Democrats' majority and Biden administration.

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I think Vivek has been exposed for what he is and yet Trump keeps him very close once he "bent the knee" after Iowa. I worry about Vivek and hope he's nowhere close to the inner circle let alone VP

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Agreed in overabundance of caution; it is possible to evolve one's opinion but he is UnProven at this time.

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Good insight Peter, you nailed it!

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Also Peter you are in my prayers and I hope there will be a way to contact you while you are away.

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I think Vivek would be a perfect fit for VP. He is loyal to Trump, believes in the MAGA Agenda, has plans based on constitutional law to fight the deep state, and has demonstrated his ability to handle a hostile media and protesters who are hostile to his message.

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Don't trust him yet.

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I love Vivek too! But I don’t know if he can be trusted to defend trump no matter what.

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And showed himself to be a tireless campaigner.

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Leave Vivek in the cask for a few more years to age gracefully along with DeSantis and then let DJT pick for 2028. Or put Vivek in the Trump administration somewhere where he can shine (ambassador?). Leave DeSantis in Fla. My money is on Sen. J.D.V. but I am a lousy gambler.

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I agree, and Is Vivek US born? I have heard rumors on that question...

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The ship has sailed on DeSantis aging gracefully. He has shown his true colors. Just hope people noticed. I'm in FL and can attest to his authoritarian, corporate-serving legislation. You have to read the fine print to see how he's taking freedoms away and supporting big pharma, hospitals, insurance industry and wind and solar programs that support CCP.

Vivek is a big fan of Elon. Both have made big money from business in China which means they're ok supporting the greatest enemy to humanity.

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I used to be very skeptical about Vivek then I spent months doing more due diligence and he comes up clean every time for every issue anyone brings up!

#TrumpVivek2024 is our BEST possible ticket to take back the White House and NOT take someone who already holds a GOP seat we need

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No. He responded twice in one day (once on Charlie Kirk) that January 6 upheaval was due to "censorship" of participants in the previous year.

Just. no.

Ask him about January 6th and if he responds regarding election fraud I would still be skeptical as his initial voluntary response was a Load.

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Good point at the end.

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Watch this video . I worked along time in investment banking , this is not the move normally one gets to make with their stock .....https://twitter.com/Billy_Urd1/status/1746487152777560545?s=20

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Let him prove himself first.

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I really like Bryon Donalds and JD Vance.

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. . . and Ben Carson

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I'm afraid Ben would just blend into the wallpaper.

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Bryon Donalds isnt what we think unfortunately he's "well known" for his tactics in Southwest Florida, he and his "associate"/henchman Larry both have previous records in New York. JD Vance is though and would love to see him serve in the Senate longer but a great candidate for VP.

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I didn't know that about Donalds. I did know he co-chaired Ronna Romney's Bank Your Vote campaign despite the data from election experts that early voting and mail-in voting is used by the uniparty to cheat.

I think JD Vance would be great as VP. If we fix our elections, we can get lots of MAGA candidates in the senate and house and it won't be a problem to take one for VP.

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Thank you for your insight to BD, I will check it out.

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I really like them both very much but think they are needed where they are serving now and more experience is needed.

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Can’t pick Byron, Same State! JD’s my pick!!

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I'm not excited about any of those mentioned at CPAC. I think Vivek is one of the worst choices. He praises Elon Musk who contributes to the CCP via his expanding business in China. Vivek called Musk a "modern day founding father" and said he'd be good in the administration. Vivek also made big money with his biotech company Sinovant that partnered with a state-owned Chinese investment firm.

Apparently, Vivek and Elon are fine with the CCP's censorship, slave labor, torture of Uyghurs and other crimes against humanity. As long as they make money.

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Well said Patti.

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No Tulsi Gabbard. Stinchfield says it best!

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Tulsi Gabbard is a socialist AND all about Tulsi Gabbard. She has not done a thing for her own State and BTW didn't vote against impeachment. Why so many folks want someone like that so close to power is beyond me!

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I am beginning to think it should be you.

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President Trump doesn’t need another political snake waiting to throw him under the bus. He needs a battle tested loyal MAGA patriot. Some who’s been dragged through the cut glass and embers. That person is General Michael Flynn.

Flynn is not a politician. Like Peter Navaro, he’s a doer, not a talker. He could be appointed boarder Zar. Talk about sticking the proverbial middle finger to the O’bama folks.

Flynn would be the President’s insurance policy …nobody would dare harm him with Flynn as VP.

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I agree 100% and for the same reasons! Flynn would be my first pick! He would be the swamp’s worst nightmare!! He could be President too if the worst should happen! He’s tough & strong as nails!

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Flynn would be great

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VP need to be someone who can continue the MAGA agenda after Trump’s term, since he or she will be the next President.

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What happened to Rick Grennell and John Radcliffe? Why aren't they on the list? I do like Vivek and Donalds but if I go by the Navarro list - I'd choose R.G or J.R first. AND I have to say it again - Tulsi Gabbard is a socialist who happens to like free speech (check our her voting record)? Yes, great. But she hasn't done anything for her own State AND didn't vote against impeachment. Get real, people!

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I like Rick-he recently said something like "I would serve wherever needed but I hope to hell he doesn't ask me." He is a gem.

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I love Rick. What is the story on Radcliff? Did he flip or no in lawfare enquiry?

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I see Radcliffe often on Maria Bartiromo - he has not wavered from support of Trump.

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I really like Devin Nunes. Not familiar with his positions pre-Trump. But he is stand up guy since.

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You described Steve Bannon. He is the ONLY one that checks off all the boxes and will catapult us into 2028. He is also the leader of our Revolution. There is no one stronger, no one more loyal, and no one more versed to be his running mate. The duo would be strongest charge our country has ever known

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I agree Susan, but sadly, I think Bannon is needed for two things, as a strategist and advisor, more important than a second banana VP. Also, he is needed to stay on WarRoom and keep educating and directing the posse. Sometimes personalities that are both Alpha males, are not a good President and VP. I do think the world of Steve Bannon, so do not get me wrong.

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Two white super alpha supremacists (joke)-that would be something-no chance but interesting.

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I wish Steve would be Vice President. Imagine the "action action action"

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My favorite is Lee Zeldin. Non descript. Results oriented. Consistent. No drama. Perfect for the Veep.

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Serious and proven loyal candidates are Nunes, Grennell, and Ratcliffe.

If Michelle is running maybe Lake, Ben Carson are needed? I wish he would pick Candace Owens though. Lol.

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Ben Carson is outstanding

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Ben Carson is a very good man but not a politician.

Michelle likes her celebrity lifestyle too much and will NEVER run.

I am with you on Lake, Nunes, Grennell and possibly Radcliffe. Candace Owens is a hoot; I love her but not certain on all of her positions. She is intriguing, though.

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I would love to see someone who would continue the MAGA work in their own 1st term after Trump's next term is over. But then I am bloody minded enough to think that since President Trump won in 2020 that he should start his 2nd term in 2025 then have his third term because he had that second one stolen. Of course I think that the term stolen by the Biden regime should have every law or presidential "decree" nullified and every dollar spent returned to the tax payers. But hey, a guy can dream, can't he?

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Sounds great to me too! 😀

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