The first thing that comes to my mind in reaction to this account is the absolute necessity of somehow eliminating what I will call the "re-election syndrome". It is clear to me that what is generally a distraction and a detraction from what the people want a president to do is disastrous in an emergency situation. My instincts tell me that it is those like the ones you described as power seekers with agendas that drive this phenomenon. The pressures of the Presidency are so great that I don't see clamoring for a second term in the forefront of a president's mind all the time. We should make engaging in re-election antics a no no and vote accordingly. My recollection of President Trump's public reaction to the pandemic is one of measured calm and an attempt to be rational. The ridiculous attacks about his input on hydroxychloroquine were, to me, the first sign that most likely on the whole, the inmates were in charge of the asylum. He was correct in that the cure cannot be worse than the disease. There was questionable behavior from China from the start, lack of cooperation in isolating the virus and providing first case information. The president was right in being cautious of a possible hostile situation. A good president will have these instincts, just like a good parent, and too many cooks means some should be locked in the cooler. You don't immediately shut down and handcuff a nation in a panic. My opinion is that in order to justify the level of panic many were in, there would have to be people dropping like flies in front of you in the streets. President Trump wisely shared that power with the individual States. What they did was their legacy. We had to rely on information from the Medical Industrial Complex that stood to profit in the trillions. The press was less than useless and I would call it traitorous. The American People still have them to take to task. President Trump is correct in his assessment of the need to dismantle the Administrative State. The ability of the Executive Branch to function depends on it. In summary I would say that my comments are not to criticize. I don't like to deal in "I told you so". The American people need to put Trump back in for his second term to remedy the slap in the face to the Constitution that the keystone cop, hair on fire theft of the 2020 election gave it. Just like in his first term, he will do what he says he will do. Thank you to all and God Bless America

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Very interesting... my family in full of medical physicians. They read the early articles about hydroxycloriquine. It works. It’s very strange that the government stopped any discussion of its use. Could it be that the drug companies knew this was an opportunity to make billions of dollars? Cuomo is guilty of crimes against humanity. Sending sick people back into a nursing home. No accountability No consequences.

Taiwan knew about this Covid illness much sooner than the US government. I have a Taiwanese friend that reads the newspapers. She also read that the Chinese can target groups of people for example: Asian, Caucasian, Blacks etc

I also have a friend in Italy she was telling me about the illness in the first week of January.

The minute my husband heard he called it “a bio weapon”

Fauci took over ... he obviously had an agenda to get out the vaccine.

After watching the last 7 1/2 years of what has been done and is still being done to President Trump .... I’m wondering if this Covid was done on purpose.

Also it’s very disturbing to see how many people working for President Trump didn’t get along, couldn’t be trusted, we’re back stabbers, were RINOS, we’re globalists. The Great Reset is real.

I’m praying for President Trump. Too remain sane with all the pressure he has on him with these horrible lawsuits. I pray that he wins in 2024. I just wonder how he will know who he can trust. He will only have 4 years. I pray that you’re on the team.

Thank you so much for a interesting book with your wonderful insight into those 4 years.

God bless you 🙏🇺🇸

Also this may help President Trump

In 2016 there was a movie made

“I Voted”. Produced by Democrat Katie Couric. You can watch it on Amazon Prime TV The movie actually shows Dominion Voting Machines flipping voters from one candidate to another. My friend was a candidate in Wellington Florida he was winning at nigh in the morning he was the loser. There was an investigation and it was determined that Dominion flipped votes for reasons unknown. My friend John Greene was pronounced the winner. Filmmaker Jason Grant Smith takes us on a 6 yr journey into the heart of US democracy - the vote.

What begins as an examination of S C. U.S.Senate primary soon turns into an in-depth exploration of US election integrity. How do we know our votes count? The answer is surprising & disturbing!

I don't know why Fox News didn't use this movie for their defense !?

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Trump’s cabinet must consist of like minded America First loyalists. These globalists such as Kudlow, Munuchin , Mulvaney should never have a roll in 2024. Their idiocy & unscrupulous behaviors toward opposing ideas stifled a real debate about how to handle a global pandemic. Did Pence approve of his chief of staff,Short? I’m thinking that Pence played a devious role in sabotaging Trump during his presidency. He was surrounded by a net of Rinos who thought they knew more then anyone else. Disturbing.

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Agree with you Lorraine, all those names, not sure about Kudlow,I thought he was a good guy 🤔. But yes Trump has many scars on his back from The Rinos. I'm sure he's learned some valuable lessons. He should start his inner circle with Navarro, Nunes, and Kash Patel. 👍

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If President Trump had been listened to about Hydroxychloroquine, in my opinion, deaths would have been much much less and the urgency for a vaccine could have been reduced greatly, providing time and more importantly calm and rationality in dealing with Covid, not something that China, Big Pharma and the Medical Industrial Complex , in my opinion, wanted to see.

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Thank you for this valuable information

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