Thanks Peter. I suspect many, like I, have already read your both of your Trump books but for those who haven’t this is a great offer. The experiences of the first Trump administration will be lessons well learned for the next and I don’t expect The President to make the same mistakes twice.

A compelling reason for Trump over the Keebler Elves (DeSantis and the Seven Dwarfs?) is that they will make many of the same mistakes in selecting cabinet members and appointees. President Trump will hit the ground running surrounded by people he knows and trusts, not patronage appointees.

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Peter, as always your insight and writing abilities shine through. I have not purchased your current book, but will enjoy catching up with your Substack chapters. The first tranche was delightful. Keep them coming. I fear our country is so dominated by corruption that normal American citizens will continue to be silenced. As a Board Certified Internist and an MBA, I have been appalled at the medical-Pharmacy Industrial complex. God help us.

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Peter, I can't download your page:

Secure connection cannot be established

When a website that requires a secure (HTTPS) connection tries to secure communication with your computer, Firefox cross-checks this attempt to make sure that the website certificate and the connection method are actually secure. If Firefox cannot establish a secure connection, it will display a Secure Connection Failed or Did Not Connect: Potential Security Issue error page.

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Thanks Peter, I look forward to reading these installments. I certainly enjoyed reading your first Trump book and haven't read this one, so appreciate you making it available like this.

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Very generous-- thank you!

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Writing book on the idea proposed sounds good. Be interesting to understand more of how the White House works.

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Bummer I have already purchased. I do hope the president makes better staff choices next time.

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I have been told if you place your book on substack Amazon will de list it.

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