There is no significant drop in inflation--all data coming from the US government is false. The temporary boost in the market is from the Xi-Xi-den meeting. All signs show that the CCP controls the US market and the meeting proved that the US is still a slave to China. So Tesla, Apple, Google. BlackRock continue to win and America continues to lose.

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Great Analysis

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Peter, I have to take exception to the size of the bond market vs the stock market.

I agree that the bond market is about $51 trillion as quoted; this represents the total debt of the US government. But to say this is 1,000 X the stock market does not make sense. This calculation would place the stock market's total capitalization at $46 billion. However, when I look at the combined market cap of NVDA, AAPL, and AMZN alone, I'm looking at around $6 trillion. These three companies make up a market cap of one-eighth the bond market!

The math just doesn't make sense.

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It’s long term bonds that got crushed in 2022. Bonds should be the safe (less volition) part of a well built portfolios.

Stretching term to achieve returns with bonds is as risky as equities.

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All secular, bear markets, have many spikes in them

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50-50 stock bond portfolio just in time to experience the worse bond market rout in a couple hundred years. at least I kept the duration short.

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