Dems must be voted out. These years under Obama/Biden have been threatening to our existence. Another round will completely destroy and Obama’s wish to transform (defeat/destroy) will come to fruition. 🤬🤬🤬

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I for one am quite tired of hearing how China is screwing us. The "Profit over Patriotism" crowd took our factories, jobs and technology to China to escape regulation while seeking the lowest cost of labor and they got it. All the while marketing their products back to the USA. These same traitors do not wish to see a Trump administration do anything to upset the mega-profits being made overseas for the US market, obviously. And it is not only the "Rich" that are to blame but the rest of us too, for when we had a choice between American made and foreign made, most chose by price. Everyone should know the reasons we find ourselves here for in hindsight they are crystal clear. In short it is the degradation of our society. Yes China is a bad actor but we are dishonest with ourselves if we think they are to blame for the shuttered factories and lack of good paying jobs for the masses that once existed. We are.

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I agree with what you say but for the part of the blame for the rest of us. We have been told we are in a global economy, at least since I graduated from high school in 1969. Nixon and Kissinger opened China and said it would move them to capitalism and how good that will be. We watched the factories move overseas and small town manufacturers dry up as planned for the cheaper costs overseas. We, the people didn't cause it by buying at the best price we could afford. Wages hadn't gone up in decades, meaning in purchasing power. It was engineered and the rise of the big box stores and online shopping was a large part of it. Now these economic masters of the universe's greed for having all the marbles for themselves look at the Chinese business model of communism for the workers and capitalism for the elites as the model for the future. What was the average person to do? Yet, we are supposed to take the blame for it all. That said, why would we the people be taxed for the trillions being spent for the masters agenda. They did it without our consent, they can pay it themselves. The people asked for balanced budgets since I graduated from high school, too.

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That's exactly 💯 % RIGHT & why we need a REAL TEA PARTY!!!

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You and I are the same age. What I said is we are all to blame and I stick by it. Tough pill to swallow but that's my view. USS America CVA-66, 1970-73.

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Mark, you are SO RIGHT ✅️, yet this administration keeps fueling the inflation factor making it hard for most people, other than a few diehard patriots, to choose the lower cost products.

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One major item I see is we don't make anything here anymore. In the event of war, where do we make parts? In WWII, our companiess stopped production of daily goods and converted the factory to produce parts for the war. This is of concern to me.

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KLZ, absolutely 💯 % right ✅️!

We haven't produced anything for a VERY LONG TIME!!!


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As long as we have life and breath within us, as long as the flag still stands high, as long as Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, they will be afraid, they will not prevail, they will be defeated.

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Clock surely ticking

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Matthew 19:26

And Jesus looking upon them said to them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. --- UNITE WITH GOD AND LIKE MINDED PRAY AND PREP

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In 2012 the USA DOD ADEPT P3 program had mRNA vaxxes ready to go out in 60 days whenever needed.

Fouchier, a Dutch scientist at the USA Rocky Mountain lab helped start the mess. He was doing experiments with aerosolized vaccines on deer!!! There was probably a lab escape in approximately 2014. The last paragraph of the following is chilling. Facebook will not allow sharing of this…..


They then sent samples to Winnipeg. Trudeau then allowed samples to be sent to Wuhan!!! Meanwhile NSA/FISA says nothing about the communications between the 2 labs!!!! The world has been covering up for Trudeau… but later they concocted a plan to blame Trump for everything!!!!

We have already been exposed to the coronavirus/MERS and variants. It was not new. This was all known by governments and their intelligence communities for years and suppressed!!!!

Look at the date and information from this old article that was censored…..


Look at the beginning of this old stack talking about it. ….


We were lied to about everything. Why is no one talking about the infected deer wandering the country? Some say approximately 20% of the deer are infected/carriers.

Funny how the Winnipeg bio lab director and PCR inventor mysteriously/suddenly pass away. 🤔

All intel people knew. But they continually blame Fauci, CDC, etc and misdirecting people from the truth!!!!

Biden/Obama/China/Trudeau are knee deep in a conspiracy using PCR testing to roll out a fraud and the vaxxes that cause inflammation and harm many.

Let’s not forget how they benefitted and made a fortune from an already circulating virus:

-lockdowns normalized the use of mail in ballots

-China got Hong Kong without a shot fired

-got rid of Trump

-many countries did not prepare for baby boomers senior health care and had under funded pensions.

-helped bring in great reset changes such as vax passes.

Some people made treasonous decisions and no one is doing a darn thing.

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What do you think of the desiccated husk withholding DOD money that will stall Carrier construction for several years?

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