These last years under Biden/Obama has wrecked our standing and security. We have an insufferable fool as president being propped up daily. Everything Biden has done or touched has resulted in failure or harm. The only part of your article I can disagree with is Ukraine. This war cannot be won by our continually feeding billions to a corrupt country that does not have the manpower or moral courage to continue. A peace deal must be negotiated even if it means land loss for Ukraine. As it is now, we taxpayers are supporting Ukraine’s military, economy, pensions and salaries while our border is wide open. Something catastrophic will bound to happen with all the military age men pouring in from China, Africa, Venezuela, and 120 other countries.

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The Russians are "the good guys" in the Ukraine proxy war

Any American politician pushing for continued US involvement and support of the corrupt Zelenski government is highly suspect - follow the money. #bodycount

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I don't believe Putin plans on any more expansion. It would bankrupt his country. I believe the CIA/DOD forced his hand. The death of Ukraine lies in their bloodsoaked hands.

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May 13Edited
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Nato does what the CIA/DOD tells them to do. Do a little research of your own. The CIA is neck deep in fomenting “revolutions” around the world since WW2 and was heavily involved in the Maidan revolution.

Also in the proliferation of biowarfare labs in ukraine.

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Russia identified numerous bioweapon labs inside the KM stronghold Ukraine!

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I have donated consistently Sir. I am on SSDI, but still budget what I can. I wish everyone did. I pray for your strength wisdom and guidance. I am grateful for your leadership and the example you set as an American cathy

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The USA govt is the great Satan here....wanna know why Russia is in Ukraine? Look no further than USA, Victoria Nuland, NATO, 48 bioweapons labs, child trafficking.....the USA govt aren't the good guys

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Ambassador O'Brien,

Please spare us the neocon drivel. By pushing NATO to Russia's doorstep, by staging a color revolution to put in western puppet Zelensky, by said puppet ethnically cleansing the ethnic Russian population of Ukraine, the West pushed the Bear into the SMO.

Now let's get into the Israeli genocide in Gaza...

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To Robert C. O'Brien:

As far as Ukraine is concerned--Putin invaded Ukraine to show the US/NATO alliance that he was not going to take anymore interference on the Russia/Ukraine border. Putin knew of all the US bio-weapon labs situated on his border and how in 2014 the US/CIA was key in removing duly elected President Viktor Yanukovych. Don't forget all the killing in the Dunbas region as well. Russia is not seeking to expand but to push back on NATO's expansion. Since you got that all wrong--there was no need to read the rest of your lame comments.

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God bless you, Peter hang in there we’re praying for you

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I disagree on one point, Mr O'Brien.

Yes, it is true that Russia invaded Ukraine. However, what I disagree with is the "why" it happened. I posit that the invasion happened because the UK and US want to attack Russia with the backing of NATO. Russia does not want a NATO country on its border, especially one that reaches as far eastward as Ukraine. This was exposed when the Maidan uprising occurred after the US and UK assisted in the removal of the democratically-elected Viktor Yanukovich from Ukraine because of his close ties with Vlad Putin. Putin has stated plainly that he (and Russia) is not comfortable with a leader of Ukraine that looks westward. He believes that Ukraine should be neutral territory, neither NATO-aligned nor Russia-aligned. However, I have never heard anyone explain why Ukraine has to have closer ties to the US than Russia. But that war would end as soon as the US and UK tell Ukraine to go to the negotiating table with Putin. I'll wager the most likely outcome would be that the four oblasts that are Russian-speaking and culturally Russian, plus Crimea, would end up being returned to Russia, and Ukraine will retain the rest of their territory.

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PRAY AND PREP UNITE God’s Guarantee of Success

“This Book of the Law must not depart from your mouth. Meditate on it day and night so that you may act carefully according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way successful, and you will be wise.”

— Joshua 1:8

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Spot on article. We have mostly cowards representing the republican opposition party. Too many of them belong to the Uniparty and warm a chair for personal greedy gain. The few faithful fighters in DC are soldiers trying to keep the enemy outside the gate, but too many have infiltrated our once free, patriotic, safe, peaceful, godly nation that the whole world looked up to. The devil runs the uniparty and its weaponized compromised government agencies. Unless God intervenes mercifully, the war at hand from within will grow worse. We live in a world of chaos, and God is not the author of chaos. We need a "come to Jesus" movement in Biblical proportions sooner than later.

Peter, we miss you. I pray for you daily. May God show you His purposes to use you right where you are, which will defeat what the enemy initially desired to do. God Bless you during this time, as we have been chosen to shine His Light at such a time as this.

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It isn't just Biden's fault. I is about the western nations not allowing Ukraine to complete the original negotiations with Russia years ago to let Russia Govern the Dombas area. And keeping th promise the west made to not bring Ukraine into NATO. I think Trump can negotiate this back to that agreement. With a GDP of about the size of the State of Florida, Russia knows it can not defeat the entire west to get to the same borders it had under the USSR. Putin's no fool and it is time for some hard Nass negotiations.

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Well said.

Great synopsis of current destructive trajectory this country is traversing.

Mr. Navarro, you will soon be back in the White House to assist President Trump in navigating our country back to greatness.

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We all know all this. What can be done about it all???

Militarily [they] need to be stopped.

The only other solution is for The Rapture to occur and Tribulation to begin.

Maranatha 🙏🏼

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