I wish Steve Bannon, when he invites you to the WAR ROOM, would let you talk a whole lot more.

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We know for a fact that TikTok’s vaunted algorithm purposely serves up trashy videos to US users. Chinese users get served wholesome videos related to science, academics, etc. TikTok is just one front in the CCP’s unrestricted warfare.

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What a piece of shit article.

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I guess a only a piece of shit like you would call a good article shit. Which one are you, Steve Mnuchin or Larry Kudlow?

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Let's put Petrov in leg irons. Also include his writing arm

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Found the troll.

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Seriously if they are begging for money and VC bailed it means its a broken model. Think about it, how many regular people are paying per writer $5 to $10 per month? Not enough apparently and the next thing they will introduce is advertising which is 1million times worse. This monetization model is for elites, elite writers and elite readers who can afford to pay to "benefit" from their writing. Its not Twitter but its just as elitist as Twitter and will devolve into the same mess and control mechanism.

Go check out web3. Go check out crypto. Go check out the MVP of my solo hobbiest project "dplatform.me" The next platforms will be web3, crypto, micro-transactions, and governed by decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) or no one

The future is decentralized!

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Mexican president calls out America’s BS – March 22, 2023

The Last Child of My Lai -- JEFFREY ST. CLAIR – Mar. 19, 2023


The My Lai Massacre, where American GIs murdered 502 unarmed Vietnamese civilians, occurred 55 years ago this week.

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The Last Child of My Lai -- JEFFREY ST. CLAIR – Mar. 19, 2023


The My Lai Massacre, where American GIs murdered 502 unarmed Vietnamese civilians, occurred 55 years ago this week.

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Peter! Did you ever study the Populace Revolt of William Tell? Brother! You are one of the primary soldiers and History teaches us you are on the cuff of a great victory. https://godtype.substack.com/p/the-william-tell-overture-trump-maga

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