I understand the economics here however, my fear in the promotion of remote work is the drastic decrease in human interaction that results. The Marxist agenda requires separating and isolating people. The transhumanist agenda is to replace humans with robots. Both of these ideologies are thwarted when people work side by side, take lunch together, play on the company softball team, go to the company picnic or Christmas party. The younger generation should be careful what they wish for. The promotions will go to the employee that the boss “knows” and that is harder to achieve working remotely. The lifelong relationships you make on the job site will never be replaced by working alone in your house. The remote work push might very well win the day, but it is a loss to society make no mistake. Flexible work arrangements are a great compromise. Life is about stages and young parents or those caring for loved ones do have special needs that can be met without turning to a full remote work environment for all.

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A major issue for unjabbed workers is exposure to damaging mRNA shedding. Finding a doctor who will write that exemption is difficult.

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It would be great if real science could be done so that we could begin to mop up this mess. What are the impacts of shedding and what can be done to mitigate it? What about the blood supply? What about those injured from the spike protein? How can they be helped? They want to kick the can down the road and pretend like nothing has happened. Unfortunately there is a huge mess on aisle 3 that needs immediate attention and funding.

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It’s up to us who are fighting the system to come together and create a parallel economy.

Contagious vaccinosis can be

mitigated with NAC, Ivermectin, C-60, PQQ, etc.

Dr. Christianne Northrup discusses how the jab is destroying reproductive organs, causing heart attacks in unborn babies .

There are many great doctors that are helping the jabbed with protocols out there.

To get a compilation ( assembled by Flyover ) the protocols of Drs Northrup, Zelenko, Sherwood, McCullogh, Ardis for free, text VAX to 40509. Share with anyone who took the jab, whether they’re experiencing symptoms or not. Also provides other great resources.

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Thanks, that is great info!

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Great response. I agree much is lost socially with remote workers. Hashing out problems over zoom not quite as feasible, esp if one is interrupted by home issues. There’s pros and cons to both scenarios and individuals should be treated accordingly to their interest, as long as done fairly to which is impossible with a large employee base.

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Don’t forget the younger generation has been indoctrinated to believe Marxism is great. They don’t know the difference.

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They did that where I work. New CEO demanded a hybrid work schedule and fired three of us, leaving two people to do support work. A month later, they called me back in as a contractor to clean up the mess. They lost customers over it.

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"For many parents, the biggest remote worker payoff is spending more time raising their families while often saving large sums on daycare."

So, if they are "spending more time raising their families," how much time are they actually spending on doing work for the company that is paying them?

I am so sick and tired of calling a company and the employee that answers is "working at home" with dogs barking and children screaming in the background.

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I totally agree. And don’t forget using a headset that is so bad you can barely hear them.

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I called Primary Care at the VA...the clerk was working from home. I was on a landline which always has a great connection. Don't know if he was speaking through a computer or what...the connection was so bad and full of static.

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Yet productivity from remote workers overall has skyrocketed. Definitely a win-win!!

It makes sense...fewer breaks are taken from the computer despite the home situation versus the office, where the time-wasting activities include unnecessary meetings (remotely, most work while “attending”), office celebrations, luncheons, smoke breaks, socializing, needing to leave early to deal with car repairs, home contractors, errands, etc.

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2 hrs a day commuting spent working.

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But that is what you chose. Before the plandemic, you dealt with it

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2 more hours available for work.

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I've worked remotely from home since 2017. The plandemic just broadened awareness to more employees and employers. Prior to that, I drove 3-4 hours round-trip every day. That is the recovered family time this article mentions.

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A lot has changed since then, and the workplace needs to bend.

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Some are professional, some are not.

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As a hands-on builder, I just can’t see how one could remotely build a house or a shopping center from home.

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More hypocrisy from the billionaire class. Burn energy to protect their office space investments. Working from home gave us cleaner environments, ain't that what the covid lords told us ?

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Follow-on to "Be Jabbed or Be Fired"

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I work for a financial firm. This has gotten so ridiculous. Before the plandemic, you worked in your office or cubicle 40 hours a week. Period. End of story. Plandemic happens and you have to work from home (hey, you still had your job.). Now people are whining like preschoolers that they are being called back into the office.

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But an analysis should be done by the companies. Who and which positions became more/less productive and act accordingly.

I think stock holders will agree with that.

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Biden works from home,

but no visitor logs.

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Less automobiles on the road as well. Less pollution hello!

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Too bad my dentist or plumber or handyman can't "work from home."

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The law of unintended consequences rears it's head.

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As a remote worker, I can tell you that we remotes generally spend more time working and less time socializing. And we're more apt to start early or stay online later into the evening if needed, and check in on weekends to get quick tasks done to start clean on Monday. People in the office arrive and leave by the clock, and good luck getting them to stay later or show up earlier. Then there's the 90-minute lunches, the errands, the watercooler gossip. It is a myth that more work gets done in the office than remotely. The Pareto Principle still applies, but you'll find remotes tend to produce more. Those bosses who want azzes in seats think they have more control that way, but it just isn't true. It's a power and control thing.

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In past studies it was found most employees did not have the discipline to work from home. I believe that is true for today also.

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Good workers are good at home.

Bad workers are bad at home.

5% uptick in productivity due to 35% of people put in more time working due to saved time from commuting.

That's the whole gain for companies, but there are many gains for employees.

So much so that, work from home is the number one sought after perk. So a company that is smart can easily attract the best people.

Which gives said company a huge market advantage.

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But the point still is the majority of people whining and complaining were working in an office just fine and dandy before the plandemic. Now the cry like children in the sandbox when they are told they have to go home.

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Peter take a look at this guy, he goes on Fox Maria B show and tells her right to her face that he was taking money to China. These people have no face it’s sick. I don’t blame the people because they are not hip to this kind of scum bags.

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