I remember when Japan was dumping steel into the USA and now they're buying our steel plants so they can raise the prices and screw the American Public. Sadly, if President Trump is not re-elected, the USA will be turned into a Chinese Communist type shite hole where we'll be treated worse than robots.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

A vote for any democrat or RFK Jr is a vote for China.

Sadly Bobby is a climate change leftist lunatic and China would be very happy with whatever outcome. They want to control our energy and the green agenda only benefits China.

Bobby is just an intelligence community vote splitting ruse.

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Joe Biden and the "DEMON-i-crats, care NOTHING, for our U.S. based corporations! He NEEDS, to take economics 101, but that would be a waste, he'd FLUNK! By. strengthening our domestic industries, economic power, becomes the "security" we need and for that matter, security for the entire globe! WW2, proved that! We MUST, I repeat, we MUST "CLEAN HOUSE", this November, when President Trump, becomes the 47th president of the United States! Washington, needs an enema, from the top down. It's time, to M.A.G.A!!!

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This is why more and more union workers are backing Trump and bucking the party line set by union leaders.

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The main plan is to send as many U$D outside of the country as possible. No matter what the question, that's the answer. Oil, Steel, Ukraine, send money elsewhere! USA Last. Its got to end.

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Well, that keeps the value of the dollar up, which benefits service workers. Which is most of the employed portion of the Democrat base.

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Anyone who votes Biden or Kennedy deserve everything they get.

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