I never thought I’d see the day when this country would openly have political prisoners. Absolutely chilling! But persevere, Dr. Navarro - I believe this is a case of ‘it’s always darkest before the dawn’. I’m voting for Trump, and yes, I’ve just upgraded to PAID.
Sorry. A little off topic as this is also important ……
The Texas fiasco sounds like a scam from the Biden/Bush Texas regime to derail Trump.
If this continues to escalate can Biden declare Texas insurrectionists and boot them from the 2024 election and thus stealing another election from Trump and the people??!!
Abbott is a Bush puppet. They are setting this up for something. Trump just said other states should send their national guard. Will Trump and other states be booted from 2024 elections because they are all insurrectionists??!!
Abbott has had years to deal with illegal immigration and has done nothing as directed by the Bush clan who like open borders. This stinks like a setup.
72 hour rule: wait 72 hours (at least) to see how it shakes out. Already with 25 other states showing support for Texas another element has been added to the mix.
I love when you discuss the new data that came out. I totally agree. The economy is being propped up by gov’t spending nothing more. And the jobs report is a disaster. The private sector is not creating the jobs the way it should be. It has to collapse at some point doesn’t it?
I watched your sidewalk presser outside of the court building. The cowbell and obstructionist posters were as annoying as they were typical. We groan in this state of unjust asymmetry. This scene was particularly galling given the fact such crude behavior is permitted and encouraged by the high occupants of captured institutions, offenders against the duties of order and fairness. There was a time when this could have been corrected with procedural methods, but those responsible opted to be "nice," to be lenient. It was a niceness without virtue. What might have been called, "our team," extending back through time (esp., 1940s, 1950s)--if that makes sense--lacked the appropriate will. They were distracted by convenience, affluence, avarice & self-advantage, perhaps an affair or something compromising, idle distractions and comfort. These are the usual ways things always fall apart. But this is a well-trodden analysis. Now, we have to take the hard road back.
In response to Shi: I am (slowly, too slowly) reading the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist and the Anti-Federalist Papers. Also, a good understanding of Information and Communication Theory (Cybernetics) is handy in order to know the direction that the technocrats used and the ends that they desire---and how we can check them. We need to build a system that makes technology and science our tools---and not let technocracy be our master and god.
Anyone who pays 50% to 400% more for anything they buy in the joebama era scoffs at the inflation claims of this treasonous, criminal administration. The struggle for survival day to day keeps the eyes of the people in the dirt and their minds dulled and defeated. Civil Slavery embraces us all. No surer way to crush revolution than to make it unaffordable.
We are behind you Dr Navarro. Your sentence has openly revealed the hypocrisy of the two tiered system of justice. Hunter Biden, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner. All issued subpoenas, all defied and never charged. You will prevail in the end. God bless sir.
China controls 2 major sea lanes, Panama canal and now Suez canal by proxy .Straights of Taiwan is on deck . SunTsu !! Stock up on Lysol and toilet paper for the next Plandemic .
I never thought I’d see the day when this country would openly have political prisoners. Absolutely chilling! But persevere, Dr. Navarro - I believe this is a case of ‘it’s always darkest before the dawn’. I’m voting for Trump, and yes, I’ve just upgraded to PAID.
DH and I are praying for you as you deal with this harassment. Stay Trump strong! We need you to help 47 in his next administration:)
It’s terrible what they are doing to you!!!
Sorry. A little off topic as this is also important ……
The Texas fiasco sounds like a scam from the Biden/Bush Texas regime to derail Trump.
If this continues to escalate can Biden declare Texas insurrectionists and boot them from the 2024 election and thus stealing another election from Trump and the people??!!
Abbott is a Bush puppet. They are setting this up for something. Trump just said other states should send their national guard. Will Trump and other states be booted from 2024 elections because they are all insurrectionists??!!
Abbott has had years to deal with illegal immigration and has done nothing as directed by the Bush clan who like open borders. This stinks like a setup.
72 hour rule: wait 72 hours (at least) to see how it shakes out. Already with 25 other states showing support for Texas another element has been added to the mix.
But where do you donate money? Already paid subscriber and have both books. There is nothing on peternavarro.com either.
I am considering buying a set of books for gifts because I already own both books.
I subscribed and bought his books as support!
I love when you discuss the new data that came out. I totally agree. The economy is being propped up by gov’t spending nothing more. And the jobs report is a disaster. The private sector is not creating the jobs the way it should be. It has to collapse at some point doesn’t it?
I watched your sidewalk presser outside of the court building. The cowbell and obstructionist posters were as annoying as they were typical. We groan in this state of unjust asymmetry. This scene was particularly galling given the fact such crude behavior is permitted and encouraged by the high occupants of captured institutions, offenders against the duties of order and fairness. There was a time when this could have been corrected with procedural methods, but those responsible opted to be "nice," to be lenient. It was a niceness without virtue. What might have been called, "our team," extending back through time (esp., 1940s, 1950s)--if that makes sense--lacked the appropriate will. They were distracted by convenience, affluence, avarice & self-advantage, perhaps an affair or something compromising, idle distractions and comfort. These are the usual ways things always fall apart. But this is a well-trodden analysis. Now, we have to take the hard road back.
Your composure during the presser was admirable.
You have a lot of support out here sir, patriots are communicating and joining in the fight for AMERICA
Sending cake (with file).
I want to donate but I can't afford a subscription. Can you create a "name your amount" choice.
You're fighting the Good Fight. GodSpeed :)
Rick…you can subscribe for a month or two then cancel.
In response to Shi: I am (slowly, too slowly) reading the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist and the Anti-Federalist Papers. Also, a good understanding of Information and Communication Theory (Cybernetics) is handy in order to know the direction that the technocrats used and the ends that they desire---and how we can check them. We need to build a system that makes technology and science our tools---and not let technocracy be our master and god.
Anyone who pays 50% to 400% more for anything they buy in the joebama era scoffs at the inflation claims of this treasonous, criminal administration. The struggle for survival day to day keeps the eyes of the people in the dirt and their minds dulled and defeated. Civil Slavery embraces us all. No surer way to crush revolution than to make it unaffordable.
The USA is worse than the CCP at this point.
We are behind you Dr Navarro. Your sentence has openly revealed the hypocrisy of the two tiered system of justice. Hunter Biden, Eric Holder, Lois Lerner. All issued subpoenas, all defied and never charged. You will prevail in the end. God bless sir.
China controls 2 major sea lanes, Panama canal and now Suez canal by proxy .Straights of Taiwan is on deck . SunTsu !! Stock up on Lysol and toilet paper for the next Plandemic .