Thank you for visiting Peter in prison, Adam. All patriots and dissidents will rally around him when he is free in a month. Laugh at the regime as they lose their legitimacy.

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Thank you for reading. To be clear, the interview was conducted via a prison e-mail system (referenced in the fourth paragraph of the piece).

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We all need to pray and fight for our constitution, for without America is finished.

May God bring forth Donald J Trump to bring We the People back to our rightful place in charge of our Gov & politicians.

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Praying for Peter. I sent him a 3rd letter. 2 got returned, hopefully the 3rd is a charm.

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That was a good interview. Mr Navarro's stint in prison may just lead to new much needed prison reforms.

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Happy to read Mr Navarro is doing okay. I bought a card to send then realized it would be futile. Now that he’s had an inside view, I predict Democrats will rue the day they stuck him in a Federal prison! Looking forward to the MAGA reforms of everything federal. May God give us victory in November. 👍🏻🙏🏻

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Wonderful interview, thank you for reposting it.

I am so very sick of Democrats. Fucking demons, all of them.

But, they'll never stop unless the People put a real hurt on their pocketbooks and their power.

Apparently, the House and the Senate have immunity and everyone of those crooks are taking advantage of it by breaking constitutional law every time they draw a breath.

I'm hoping Trump's pick for AG is a person of principle who honor's the Constitution and will hold the Dems accountable.

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Looking forward to the next Trump administration with Peter in a lead economic role.

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You will be an asset to the next administration in whatever capacity you are engaged.

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Dr. Navarro will go down in history as one of our great patriot heroes of the cause in this Second, Silent, Revolution. God bless you sir. Keep your focus on the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's win this in November.

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Executive Priviledge does not belong to a White House employee. It belongs to the former President.

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