Happy to see an article from you. Hope you are okay. Thanks for everything you do.

Sorry to change the subject…. I hope you are going to be involved in a new Trump administration. Maybe the new VP? Lol.

If not you as the VP… a lot of people have felt Nunes or John Ratcluffe are serious candidates that should be selected and have proven to be trustworthy.

Anyone else seems to have issues that make them not real quality candidates. If he doesn’t pick either of these 2 men…. It will appear as a weak, comedic, or radical administration.

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My vote goes to Devin Nunes. Never hear Trump mention him as a possible VP. He's too busy finding a woman. There is not a single one of those I can think of that I would be comfortable voting for as VP, much less as President..... should the need ever arise. Let's not forget, it was Trump who kept cheer leading Ronna. Never, Never should he have promoted Mitt's niece. Crazy.

I like Trump, but the people he so often endorses are the very swamp creatures he claims to want to get rid of. Like Jim Justice, a billionaire establishment guy, instead of endorsing Alex Mooney, a true patriot conservative for senator of West Virginia. Trump can do some of the smartest things, but also some of the dumbest. God help us!

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Trumps greatest qualities are used against him. It's too easy for him to fall into the pattern again - trusting a person because they are around and talking with you saying what they have figured out t say. Those people have no soul. Mccarthy glued himself to Trump's side for the month before his reelection. Unfortunately, MTG threw her ego and libido to Mccarthy and was grooming herself for being near all the power. Oops. Trump expects people to know their job, learn it and DO it. He expects people to mean what they say. It is very hard to change, be more cautious. I can't STAND Sean Hannity - he is no conservative, he just plays (quite badly at times) one on TV. Trump should NEVER have endorsed Oz. Why did his endorsement wing push it!? Because eDem and eUni there and elsewhere. I pray for all, and also for Peter. I pray that when they get in there, enough smart, savvy, loyal people with discernment ride herd on the staffers (because staffers get grandiose and will become doors rather than funnels) and keep the infiltrators that give other infiltrators hands up into the awaiting bureaupathology.

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Dr Navarro, as a paying sub and having donated as well, praying for you. Wear your imprisoning as a badge of honor. Justice is coming in 2025.

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And retribution.

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Dr. Navarro, I am so sorry that you are being crucified as a political prisoner. I am just aghast that this is happening in my beloved USA. If’s it’s any consolation, your persecution is undoubtedly resulting in a ton of additional votes for Trump! So keep reminding yourself of that when times get rough.

And, it’s four months. You are strong enough to survive that, and emerge even more powerful! I’ll bet you have already made plans for how you can leverage this injustice into speaking engagements, book tours, campaign speeches, or whatever else you feel called to do. God bless you, and thank you for everything!

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Maybe you might endorse leg irons as a fashion statement (for events like CPAC) or start your own brand. :) You are a hero! Yes, God bless you, and thank you for everything!

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Dear Dr. Navarro, It is a now a Tyrannical Government and must either be defeated at the ballot box or by other means. My simulated POW experience taught me that you do not want to be a songbird nor a stool pigeon. Take the middle road. A PhD in Economics, working for any US President for the good of the People, rightfully declares Executive Privilege on yet another evil hoax perpetuated by Marxists, who in their right mind would have ever thought that this person would go to jail — No Q. This flying VP sailor found Soviet Submarines worldwide for 24 years. Please do not thank me for my service because I did not do it for this. Keep your powder dry!

AW1 Flying Sonarman, USNR, ret.

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We've flipped perspectives. You now seem to be more sanguine about a continuing run up in the market than I am. That scares me.

As ever, thanks for your diligence in producing the Weekly Rap. It's irreplaceable. Best of Luck.

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Peter, I just went to subscribe but found it is $80/yr. a bit above my budget, as this would not be my only subscription. Perhaps consider lowing the yearly subscription to $50? You may get many more subscribers that would easily make up the difference. Just a thought.

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I hear you - it was a hit to my budget to subscribe, too (but I did anyway). Please remember that you can always give a tip to Substack writers through Ko-fi. Every little bit helps, right?

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Good point - I do use the Ko-fi now and again with the monthly.

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This corrupt judge should be held to account. What’s happening to you & others is a travesty of Justice. Will the Supreme Court step up here? You are a brave patriot. Millions of MAGA are behind you. An army of patriots! Wear this as a badge of honor. You deserve the medal of Freedom .

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I, too, consume cocoa daily, in my case, unsweetened, stirred into hot water, like coffee.

It's proven that "Cocoa reduces inflammation associated with heart disease "


Peter, you're a great patriot! Thank you so much for what you're doing!

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Peter thank you for your substack and your wealth of knowledge. You are in our prayers and we will continue to support you!

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Biased, lawless, partisan, foreign-born federal judges such as Mehta should be impeached and removed from the judiciary. They are a stain on American justice. When an American citizen is found guilty in a selective prosecution for which many members of the opposition party have never been charged, no decent, fair minded jurist would insist on prison until the appeal was fully heard. The practice of allowing people not born in America, and not hewing to our standards of law and decency to sit in high places in the legal field, is regrettable. This is why we have people such as Vijaya Gadde shutting down the free speech rights of Americans If you're going to come to America and reap our bounties, at least have the decency to understand and adopt our culture, our mores and our sense of fair play.

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Hang tough. Your courage, patriotism, and determination keeps me focused, strengthens my resolve, and my hope for the future of America.

Thanks and God Bless you and yours.

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"It would be difficult to convince a jury that they should convict him — by then a former president well into his eighties — of a serious felony that requires a mental state of willfulness.”

For that argument to have any validity at al would require the jury to think that Biden has been non compos mentis for years. While that's certainly arguable. it's not the case. That being so, his current state of mind is relevant to sentencing only and not to prosecution and a verdict of guilty.

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Your tough stance is a boon to us all. Thank you.

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