I pray to God that he will intervene in what the traitors such as The Bush’s, Obama’s, Clinton’s & The Biden’s have been doing to destroy America and bring in their New One World Order Government. The WEF’s elites who are wealthy & politically connected have infiltrated The UN 🇺🇳 & now they have infiltrated many countries’ health care by taking over with their WHO.

Trump must win to save America 🇺🇸

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Thank you for your service to Pres Trump and your loyalty to the noble political prisoner Peter Navarro.

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Look forward to your insight. I will try to instill Peter’s and your policy in my young grandchildren.

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Mr. Gray, we are also concerned about Peter Navarro, the man. How is he holding up? I hope he knows that so many of us are praying for him and sending him good wishes.

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Yes, can anyone that has seen him give us an update on our brave one?

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Hope you work with Peter in the next administration. I would like to see Peter as Chief of Staff or Speaker of the House but perhaps he is needed in the Treasury. He deserves whatever position he feels will benefit the America First agenda.

Hope he gets released soon. He is a a HERO.

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The question I have for going forward and for regaining our vitality as a country, as a manufacturing powerhouse and an economy for we the people in total, not just the elites, what do WE do? Wall street brokerages don't seem to be working for America anymore. they see themselves as international and above our country and our interests. The FED only benefits the over fed (elites/owner class). Main street is moribund if not dead. I think we were better off when the main streets of the towns and cites were central, family scale farms produced the foods, and the manufacturing of many of our products was distributed amongst those communities. The exception being major manufacturing like automobiles and trucks and airplanes. That all is what, along with our abundant natural resources, built this country into the greatness it was. So many people are great at describing the problems, few are also good at prescribing solutions. That is one thing Dr. Navarro always did.

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"The true duty of a Patriot is to protect his countrymen from its government." Thomas Paine

If you don't think this way you've been constitutionally educated in public schools

The truth of the matter for instance:

"The words "sovereign state" are cabalistic words, not understood by the disciple of liberty, who has been instructed in our constitutional schools. It is our appropriate phrase when applied to an absolute despotism. The idea of sovereign power in the government of a republic is incompatible with the existence and foundation of civil liberty and the rights of property. Gaines v. Buford, 31 Ky. (1 Dana) 481, 501.

WHY....: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/empire-of-illusion.


But what has unfolded for One reason or another, all walks of life must face oblivion, if not curtailed...!

Like: When any government by becoming a corporator, (See 28 USC §3002(15(A)(B)(C)), 22 USCA 286(e)) lays down its sovereignty and takes on that of a private citizen (servant [ constitutors' ] to the debt - constitution - see U.C.C. Article 9, Section 307, subparagraph (h)). It can exercise 'no' power which is not derived from the corporate (constitutional) charter. (See: The Bank of the United States v. Planters Bank of Georgia, 5 L.Ed. (Wheat) 244; U.S. v. Butt, 309 U.S. 242).

This is why America has been operating under emergency war powers since March 6 & 9th, 1933 (e.o. 2039 & 2040). And will remain until a president of the united states declared the emergency over...., BUT THE POLITICAL PARTY APPARATUS DOES NOTHING TO REPEAL!!!

Our Westerly society has been reduced by perpetual commercial warfare under emergency war powers for nearly 90yrs.

Under international law of warfare, all parties to a cause must appear by nom de guerre, because an alien enemy cannot maintain an action during the war in his own name. A party is a person.

"A mixed war is one which is made on one side by the public authorities, and the other by mere private persons." Black's L. Dict., 5th Ed., pg., 1420.

All tribulation nominally speaking, is settled by the grantees (sovereign good people of united America for these United States) as grantor and settlor, and sole beneficiaries suing their public trustees by national referendum directly during any national election. Referendum should lay before the good people whether actions taken by their trustees give Cause for empaneling a national grand jury for taking survey of the corporate syndicalism afoot both domestic and international and what course of action to take necessary for the public trustees to restore constitutional civilian due process and national security to our federal Union. Both financially & militarily!

Should America's public trustees not follow grand jury instructions and prosecute their finding, then at that time such body of jurist shall instruct their marshals to be dispatched with standard operating memorandum to muster the legions of the Republic to repel all foreign & arrest all domestic unAmerican activities. Such as any public or private support for communism or otherwise, known as fascism parading as unaccountable cartels of corporate syndicalism.

AGAIN: Time is no longer an option for unanimity, honor for honor, to labor in America's vineyard of the all-fathers eternal Creation, for restitution of things thereon.

CHOSE IN ACTION whom ye serve and may wisdom ring true and dishonor falls in discord, that liberty be proclaimed throughout our grand republic for which she shall rightly stand anchored, eternally!!!!

In closing, whatever course of action you take in regards to our efforts, always know honor for honor will always be the best foundation for all solutions.

"I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth. As Thou didst send Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:15

Chose in action wisely & Normal Law will reign both by Golden Rule & Castle Rule and on thy day of testing, all things by divine providence and goodly spirit of wisdom, arise in honor as thy crown of living, eternal forevermore.

Whatever coin of time remains to rightly 'chose in action,' may your service in honor for honor above all else, be eternal forevermore.

Let me know how things are going and elsewise, as honor finds prudently germane.

Be wise, safe & blessed,


Notice: U.P.C. applicable

Tel: 1-509-862-3119 (text first before call)

Please forgive any syntax or grammatical errors.

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Step up GOoD People and Walk The Talk!

Fear not now, and no fear THEN.

Wiser than that "serpent."

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Good article!

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Great piece, Alex.

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