*** Peter, please tell us the NAMES of the persons in government and in pharma who blocked all of us from access to hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) / Plaquenil tablets? ***

I would like to hear you tell the story about how millions of doses of hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)/Plaquenil tablets were on the verge of being released by the Trump administration ... and then some forces blocked the release of this very safe, inexpensive, decades-old generic drug.

I would also REALLY like to know the names of the persons who are to blame for blocking the release of this very safe, inexpensive, decades-old generic drug, which I credit with saving MY LIFE, and which if deployed across America and the world, could have saved possibly hundreds of thousands of other lives, now killed, had HCQ been administered early as Dr. Zelenko had advised and prescribed to his own patients at great personal risk to his medical license.

You were there ... who was responsible for blocking access to HCQ?

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I haven’t heard from anyone in their right mind say one meaningful good thing that WHO has done for America. Their deceptive actions have completely fail humankind around the globe..

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I’m sorry to say this, well no i’m not actually. I started reading this and then right in the beginning there it is the words, “fair enough”, Peter with those words comes the concession that the CCP see and know they have already moved you back three steps just to allow you to move forward one step and think you have a victory. Which is the way it seems politics goes nowadays.

There needs to be NO world wide organization for the planning of pandemic's, scandemics, or any other perceived crisis to allow rule to be forcibly wrested from the people. States rights, sovereign countries rights and individual rights should NEVER EVER under any circumstance be compromised under any circumstance. There needs be no WHO, no UN, no WEF. These things are corrupted entities put in place to take power from where it belongs and that is in the hands of the individual.

When individuals, sovereign free countries, and free states are allowed to govern themselves is when true innovation happens, then sovereign countries and free states can share their innovations and form alliances but remain autonomous.

The fact that we have gotten this far into this quagmire really disgusts me and shows all the more reason, to any individual who can drop the remote control or just blindly (not) think that, “ well they must know something I don’t” or “gee that one world thing really just sounds so nice, be kind” of why individual rights and autonomy are so important.

The amounts of money that are poured into these things are obscene to say it nicely. All the funding for these organizations need to stop. Big Pharma needs to cease immediately, and the world at war culture needs to be neutered and put to rest now.

To state that,” well we need to support planning for these pandemics, wars, crises “ is nuts. These organizations plan and cause these so called crises to grow and get more powerful. Hello McFlu, i meant McFly ‘that was a Freudian slip’. Power is the ROOT of this evil, and that power needs to be taken out and this evil pulled up by it’s roots. The time has come, no more concessions, moving forward means progress not three steps back and one forward.

Be Well everyone in all you do

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But he never mentions the devastating amendments to the IHR that is taking place right now and is every bit as bad as the CA+ accord. Feb. 20-24 they are negotiating the amendments to the International Health Regulations which need no approval from Congress. Many of us that have been fighting this since last year feel the accord or pandemic treaty as many call it is a diversion and it appears many including Peter are oblivious to the changes to the IHR (International Health Regulations) THEY are dangerous and WILL put full control into the hands of the WHO and digital ID is also part of the changes. It looks like many have fallen prey to their diversion tactics. THE EXPERT on the amendments and the "treaty" is James Roguski not Peter Navarro.

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The foxes have put themselves in charge of the henhouse.

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Thanks to posting Sir. Excellent exposure of their evil.

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WHO Director is in the pocket of Bill Gates/CCP. Bill and hi$ NGO's own the WHO. Are they above the law?

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This is pure evil!

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I take Extraordinary Exception to the phrase “Trump’s America.” This country belongs to The People, NOT Treasonous Trump OR Bogus Biden. This is OUR country, not the elected official’s country. I could have agreed with everything you said in your article, but as soon as you emphasized We the People are poor, weak slave-subordinates needing to be led around like brainwashed sheep by a

higher authority—You sir are them my country’s enemy. I’m so sick of Doctors, the media and other so-called intellectuals telling me I MUST choose a side, them go to war with the other side of my world and brainwashed sheep, or be abandoned. But that’s your purpose, correct, to have all the people of my world wage war against itself? I cannot and will not choose either a Democrat or Republican ever again. I refuse to be at war against The People, and I condemn the Gatekeepers splitting us up pitting Americans against each other for extreme “left vs. right” monsters and their causes.

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Feb 23, 2023·edited Feb 23, 2023

Mr. Navarro, while you ‘sound the alarm’ about CCP’s tactics and government, you are mute about America’s covert but widespread barbaric & depraved nonconsensual experimentation and torture in Darpa/NIH brain/bioweapons development mutilating innocent Americans often put in the program for political revenge and profits of WHO partners. How is that different from China? Our government is a lie, Trump was a liar, anybody who conspires to hide these depraved experiments is a traitor to America, its Constitution and ideals. We have a race to the bottom.

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Feb 22, 2023·edited Feb 22, 2023

Pedo Joe fell UP the stairs of Air Force One...again!

Putin and Xi knows the US is weak.


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The WHO is the biggest threat to the world and all their endeavors and challenges must be challenged to preserve humanity. Biden doesn't have the mental capacity to sign any bills into law thereby voiding all his bills signed must be ruled null and void. He has made this country lawless.

I bet he can't say his abc's without difficulty.

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I'm surprised that Dr. Malone recommends this article. If there was a "Trump's America" it would be one where white collar crime and offshore bank accounts are even worse than under the Biden war party. It would be one where Israel gains more control of the Fed printing presses. Navarro's propaganda against a country which is surrounded by our military bases while having not one on our side of the planet makes no sense at all. A lot of us know that you don't use an uncontrollable "spy balloon" when you have so many satellites in constant use. China is not our enemy. China is an economic rival. How many wars does Navarro think the U.S. can handle at one time?

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>>> a memo that presciently said that a pandemic could likely kill millions of Americans

Do you mean like the seasonal flu? Did you buy the fake numbers of cases and deaths that have now been so clearly shown to have been fraudulent?

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Good to see you writing!

Big issue: People are already forgetting 2020.

Hope you will write a series about 2020, so that we keep a record of the panic-mongering and predation by pharma, public health, and the media.

Series topics: sabotage of critical thinking, need for self-examination, public health misinformation, smearing inexpensive repurposed drugs, ignoring vit D, etc.

Hypochondria is epidemic--the after effect of the 2020 panic-mongering.

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"further cede American sovereignty to a puppet international organization controlled by Communist China."

This is ignorance as knowledge.

W.H.O. is owned and controlled by those who control the W.E.F., the U.N., N.A.T.O, the World bank, IMF, and the B.I.S.

Money power rules, not China, and I did not read any furthur because someone fooled so easily is not worth reading pursuant a clear lack of insight and reason.

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