Let it rip! These idiots deserve some sunlight on their bullshit!

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You lose credibility when you give credit to Biden. He is an irrelevant puppet scapegoat that does what he is told.

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I am concerned about Biden’s CRIMES in Ukraine and the fact he has started a war with Russia that puts us all in danger of dying in a nuclear attack.

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The more the powers of darkness go after President Trump the more I believe in his innocence.

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Bidenite = a radical American Marxist Leninite

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BYE dinitis a queer transpsycho disease of communist atheism

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Exactly. I was just watching a video about what is going on in Pakistan. SOShitte, but here in the USA. Banana Republic Stuff- For Sure.

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Your last point is key. Their goal is intimidation and chilling effects both for those who might serve as well as those who might want to protest. Dark days of the Republic. But we cannot back down. Put our faith in Jesus Christ and stand firm. Godspeed Dr Navarro.

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Barr must be neck deep in this corruption. He is going on TV saying Trump is guilty. He is running scared, the dirty rat. We know that Garland & Wray are just useful idiots, taking their marching orders from Biden command central.

I just read that Trump will have a Trump appointed judge. This is a light in the tunnel. One can only hope.

These idiots on the left are not always smart. Smith, the prosecutor, has lost several cases. Let’s hope this case dies too.

If this is allowed to fly, we have no country. We are doomed.

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Did Trump not get assigned a judge that is one of his appointments while in office? If so, this may help bring a fairer trial. But I hear the prosecutor is one who has previously had defense attorney's bugged and spied upon?

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At this point, the list of true loyal patriots at the top levels of our government is a very short list.

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This article details how the Jan 6 committee was illegitimate, and that any subpoena's they issued were also illegitimate, this would be helpful to Mr. Navarro.

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Part 1…


A great piece, however what you omitted is that it is conventional thinking that U.S State Department policy together and in concert the Pak Military, the entity that since it’s founding and independence has been the real power in Pakistan, that were and remain responsible for the troubles faced former Pak P.M Imrhan Kahn.

A 2 part reply to your well written brief,

It is widely acknowledged that the U.S, are recognised and have a deserved reputation not as saviours but as outright warmongers, an epitaph earned ever since WW2.

The Russians, it is widely accepted delivered the World from the scourge of Nazism, having in the process, lost 27million of it’s citizens, contrasted the U.S 400,000 dead and wounded WW2, excluding the other nations involved in the conflict, quite a contrast, but segway to the aftermath of WW2, Nazism, an evil semi embraced and financed, indeed supported by so many forces and powerbrokers (Prescott Bush, Henry Ford etc…) in the U.S, despite the oft reported yet distorted propaganda that depicts U.S disdain for Nazism, it is known that the U.S via it’s pre cursor to the CIA, the OSS, arranged, managed and facilitated the transfer of the very top Nazi scientists, Gestapo intelligence, Goebbels propaganda Ministry staff and some of Germany’s Military General staff planners to the U.S.

This was undertaken via the now well publicised U.S Government, OSS run Operation Paper clip, you can look it up and research this first infringement and secret operation kept and hidden from the U.S people by their Government.

This operation ran counter to every narrative and justification the U.S Government and military had stated for fighting the evil of Nazism, many service members completely unaware of what they had signed up to fight, being so readily embraced post conflict by their government.

However the U.S recognised the brilliance of the blitzkreig operations and warfare undertaken the German General staff deciding they had to emulate that in a rebuilt U.S military, ultimately to defeat Stalins Russia, ditto the intelligence and propaganda ministry persons bought across, responsible for initiating the turgid CIA Operation Mocking Bird, an Operation devised to deceive and propagandise the American people to inure them to the need to establish the voracious Military Industrial Complex (MLC), a beast that each year requires more and more money appropriated by Congress to feed its unsatisfied hunger… a hunger that continues to this day as does Operation Mocking Bird despite the U.S Congress having post congressional hearings determining that it be discontinued, shut down. Again look it up and learn of this manipulation, a manipulation that continues en masse to the present day of the American people via your mainstream media including through movies (Hollywood) and contemporary music.

An operation (Mockingbird) as noted, that still continues to this day, the core focus to distract the American people as to the actualities of Government policy, to create and indoctrinate the thinking to readily accept a perennial enemy, the quintessential boogie man, an enemy that Government Deep State actors aided their Corporate benefactors and the beneficiaries of their largesse, could concentrate the mindset of the populace to justify the continued outsized appropriation and spending of public funds, your tax dollars, often via the oft corrupted process of “ non compete” contracts or through the use of the Federal Grants process.

Worst of all, the U.S, including to the present day, post the defeat of Germany WW2, did not initiate as Russia had done via Austria ever devise or ratify a formalised Peace Treaty with Germany, instead, as you will recognise given the playbook still employed and that defines U.S foreign policy.

instead and once again as is acknowledged to this present day, the U.S devised the ruse of arming groups or nations to utilise them as a de facto force in the many global conflicts orchestrated and known to have been created resulting from U.S foreign policy and initiated their Intelligence Agencies, to undertake the numerous regime changes, coups, military interventions and all manner of nefarious endeavour (Assassination, Murder, threats, blackmail, bribery etc….. ) that typified and always it seemed, resulted in escalation of conflict.

The U.S, sadly, considered in a perverse way such a strategy a win win, on the basis that occasionally these de facto forces they had created might just succeed, if they don’t, it provided cover and rationale for sending in and putting U.S boots on the ground, the latest iterations being the U.S under Bush and Obama despite the rhetoric establishing Al Qaeda, worst of all ISIS (Remember the beheadings and that of WSJ journalist Pearl), add to that mix the U.S knowingly arming and supporting the Nazis in Ukraine, now the predominant force in Ukrainian politics and who were used in the 2014 Maidan Coup to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine, allowing Biden, running point on Ukraine for Obama along with the present Under Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland positioned amongst the cast of misfit characters who orchestrated the 2014 coup and the present U.S v Russia conflagration.

The U.S has a history of not listening, not seeking to live harmoniously, the policy objectives of U.S foreign policy is predicate upon a zero sum game, winner take all, a policy recently repudiated unequivocally by the Saudi’s Foreign Minister who stated in an interview with CNBNC over the weekend, that they no longer will participate or recognise U.S Mid East Foreign policy, a policy based upon the age old U.S trope of hubris, belligerence, division and especially conflict, that they (Saudi) have settled differences with long term enemy, Iran and that they look forward to a long mutually beneficial peace.

So what happened post WW2? ….. well, the priority for the U.S, much to the horror of the Russians, was in the late 1940’s, to rebuild the German Army, there was even talk a decade later about giving, placing U.S Nukes in Germany, the Russians quite rightly were aghast, horrified that a people who embraced Nazism, that had invaded Russia, costing them 27million dead souls would be rearmed as was being advocated by the U.S.

As a result the Berlin Wall went up, the Cuban missile crisis erupted and all but led, save the statesmanship of outstanding President and Statesman JFK, ultimately making decisions working to an agenda predicate on peace, on conciliation much to the obvious chagrin of U.S vested interests the U.S intelligence community and its MIC, that ultimately cost him his life.

Likely taken out as most believe by such U.S insiders from within the U.S, likely the CIA and MIC to ensure the interests of the now obvious Arms and Defense centric scam, that with Kennedy gone, would continue unabated.

Indeed it is fair to opine that today, it, the Defense, MIC and Intelligence troika is a run away train, with a budget approved sans black budget details that are not confirmed, now well north of USD$1.8 trillion, a huge sum by any measure. This is all well documented history, look it up, you owe it to yourselves to know and as a result to learn from it.

The U.S have plunderfed, pillaged, murdered, assassinated, threatened, intimidated, blackmailed, bullied, deceived (Look up Minsk 1 and 2 2014 and 2015 and what that sordid tale is) and lied (Minsk accords post Soviet Union breakup, again look that up and learn) it’s way around its own continent and the World, indeed since 1776, the founding of the U.S, the U.S has only NOT been in a conflict of any kind for 16 … that’s not a typo, the U.S has not been in any conflict for only 16 years out of the 247 years it has been in existence, 4 of those years under your recent 45th President Donald J. Trump, by any measure that is a truly despicable and sad indictment on the predilections, psychopathy and patent narcissistic tendencies that defines U.S power, its domestic and especially its foreign policy and the implementation of these Policies by U.S governments over the ages.

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Hi Peter,

A great piece, however what you omitted is that it is conventional thinking that U.S State Department policy together and in concert the Pak Military, the entity that since it’s founding and independence has been the real power in Pakistan, that were and remain responsible for the troubles faced former Pak P.M Imrhan Kahn.

Indeed as we know the U.S ex it’s interventionist foreign policy and unwillingness (Aside Trump) to work with it’s considered adversaries in a conciliatory manner is responsible for so much turmoil that the World has finally awakened to.

Indeed you could say that the U.S are deathmongers, warmongers, that power truly corrupts or worse turns those individuals with such lofty and high ideals, elevated to power, into cowards, weaklings to timid to stand against forces that threaten, intimidate, coerce, blackmail, and or corrupt them, most politicians coveting the lifestyle money brings, true wealth, without being capable of doing what’s needed to earn it, developing a sense of entitlement, a jaundiced view of the world and thus willing to do anything to ensure that their snout in the public trough commensurate the easy and lazy money to be had by looking the other way, selling out their constituents is able to continue, if they had their way, they would as we have come to understand and to realise ensure such largesse could continue Ad infinitum.

Consequently the exporting of U.S inflation, U.S money printing, with the resulting debasement of currencies the World over, the usurious money rates, then the like clock work, plunder and pillage, almost mafiaesque in its manifestation, the standover tactics as alluded to with the threats, intimidation, blackmail, murder, threat of harm, assassination, coups and regime changes, of your market manipulated fluctuations that only ever benefit the financiers, now decried and vehemently opposed by nations the World over.

Your elections now mirroring that of many of the nations in the third world you disdain and malign, that you’ve invaded and usurped via the veneer of protecting and standing up for democracy, now a perverse joke, the core of your own democracy shattered, unable to manage let alone to run elections that can meet the most basic definition of free and fair, of being truly democratic, indeed when was the last time it is thought that honest, free and fair elections untainted by manipulation even were held and took place, the 2020 and 2022 iterations just the latest in a string of failed elections, the difference now aside from the past abuses (Think Gore/Bush and the infamous Chad, the disproportionate number of Congressional and Senate races under a seeming never ending election cloud, it’s been going on way to long, your Democracy a true full fledged Dollarcracy, replaced by a Uniparty, 2 cheeks of the same arsehole now governing and running the nation, ostensibly considered to be working for the Deep State and not the American people.

It is sad the American people suffer the dysphasia now of being hated, despised and unwanted by the majority in the world, including many in my nation of birth New Zealand, that they continue to be denied and to suffer from a continued policy of no Medicare for all, from broken infrastructure, across the nation, your military Vets, many struggling to survive or to be able to be granted access for the support they undoubtedly ex their service, have not only earned but is so deserved from having, I would venture unknowingly conducted these dystopian and evil foreign interventions, the nation suffering from a huge homelessnes problem, from unmitigated lawlessness, from a political system corrupted and in decline, from open porous borders with drugs coming across that kill a huge swathe of the population every year, the numbers growing, with an education system that is broken, the homo, trans, Pedo, Beastiality agendas running amok serving the interests of the minority over that of the majority, your universities hotbeds of anti American sentiment, your Government agencies weaponised and politicised against the people, a multi tier justice system, law and order no longer equitable, a genocide against the black and minority populace conducted under the Margaret Sanger and Co Eugenics banner, having taken 60million+ souls predominantly black and minority from your population yet the border is porous and those entering given support, financial priority and benefits many bona fide U.S citizens can only dream of.

It truly is amazing that the Black and minority populations have not seen through this lie that has directly impacted them that they keep supporting this agenda of murdering their unborn, how much more powerful would this demographic actually be if they had allowed a majority of these killed unborn children to survive or said enough and no longer supported the party primarily responsible for maintaining it, this genocide by every definition, shrouded in the veneer and cloak of “rights”…. my body my choice, extended now to kill/murder newborns up to 28 - 30 days out of the womb.

So sad this demographic have been so readily duped but unfortunately that is why the U.S is in this state of decline, given the real lack of ability to discern reality, the lack of true cognisant ability to understand what is being done to them, the unwillingness to look into truth and to find truth, to even consider alternate perspectives in order to be well informed, nope, just as the majority are fat, lazy, overweight they are equally so with the lack of use of exercising their minds, preferring to simply tune in and believe the nonsense and the diet of propaganda fed directly to them via Cable and the ubiquitous television that seems to be constantly running, to believe the idiocy and lunacy of the talking points espoused the pop culture icons they revere, it is both sick, sad and unfortunately, a true reality for so many, as they struggle to simply “figure it out” whatever the heck that ridiculous oft used comment means or denotes, figure what out, living, the problem the issues? , Figuring it out on paper, your calculator, laptop, iPad, phone, the whiteboard, blackboard?? ….

Who would know?…. and whilst they figure it out their nation burns, their kids have their gender changed, their kids are indoctrinated and sexualised, parents kept from knowing, indeed groomed in the schools…. as I said, for a nation once looked up to, the shining light, the city on a hill, it is truly sad that from afar we watch it destroy itself, the saddest of all, it’s your own power, monied and cultural elite looking down their noses at the American people they swore an oath to serve, so much for the oath, your elites despising the American people, it’s heart and soul, destroying them as they wander lost, having strayed so far from the Judeo Christian principles upon which they were founded, having turned from, shunned, paying mainly lip service only to the same founding tenets and in reality having save a small remnant, given up on god, brainwashed by the incessant lies emanating from the Mainstream Media, truly sad and shocking.

As I said the rest of the World have nearly given up on you, no longer wanting your filth exported, your immorality, liberal homo, trans, Pedo, Beastiality, WEF, Globalist, warmongering agenda, we have like Saudi found our voices, we are dumping your dollar, have United and found voice, America now unfortunately likely the nation to be ostracised, shunned, sanctioned, held to account, the rest of the World undergoing a rebirth, wanting to ensure global institutions are truly cleaned up and for once, in such a long time, to divest said institutions of the U.S influenced agenda’s and from as if on rote, simply doing U.S bidding, finally to function as they were first envisaged, think International Law, the U.N etc…

The Worlds changed, is changing, there can be no going back, and again it is Russia leading the fight, now much to late to stop it, 80% of global population controlling 60%+ of global resources, with a greater GDP than the U.S and it’s Western tag alongs, with or against us henchmen, can muster, a manufacturing base so much more than the same gang can between them muster or get anywhere near, many are Nuclear Armed (Amongst them China, India, Russia, Pakistan, North Korea and soon within the next few months, Iran) like I said, now much to late to stop it.

The worst realisation is that you did it to yourselves, from those within and amongst you, that you empowered and trusted to govern in your name, if you knew the half of it, many of those endowed to govern you would never again be confident of walking amongst you, they’re sanctioning, taking of nations foreign reserves, the incessant Wars, Assassinations, regime changes, coups, hijacking of tankers on the open seas, plunder and pillage of resources (Mid East including presently Syria), your 850+ military bases encircling the globe, like I said enough, clean your act up and rejoin the community of nations, you’ll be welcomed, warmly, embraced, let’s hope your up to the task, I pray you are, after all the world needs a vibrant, democratic and strong United States of America…. we truly miss and have missed you and very much need you….time to clean house and to get it sorted!

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"During the pandemic, I likewise helped saved tens of thousands of American lives through the timely provision of ventilators, Personal Protective Equipment, and therapeutics." You mean Remdesivir? In any case, to claim credit for saving lives with murderous ventilators, you just lost credibility, same as Trump in touting the killer vaccines. Good-bye and good luck.

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