Fauci. Birx. Collins. The CDC. The FDA. BigPharma. Congress. These are some of the most culpable culprits, responsible for widespread death and injury.
Did the OTA have a recommendation to Congress and President Reagan regarding the Vaccine Act of 1986! If they recommended that pharmaceutical companies should have immunity from prosecution for harms caused by their products, then OTA can’t be trusted imo.
This all sounds well and good and wish it could happen as you have written Dr. Hatfill, but the communist dems would take it over completely, filling it with their people, and just as during Covid it would be their voice, and their voice alone, that would be heard with full authority. I cry because America is no more. I'll still vote. I still speak out to whoever will hear what has happen to our precious nation, but I know the devil has won over the majority of people in America. They can't steal my heavenly home from me.
My long time friend who was one of the most highly regarded analysts at our premier institution of medical science, one whom every scientist in the world respects, refused to comment or engage the issue of Covid treatment, because, he said, “this debate has generated ‘more heat than light’”. Given his relationships with many of the key players in this generational conflict, NO ONE, no matter how passionately disposed to resolution, Has the Right to Demand that his reputation or lifetime of service be sacrificed on the alter of political expediency or power.
I believe it is because our ‘checks and balances’ (little ‘r’) republican system of governance has been so profoundly compromised that creations like ‘OTA’ and ‘STAA’ have become ‘political tools, footballs controlled by The Winning Team’ — We are at the ‘behest/whim’ of the most powerful lobbies within our economy, subject to the ‘bottom line’ of corporate interests, overwhelming the science and the most basic public interests.
As Americans who should respect the limits of power written to our Constitution, and expressed in the very ‘DNA’ of that ‘ideal’ of America, WE CAN DO BETTER!
It is Not a Given that the monied interests, who may represent 1 or 2% of our society and 90% of our wealth as a nation, Have the Inalienable Right to choose the ‘only’ way of doing business. This Establishment of elite power has co-opted the rights of the citizens to choose their voice through their representatives. If that process can be corrected to ensure appropriate ‘checks and balances’ through unbiased, independent individuals who WILL NOT be bought and sold by the monied interests involved, WE CAN DO BETTER!
Tall order — YES. ***** Impossible — NO.
If Dr Hatfill submits that this can be done, MAGA Patriots and President Trump will make it happen.
Fauci. Birx. Collins. The CDC. The FDA. BigPharma. Congress. These are some of the most culpable culprits, responsible for widespread death and injury.
Did the OTA have a recommendation to Congress and President Reagan regarding the Vaccine Act of 1986! If they recommended that pharmaceutical companies should have immunity from prosecution for harms caused by their products, then OTA can’t be trusted imo.
It's all too logical for Washington minds. Too many attorneys there to screw (skew) the language of legislation for sensible, simple solutions.
This all sounds well and good and wish it could happen as you have written Dr. Hatfill, but the communist dems would take it over completely, filling it with their people, and just as during Covid it would be their voice, and their voice alone, that would be heard with full authority. I cry because America is no more. I'll still vote. I still speak out to whoever will hear what has happen to our precious nation, but I know the devil has won over the majority of people in America. They can't steal my heavenly home from me.
My long time friend who was one of the most highly regarded analysts at our premier institution of medical science, one whom every scientist in the world respects, refused to comment or engage the issue of Covid treatment, because, he said, “this debate has generated ‘more heat than light’”. Given his relationships with many of the key players in this generational conflict, NO ONE, no matter how passionately disposed to resolution, Has the Right to Demand that his reputation or lifetime of service be sacrificed on the alter of political expediency or power.
I believe it is because our ‘checks and balances’ (little ‘r’) republican system of governance has been so profoundly compromised that creations like ‘OTA’ and ‘STAA’ have become ‘political tools, footballs controlled by The Winning Team’ — We are at the ‘behest/whim’ of the most powerful lobbies within our economy, subject to the ‘bottom line’ of corporate interests, overwhelming the science and the most basic public interests.
As Americans who should respect the limits of power written to our Constitution, and expressed in the very ‘DNA’ of that ‘ideal’ of America, WE CAN DO BETTER!
It is Not a Given that the monied interests, who may represent 1 or 2% of our society and 90% of our wealth as a nation, Have the Inalienable Right to choose the ‘only’ way of doing business. This Establishment of elite power has co-opted the rights of the citizens to choose their voice through their representatives. If that process can be corrected to ensure appropriate ‘checks and balances’ through unbiased, independent individuals who WILL NOT be bought and sold by the monied interests involved, WE CAN DO BETTER!
Tall order — YES. ***** Impossible — NO.
If Dr Hatfill submits that this can be done, MAGA Patriots and President Trump will make it happen.
America — We the People, FIRST.