China has built or bought ports all over the world, even Europe, Africa and Latin America. Any idea why? It's obvious it's not only business. Smuggling? Monopoly of maritime trade?
At the same time over 30 countries joined the Chinese currency for global trade. This will result in lower demand for dollars and could be the trigger to a great run against the dollar, and a huge global financial crisis, to impose a global Central Bank Digital Currency. This is the greatest global threat after the WHO International PLANdemic Treaty:
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
You left out HAIFA-PORT largest Port on Atlantic Ocean basin, terminus for Silk-Road aka BRI
In the past ten years CHINA has spent $1 Trillion USD on infrastructure projects in Israel
It's business fuckhead;
Ask who has 750 bases all over the world? That be ZOG USA to backup the US-Dollar a Murder, Inc. reserve currency;
China needs to protect their $10 trillion USD investment in BRI, even the old silk-road failed because of highway men, and pirates; Today all corridors of BRI will be provided security by PLA chinese naval&army
Interesting to read about the multiple fronts on which the CCP is pushing forward- looks like they have all the bases covered. And no one seems to care too much.
It's called "PIVOT to ASIA" it was declared by OBAMA&Clinton butt-fuckers like +20 years ago
It means the US-DOLLAR is dead, that the USA is to be demolished, that the USA Goyim to be culled, and that ASIA to rule the coming century; That the gold-backed yuan be the new money to settle INTL trade
All according to PLAN; Deagel-Report 2025 90% reduction in USA human population, JC-Deagel is/was Rockefeller NWO planner; Rockefeller Brought MAO to power in 1920's-1940's in Modern China; ZOG rules the world, an all nations
Look today at China, bullet trains clean citys, utopia tomorrow-land; Look at today USA an open sewer sidewalks covered in human shit, zombies on opiates giving $5 blow-jobs for a buzz
"How does a country collapse, and its money die"?? Slowly, then Suddenly, Hemingway
Time for the U.S to stop looking for boogie men, blaming a nation you lot created, your own Corporate Capitalists who willingly sold out their own nations national security, gleefully for the monetary reward of greater profits, trashed and burned the U.S Industrial and Manufacturing sectors.
States, Cities, Counties decimated, jobs off shored, the U.S economy reduced to Investment Banking, Services, Hospitality and Entertainment…. what remains so minuscule as to rate almost non existent.
Now, having realised the damage done to yourselves by your own, especially during the period 1990 through 2020, you are crying foul.
The real issue that is destroying your nation is your selling your souls, your morals, your political system as measured across every metric, be they elected or appointed, your institutions, Universities and now even your Military is that both as a Nation and individually you’ve all sold out, it’s akin to every man for himself, get and gain what you can, the rest be damned and damn the consequences of my actions.
The recent Durham report findings atop the Mueller witch-hunt, just the latest example of the Dollarcracy the U.S lives under vs the once promising democracy the nation once long ago enjoyed.
Living where I do, born and raised in New Zealand I despise what your nation and the Governing, Cultural, Corporate elites have done to the rest of us, exporting your immorality, your Homo, Trans - Mental illness dysphasia, the obsession with Pedophilia, Bestiality, the Murder of the young, including now to full term, the Margaret Sanger racist eugenics policies so haughtily embraced over 60 million of your nations potential legally born citizens simply erased, to now be replaced the rampant excesses exacerbated the parlous and porous state of your borders, why not, let ‘em all in mate, you’ve got 60million to make up for…. Sick, and the biggest joke no one really gets, it’s predominately black lives aborted as the statistics and numerous studies, to many to mention, actually confirm, if only they, Blacks and Hispanics actually realised, the DNC would never ever win another Presidency let alone majority, they’re mainstay of support, turning on them in droves… like I said, if only they were smart enough to get it.
But therein lies the rub, a populace lacking in any real cognitive ability, the distractions served up ever so readily by a complicit media, the icing on the cake.
Instead of tackling homelessness, fentanyl and illicit drugs deaths, the lack of Medicare for all citizens, lawlessness, cthe overt political corruption, CRT together the other aforementioned social issues, your Vets issues, issues impacting your Vets and servicemen and woman, all resulting from the glut of unwanted, equally unwarranted interventions around the globe the past decades, underscoring a nation that since its founding has only ever enjoyed 16 years, that’s right, 16 years without being in conflict,… (4 of the 16, save the intervention in Syria and Iran’s Sulemaine assassination he (Trump) initiated, being under your former Boss’s tutelage, hence a tick given) …. In conflict killing, maiming, injuring, making homeless, pillaging and plundering, across the earth as well as your own continent, having to manage and fund more than 900+ Military bases across the earth, whilst like locusts devouring all before, appetite insatiable, your nation still needs to establish more bases, including the ridiculous, such as the recently completed 43ha Embassy/Base outpost in Lebanon created for the overt reason of facilitating unrest in Syria, all, acts as an indictment underscoring the absolute malfeasance by which the Political classes in the U.S have truly let those they serve and rely upon to return them to power, the American people.. down, all obligations and responsibilities abrogated.
The latest abuses and iterations of such malfeasance as observed from this part of the World, including against your former boss Trump, Gen Flynn, Guliani, and so many others inclusive of yourself, being true cases in point, like I said so much required done at home, including reducing your deficits, out of control money printing and by default export of inflation, yo-yoing rigged so called market cycles that benefit interestingly enough your Wall Street arseholes.
Hence perhaps it’s time to focus on your nation in all respects, to stop trying to dominate, your nation unless you’ve missed it is an empire in decline, the World no longer willing to accept your crass point of a gun diplomacy, finding voice and importantly at long last the stones to give you what for so long you’ve completely deserved … the middle finger, if you need scapegoats, as your boss states, look within, that is where your true enemy lies, not in Asia despite the wishful thinking and group think hopium of trying to lay blame elsewhere for your own, sad, sorry and sordid state of affairs, indeed if it were me, I’d start with saving your nations real future, your children, lord knows it’s overdue and to many have suffered waiting to be saved. God speed, the best to you and your former Boss for 24, hopefully by Nov 24, you’ll also have sorted your third world voting regimen, the corruption, sedition and treasonous behaviours that have led you all in the U.S to this point.
My mother lived in Utah and Vegas for more than 20 years, I have fond memories of the many trips taken in such a wonderful nation, visiting during my many trips NY - love that city, Miami, Boston, Maine, Seattle, L.A and San Francisco - real cot cases now, sad, but given dumb and ignorant DNC political depravity not unexpected, Vegas obviously, visited it so often, it got to the point I couldn’t stand it any longer, couldn’t wait to get out literally after only arriving at McCarron and of course Salt Lake, but you do have and are a great nation, I’m sure with attention and focus reoriented where it is desperately needed and in the right directions it will rise again, like a Phoenix, until then leave China alone, stay your ground at home and sort your own shitzen before worrying about being involved all else, the World today expects and demands that.
Sorry guy, this isn't just a US issue. All of Europe, Canada, Australia, and even NZ are being manipulated.
You are right its not the CCP driving this, but they have joined forces to eliminate the West. The people living in this country are not in charge, and haven't been since before WWII. Western culture is at war and the vast majority do not realize it, yet.
Maybe you need to ask why it is that 80% of the global population despise what you colloquially reference as the West, indeed the feeling so visceral it borders on hatred.
The West is and has been captured the U.S and their banal agenda, an agenda riven via special interests predicate and driven the self interest of your billionaire, corporate and financial investment class who in turn Ex the many secret groups they cleave and swear unto, Bilderberg, WEF, Club of Rome, etc.. aided in turn they’re loyal acolytes that advocate and engender the most ridiculous of ideologies of this group, all being done from within the NGO’s, Charities, Foundations, pushing agenda’s that can only be described as anathema and dystopian to the ordinary citizen.
Hence whilst acknowledging your points made, I will say that I do do not agree and suggest with all due respect you truly imbue yourself into the real machinations of the nations you suggest are under assault, an assault I would underscore that has been planned, contrived and engineered by those referenced above, they’re actions an indictment, which, quite rightly as you acknowledge, impact most of those nations we would align with the OECD, topped by the G7.
However it’s not the rest of the World attacking these nations, the West, rather, it is the rest of the World having matured, grown up and determined they will no longer be subjugated, not an hour, day, week, month or year longer speaking out, saying it as it needs said.
In other words Nationalistic fervour and identity, self determination, absolute sovereignty now de rigour’, vs the atypical and as has dominated until Feb 24 2022 when the rest of the world found both its individual and collective voice, against the long established “do as we say or else” coercion, threat, blackmail, regime change, coup and assassination modus operandi and trope long employed as standard policy by your Nation and those you reference in order to bend others to your will.
The difference this time is that the target, Russia, is no pushover, it has a strong industrial sector, an extremely educated society, a vibrant economy incl an MIC the equal of any other military industrial complex, extremely high Forex reserves despite the theft of USD$300billion of cash reserves at the outset the SMO,is extremely capable militarily backed the Worlds biggest and most advanced nuclear arsenal, last time I checked they had well and truly developed and tested missile strength incl hypersonics, something the West still grapple with, hence economically Russia is much stronger than just a gas station posing as a country as the traitor John McCain alluded, an economy much stronger when measured on many metrics than those arrayed against it underscoring the reason it has beaten the greatest number of sanctions 14,000+ at last count to which it has been subjected.
The real reason for the conflict, it is nothing to do with the distraction that is the proxy Ukraine, but everything to do with the rise of both Russia and China and the soon to be unveiled Gold backed currency, a currency we know being embraced by so many nations including many of the U.S’s former “friends”, friends who are dumping USD by the billion, after all, why would anyone want to hold paper made worthless with each passing hour as your debt grows, more printed, the result being currencies continue to be debased and stripped of value, that is the true genesis of rationale behind present events, the worst of it being as I submitted, you did it to yourselves including as I acknowledge my own profligate spending nation down here at the bottom of the world.
It (Russia) has a debt to GDP ratio of 19% vs the more than than 100%+ ratio as applies to most Western and E.U states save Germany and NZ which are at 66.4% and 35.9% respectively whilst the mother of them all Japan is at a scary 263%, but hey, what’s a few bucks amongst friends just keep the presses functioning, it’s well known the USD today has lost 98% of its value since 1971 and is worth it a 1.9 - 2.0% of the value it presented 1971, so keep printing, adding to the debt and create more demand pull or cost push inflation, another round of orchestrated market declines, the next decline/crash market cycle is due, the Fed the largest buyer of stocks and bonds in each sector doing just as the financial class demand and expect of it, indeed they almost plan for the same, setting their calendars by such cyclic maladjustment …. the populace I’m certain will be delighted and thank you… not!
End of empire, the dawn of another and we are fortunate to be experiencing and witnessing such.
Thank-you for this update on the G7 gathering. Certainly, we know it's no error of the United States...As the Rothschild's 'Fix' with the Central Banker Family Mafia Death Cult took the real United States way back on Jekyll Island under the first Communist joke, Wilson, bent on making America into their ECONOMIC SLAVE.
We all know what's calling the shots in the whole world for centuries and that it's ALL INTENTIONAL.
Finally, we also know the dementia-ridden TREASONOUS Pedophile fraudulently installed into the White House is simply a scarecrow for Wizard Obama/Soros/Gates and the rest of the pervert Benedict Arnolds...Simply, the latest 'sell-outs' of the experiment that was once the CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC of the United States.
Why is the United States paying $1 trillion a year in interest to Japan, China, UK, Apple, Jeff Bezos and other, when it is trying to balance the budget? Germany, for years, paid no interest on bunds. In fact, they had a negative interest rate, which means investors actually paid Germany for privilege of holding bunds. It seems to me, as a matter of policy, the United States should force holders of treasuries to pay for the privilege of holding treasuries. Is this an insane idea?
Where is Israel in this hot mess? I’m a one country Zionist, very worried that US will cut off weapons sales. I heard US actually took away some armaments to give to Ukraine. I trust in God and know we’re in Endtimes, what do you think?
Dr. N. - I'm not certain how to read your statement "Never mind the irony of Europe dragging America into their Russia-Ukraine fiasco". John McCain & company started the (current) Ukraine mess, and the America war machine is fully responsible for it's escalation!
China has built or bought ports all over the world, even Europe, Africa and Latin America. Any idea why? It's obvious it's not only business. Smuggling? Monopoly of maritime trade?
At the same time over 30 countries joined the Chinese currency for global trade. This will result in lower demand for dollars and could be the trigger to a great run against the dollar, and a huge global financial crisis, to impose a global Central Bank Digital Currency. This is the greatest global threat after the WHO International PLANdemic Treaty:
The full PLAN exposed:
16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet
Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!
Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering
Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!
The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!
FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !
15 million watched the first one in 3 days!
Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!
Share to save lives: not sharing is not caring!
You left out HAIFA-PORT largest Port on Atlantic Ocean basin, terminus for Silk-Road aka BRI
In the past ten years CHINA has spent $1 Trillion USD on infrastructure projects in Israel
It's business fuckhead;
Ask who has 750 bases all over the world? That be ZOG USA to backup the US-Dollar a Murder, Inc. reserve currency;
China needs to protect their $10 trillion USD investment in BRI, even the old silk-road failed because of highway men, and pirates; Today all corridors of BRI will be provided security by PLA chinese naval&army
Interesting to read about the multiple fronts on which the CCP is pushing forward- looks like they have all the bases covered. And no one seems to care too much.
It's called "PIVOT to ASIA" it was declared by OBAMA&Clinton butt-fuckers like +20 years ago
It means the US-DOLLAR is dead, that the USA is to be demolished, that the USA Goyim to be culled, and that ASIA to rule the coming century; That the gold-backed yuan be the new money to settle INTL trade
All according to PLAN; Deagel-Report 2025 90% reduction in USA human population, JC-Deagel is/was Rockefeller NWO planner; Rockefeller Brought MAO to power in 1920's-1940's in Modern China; ZOG rules the world, an all nations
Look today at China, bullet trains clean citys, utopia tomorrow-land; Look at today USA an open sewer sidewalks covered in human shit, zombies on opiates giving $5 blow-jobs for a buzz
"How does a country collapse, and its money die"?? Slowly, then Suddenly, Hemingway
Seriously Peter,
Time for the U.S to stop looking for boogie men, blaming a nation you lot created, your own Corporate Capitalists who willingly sold out their own nations national security, gleefully for the monetary reward of greater profits, trashed and burned the U.S Industrial and Manufacturing sectors.
States, Cities, Counties decimated, jobs off shored, the U.S economy reduced to Investment Banking, Services, Hospitality and Entertainment…. what remains so minuscule as to rate almost non existent.
Now, having realised the damage done to yourselves by your own, especially during the period 1990 through 2020, you are crying foul.
The real issue that is destroying your nation is your selling your souls, your morals, your political system as measured across every metric, be they elected or appointed, your institutions, Universities and now even your Military is that both as a Nation and individually you’ve all sold out, it’s akin to every man for himself, get and gain what you can, the rest be damned and damn the consequences of my actions.
The recent Durham report findings atop the Mueller witch-hunt, just the latest example of the Dollarcracy the U.S lives under vs the once promising democracy the nation once long ago enjoyed.
Living where I do, born and raised in New Zealand I despise what your nation and the Governing, Cultural, Corporate elites have done to the rest of us, exporting your immorality, your Homo, Trans - Mental illness dysphasia, the obsession with Pedophilia, Bestiality, the Murder of the young, including now to full term, the Margaret Sanger racist eugenics policies so haughtily embraced over 60 million of your nations potential legally born citizens simply erased, to now be replaced the rampant excesses exacerbated the parlous and porous state of your borders, why not, let ‘em all in mate, you’ve got 60million to make up for…. Sick, and the biggest joke no one really gets, it’s predominately black lives aborted as the statistics and numerous studies, to many to mention, actually confirm, if only they, Blacks and Hispanics actually realised, the DNC would never ever win another Presidency let alone majority, they’re mainstay of support, turning on them in droves… like I said, if only they were smart enough to get it.
But therein lies the rub, a populace lacking in any real cognitive ability, the distractions served up ever so readily by a complicit media, the icing on the cake.
Instead of tackling homelessness, fentanyl and illicit drugs deaths, the lack of Medicare for all citizens, lawlessness, cthe overt political corruption, CRT together the other aforementioned social issues, your Vets issues, issues impacting your Vets and servicemen and woman, all resulting from the glut of unwanted, equally unwarranted interventions around the globe the past decades, underscoring a nation that since its founding has only ever enjoyed 16 years, that’s right, 16 years without being in conflict,… (4 of the 16, save the intervention in Syria and Iran’s Sulemaine assassination he (Trump) initiated, being under your former Boss’s tutelage, hence a tick given) …. In conflict killing, maiming, injuring, making homeless, pillaging and plundering, across the earth as well as your own continent, having to manage and fund more than 900+ Military bases across the earth, whilst like locusts devouring all before, appetite insatiable, your nation still needs to establish more bases, including the ridiculous, such as the recently completed 43ha Embassy/Base outpost in Lebanon created for the overt reason of facilitating unrest in Syria, all, acts as an indictment underscoring the absolute malfeasance by which the Political classes in the U.S have truly let those they serve and rely upon to return them to power, the American people.. down, all obligations and responsibilities abrogated.
The latest abuses and iterations of such malfeasance as observed from this part of the World, including against your former boss Trump, Gen Flynn, Guliani, and so many others inclusive of yourself, being true cases in point, like I said so much required done at home, including reducing your deficits, out of control money printing and by default export of inflation, yo-yoing rigged so called market cycles that benefit interestingly enough your Wall Street arseholes.
Hence perhaps it’s time to focus on your nation in all respects, to stop trying to dominate, your nation unless you’ve missed it is an empire in decline, the World no longer willing to accept your crass point of a gun diplomacy, finding voice and importantly at long last the stones to give you what for so long you’ve completely deserved … the middle finger, if you need scapegoats, as your boss states, look within, that is where your true enemy lies, not in Asia despite the wishful thinking and group think hopium of trying to lay blame elsewhere for your own, sad, sorry and sordid state of affairs, indeed if it were me, I’d start with saving your nations real future, your children, lord knows it’s overdue and to many have suffered waiting to be saved. God speed, the best to you and your former Boss for 24, hopefully by Nov 24, you’ll also have sorted your third world voting regimen, the corruption, sedition and treasonous behaviours that have led you all in the U.S to this point.
My mother lived in Utah and Vegas for more than 20 years, I have fond memories of the many trips taken in such a wonderful nation, visiting during my many trips NY - love that city, Miami, Boston, Maine, Seattle, L.A and San Francisco - real cot cases now, sad, but given dumb and ignorant DNC political depravity not unexpected, Vegas obviously, visited it so often, it got to the point I couldn’t stand it any longer, couldn’t wait to get out literally after only arriving at McCarron and of course Salt Lake, but you do have and are a great nation, I’m sure with attention and focus reoriented where it is desperately needed and in the right directions it will rise again, like a Phoenix, until then leave China alone, stay your ground at home and sort your own shitzen before worrying about being involved all else, the World today expects and demands that.
Sorry guy, this isn't just a US issue. All of Europe, Canada, Australia, and even NZ are being manipulated.
You are right its not the CCP driving this, but they have joined forces to eliminate the West. The people living in this country are not in charge, and haven't been since before WWII. Western culture is at war and the vast majority do not realize it, yet.
Maybe you need to ask why it is that 80% of the global population despise what you colloquially reference as the West, indeed the feeling so visceral it borders on hatred.
The West is and has been captured the U.S and their banal agenda, an agenda riven via special interests predicate and driven the self interest of your billionaire, corporate and financial investment class who in turn Ex the many secret groups they cleave and swear unto, Bilderberg, WEF, Club of Rome, etc.. aided in turn they’re loyal acolytes that advocate and engender the most ridiculous of ideologies of this group, all being done from within the NGO’s, Charities, Foundations, pushing agenda’s that can only be described as anathema and dystopian to the ordinary citizen.
Hence whilst acknowledging your points made, I will say that I do do not agree and suggest with all due respect you truly imbue yourself into the real machinations of the nations you suggest are under assault, an assault I would underscore that has been planned, contrived and engineered by those referenced above, they’re actions an indictment, which, quite rightly as you acknowledge, impact most of those nations we would align with the OECD, topped by the G7.
However it’s not the rest of the World attacking these nations, the West, rather, it is the rest of the World having matured, grown up and determined they will no longer be subjugated, not an hour, day, week, month or year longer speaking out, saying it as it needs said.
In other words Nationalistic fervour and identity, self determination, absolute sovereignty now de rigour’, vs the atypical and as has dominated until Feb 24 2022 when the rest of the world found both its individual and collective voice, against the long established “do as we say or else” coercion, threat, blackmail, regime change, coup and assassination modus operandi and trope long employed as standard policy by your Nation and those you reference in order to bend others to your will.
The difference this time is that the target, Russia, is no pushover, it has a strong industrial sector, an extremely educated society, a vibrant economy incl an MIC the equal of any other military industrial complex, extremely high Forex reserves despite the theft of USD$300billion of cash reserves at the outset the SMO,is extremely capable militarily backed the Worlds biggest and most advanced nuclear arsenal, last time I checked they had well and truly developed and tested missile strength incl hypersonics, something the West still grapple with, hence economically Russia is much stronger than just a gas station posing as a country as the traitor John McCain alluded, an economy much stronger when measured on many metrics than those arrayed against it underscoring the reason it has beaten the greatest number of sanctions 14,000+ at last count to which it has been subjected.
The real reason for the conflict, it is nothing to do with the distraction that is the proxy Ukraine, but everything to do with the rise of both Russia and China and the soon to be unveiled Gold backed currency, a currency we know being embraced by so many nations including many of the U.S’s former “friends”, friends who are dumping USD by the billion, after all, why would anyone want to hold paper made worthless with each passing hour as your debt grows, more printed, the result being currencies continue to be debased and stripped of value, that is the true genesis of rationale behind present events, the worst of it being as I submitted, you did it to yourselves including as I acknowledge my own profligate spending nation down here at the bottom of the world.
It (Russia) has a debt to GDP ratio of 19% vs the more than than 100%+ ratio as applies to most Western and E.U states save Germany and NZ which are at 66.4% and 35.9% respectively whilst the mother of them all Japan is at a scary 263%, but hey, what’s a few bucks amongst friends just keep the presses functioning, it’s well known the USD today has lost 98% of its value since 1971 and is worth it a 1.9 - 2.0% of the value it presented 1971, so keep printing, adding to the debt and create more demand pull or cost push inflation, another round of orchestrated market declines, the next decline/crash market cycle is due, the Fed the largest buyer of stocks and bonds in each sector doing just as the financial class demand and expect of it, indeed they almost plan for the same, setting their calendars by such cyclic maladjustment …. the populace I’m certain will be delighted and thank you… not!
End of empire, the dawn of another and we are fortunate to be experiencing and witnessing such.
Thank-you for this update on the G7 gathering. Certainly, we know it's no error of the United States...As the Rothschild's 'Fix' with the Central Banker Family Mafia Death Cult took the real United States way back on Jekyll Island under the first Communist joke, Wilson, bent on making America into their ECONOMIC SLAVE.
We all know what's calling the shots in the whole world for centuries and that it's ALL INTENTIONAL.
Finally, we also know the dementia-ridden TREASONOUS Pedophile fraudulently installed into the White House is simply a scarecrow for Wizard Obama/Soros/Gates and the rest of the pervert Benedict Arnolds...Simply, the latest 'sell-outs' of the experiment that was once the CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC of the United States.
Why is the United States paying $1 trillion a year in interest to Japan, China, UK, Apple, Jeff Bezos and other, when it is trying to balance the budget? Germany, for years, paid no interest on bunds. In fact, they had a negative interest rate, which means investors actually paid Germany for privilege of holding bunds. It seems to me, as a matter of policy, the United States should force holders of treasuries to pay for the privilege of holding treasuries. Is this an insane idea?
@damn_jehu (telegram)
{...irony of Europe dragging America into their Russia-Ukraine fiasco...}
You MUST be joking ... Never heard of Nuland and Co. ??
This theater is entirely planned: separate Russian natural resources from European production capabilities.
Just follow the old motto: DIVIDE and CONQUER
"building their statures", lol.
Where is Israel in this hot mess? I’m a one country Zionist, very worried that US will cut off weapons sales. I heard US actually took away some armaments to give to Ukraine. I trust in God and know we’re in Endtimes, what do you think?
Dr. N. - I'm not certain how to read your statement "Never mind the irony of Europe dragging America into their Russia-Ukraine fiasco". John McCain & company started the (current) Ukraine mess, and the America war machine is fully responsible for it's escalation!
(Peace dividend = starting the next war)
Taiwan is CHINESE and the PEOPLE of Taiwan are 100% Chinese
The only people that want war in TAIWAN are ZOG assholes that want USA MIL to bring in the ships so that all the US-MIL NAVAL can be destroyed;
To quote Star-Wars "It's a Trap"
The Chinese welded the doors shut of the people who were suffering. They ought to weld your door shut too since zog won't..