Thanks for you elucidating post about upcoming tactics of "global cooperation" ...

Why do you focus so much on the CCP when it is so obvious that the US is being entirely corroded from within by their own, fully bribed and lobbied politicians and money-greedy cronies all bearing multiple passports ?? 🤔🤔

The entire planet just follows its daily business and just needs to lean back, relax and continue watching the US's final collapse, no need to interfere, maybe just a nudge here and there ...

MAGA will only work if the US immediately stops interfering in other people's lives on a global scale and starts gushing the trillions currently going to the DoD into more sustainable projects inside the

borders of "Gods own Country".

Former presidents of the US would be appalled and completely embarrassed to see how low their beloved country has fallen (or being pushed by special interest groups, domestic and alien to be more precise !!)

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"foreign and domestic" is the phrase. The domestic usurper / traitor syndicate is and has been America's worst enemy for decades, and pretty much from the nation's start.

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B I N G O !!!

That, unfortunately is a global disease ...

There are two groups only, that ae capable of this on a global scale ...

and their common capital is "The City of London".

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Lawfare certainly fits the definition. Ask Dr. Navarro and President Trump. Thanks for the article. and for filling in with guest posts while Dr. Navarro is "vacationing" in sunny Florida at the crowbar hotel.

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Agree. CCP has bribed/blackmailed many politicians into doing harm to our nation first their own self interests.

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Whos doing the training? The current white house has used law enforcement as a weapon against its political opposition. This is why you are writing an article on behalf of the incarcerated Narvarro. The CCP is not the problem.

The current white house had our law enforcement kneel at the feet of violent arsonists, while raiding Christians for attending or giving mass during lockdowns as Walmart (which is a major CCP distributor) remained wide open.

5GW is already being used to manipulate our LE's, by the people running our government. Will they train them to realize they are already victims?

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So who offers this training and how do I get my local law enforcement signed up?

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Given the willingness of far too many police and federal LEOs to support stupid and repressive garbage such as mask mandates, lockdowns and "hate speech" crimes, as well as using SWAT teams to arrest 60 year old peaceful men of religious protestors for process "crimes," I am not in favor of giving them combat training. Especially given that we may be in active conflict with our home grown Stasi before too long if the Bill of Rights transgressions by our governments continue. As I have said often to our local law enforcement, when all the leftists wanted you defunded and deposed during the Floyd riots, who had your back? Just remember, if you turn on us, nobody will be left to support your. Because the leftists will only use you while you're of service to their love of power.

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