Mar 11·edited Mar 12

Peter, If you have any contact with DJT, tell him his campaign legal team needs to start filing injunctions against the cheat in all of the swing states, especially since Merrick Garland has essentially said that the Dept. of "Just-Us" will be trying to reinforce the drop box/mail in ballot paradigms, as well as bringing suit against voter ID laws. It needs to be done yesterday.

He also needs to start mentioning other subjects that are hot amongst his followers such as the Amos Miller persecution by the Pennsylvania Dept. of Agriculture, the Brooke Jackson v. Pfizer case in the 5th circuit, and the promise to pardon Julian Assange. Edward Snowden, and ALL of the J6 political prisoners, including yourself and Steve Bannon, on day one of his Presidency. He needs to listen to Don Jr. more, and less to some of the yes men who seem to surround him. Now is not the time to sit back on his laurels, but to aggressively reinforce his support for nationalist populist views. Concentrate on the RFK subjects, but don't attack him. Utilize important aspects of his campaign to shore up new voter groups who would support him. Biden has no chance to win without the cheat, so that WILL happen. Get ahead of it now. Just the view from the cheap seats.

Edited to add: Quit endorsing Swamp Critters like Mike Rodgers. Does he like being stabbed in the back? Same as him looking at Tim Scott or Kristi Noem as VP possibles. He better wake up, or he's going to lose many of his supporters.

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Great rant, naming names, Peter. Keep it up, good luck next week!

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You're a truth-teller, thank you. I have you in my prayers.

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Mr. Navarro, this has nothing to do with the above article but I just want to ask: is there anything we can do to help you in terms of this horribly unjust jail term? I sort of met you at CPAC (when you were running in the door to get to Trump's speech) and wanted to ask you about it then, but when DJT is speaking, everyone should listen, right? Anyway, it sickens me that they are getting away with this. Please let us all know what we can do to help or at least, make it not-so-horrible for you.

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You forgot to mention Old Man Doocy at FAUX News

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Turn off all msm, radio, tv, newspapers. Honestly, you won’t miss a thing.

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Thanks for calling out names of these traitorous RINOS. Most we know, but always good to be reminded. I quit watching all Fox News after their early calling AZ 11/3/20, finally my two brothers have quit Fox entirely too. Best of luck next week. You will be in my prayers.

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A vote for Biden is a vote for America’s demise. FACTS IN YER FACE

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Mar 11·edited Mar 11

" Come now all ye RINOs of the world, unite behind Trump, and show us your better angels." Don't hold your breath. Fox Nooz, I have come to think, only keeps Hannity on the air because he gives them cover as a conservative network. I haven't watched in for years, but Fox is on our local radio station for news on the hour and Hannity is on in the afternoon. The news is always anti-Trump lite or damning by faint praise.

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Well said Peter!

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Mornings with Maria and Kudlow - they sure seem to like Trump and dislike Biden and democrats.

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They can and should unite behind Trump FOR America. No policy favors or endorsements should be given as they still can't be trusted. I believe a lot of them, like Club for China Growth David McIntosh, will continue to support RINOs and globalist agenda. We need Pres Trump's help in electing candidates who actually want to get our country back and make it great again. An R behind your name does not earn a vote. The battle is still patriots v uniparty.

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BRAVO👍Thank You🙏Your Great American🇺🇸✍️Your Pin is Poignant Razor 🪒 Right.

I will share your words with every Rhino I identify not supporting Trump.

I will encourage them to use their ‘Intellectual Wisdom’ they have cob-webbed above the neck.

I will seek others to unite and bring votes for 2024.

I will dedicate the Time, the Resources, and steadfastly unite others to VOTE TRUMP!

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Hope these characters get the message.

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Peter! Please tell Trump to drop his ego! This election, and all the strife he is facing IS NOT ABOUT HIM! IT'S ABOUT US! He should stop the self congrats on the Vax. We all hate the Vax. It has cost people their freedoms, made them sick or killed them. Trump was played by Fauci, et al. He needs to SAY THAT, TO ALL OF US!

He needs to stop listening to Ivanka and Jarret. He needs to stop backing deep staters; like Mike Rogers.

And Tm Scott for VP is a big NO! Trump's VP needs to be a bigger threat to the deep state than Trump is!

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God bless you Dr Navarro

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