Great summary, Greg. I strongly promoted Peter's early critical work on China which, as you noted, was "not a good career move for a professor" and his later critical work in the White House. Four more years!

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I have never met Peter but have watched him intently on WarRoom and I became an instant fan. My heart aches for him. He is so bright and humble. What great contribution he’s made to our country. I’ve sent Peter mail already to show my support. Thank you for this substack post.

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Ditto that.

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I was at Merage (then still called GSM) at UC Irvine when Dr. Navarro was teaching. Sadly I wasn't in his Macro class but I had the privilege of doing some side research work for him. Here's hoping his imprisonment wakes up people to the tyranny of the left. God willing, he will be a big part of Trump's second term.

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Wonderful commentary. I can just imagine being in his class. I have to say when he started getting interviewed on TV during Trump’s presidency, I was mesmerized. Every time he talked I listened. He made me wish I was a young girl again and could go back to school and take that macro class you did. I may not know all his tricks but pulled out all my stuff in Vegas too while everyone laughed at me and made fun of my decisions. Needless to say I had the last laugh in the end when they all lost their shirts as they say and I was on the side with extra cash.

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Peter Navarro should be the next Chief of Staff!

Amazing life story. Admirable.

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Our DOJ is corrupt top to bottom and we need to elect all MAGA GOP and POTUS Trump asap 🙏🇺🇸🙏

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Thank you for your post as you stand in for Peter.

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Thank you for sharing we hope Peter is well and continue to think of him and pray for him his family and friends. Miss you on WarRoom Peter MAGA! America First

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The problem Dr. Greg is great men make great targets.

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God Bless Peter

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Every person persecuted by Biden’s DOJ and/or State DAs needs to be in Trump admin. The left can call it retaliation, but all persecuted by the left had their civil rights violated under color of law & the perpetrators must be held accountable for their knowing, willing & with intent criminal acts.

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Wonderful article. Unfortunately the Republican congress is handing the US over to the Marxists Dems.

They R's could have put an end to Navarro's vindictive prosecution and Pres Trump's persecutions. The Republicans have proven to be traitors of our Constitution.

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Dear Folks,

I signed up for your paid website on Saturday and you sent me a link but I wasn’t around the computer and the link expired. I still cannot get on your website because I don’t have an account. Please advise.

Thank you very much !

Jack McEncroe.


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As a nurse working in Long Term Care & responsible for ordering the PPE that was crucially needed to protect staff & residents, I’m forever grateful to Dr. Navarro’s vision to stop flights from China as well as the Defense Production Act that put making our PPE & Ventilators here in America. Although short lived, I have no doubt this saved hundreds of thousands of lives! Thank You & my prayers are with you Peter!

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