In late March 2024, President Biden addressed health care expansion in North Carolina. In a modern retelling of Aesop’s Fable “The Emperor Has No Clothes,” he criticized President Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, asserting that Trump’s response undermined trust in safeguarding American lives. In a juvenile manner, Biden ridiculed President Trump for his 2020 inquiry about using UV light and disinfectants internally. In truth, disinfecting mouthwashes and nasal lavages cause a major reduction of COVID-19 viral loads in the upper airway.
The 2020 Trump Administration Response to COVID-19
Under the National Pandemic Plan, the federal government’s responsibilities included travel bans, pandemic monetary policy, guidance to state and local authorities, medical stockpiling, and facilitating discovery and distribution of new antiviral drugs and vaccines. All of this and much more was accomplished during 2020.
Unfortunately, President Trump and later Biden, both lacking medical expertise, had to rely heavily on their White House Task Force advisors. Prolonged economic lockdowns and school closures were the brainchild of Dr. Deborah Birx, M.D., an ill-informed advisor supported by Dr. Anthony Fauci, M.D. Neither one understood even basic RNA virus behavior or pandemic management.
Counterparts in their ineptitude were the FDA’s Janet Woodcock MD, and the clueless FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn MD. Both worked to block all early, safe, drug treatments for COVID-19 in favor of an experimental in-hospital drug (Remdesivir), which would later prove toxic and ineffective.
Operation Warp Speed eventually spawned the experimental COVID-19 mRNA “pseudo-vaccines” and in the final days of the Trump presidency, on December 11, 2020, the FDA granted an authority for voluntary mRNA “vaccinations” for ages 16 and older. The CDC and the above mentioned Task Force members assured the nation that the mRNA “vaccines” were safe, highly-effective, and subject to the most rigorous safety monitoring program in US history.
In reality, the mRNA “vaccines” were neither safe or effective.
The 2021-2024 Biden Administration Response to COVID-19
The Biden Administration assumed office in January 2021. Six weeks later, doctors began noting increasing mRNA vaccine “breakthrough” infections. The CDC would eventually respond by simply not counting these cases unless hospitalization occurred.
As the Biden mass-vaccination program transitioned from voluntary to unconstitutionally mandated, the CDC conducted a Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) analysis comparing mRNA vaccine deaths to annual reports on other vaccine types from December 14, 2020, to July 29, 2022. It revealed a sudden jump in mean annual vaccine deaths up from 155 to 9,721 at the end of the first year of mRNA “vaccinations.” This was a 6,172% increase in total vaccine deaths in a single year). These excess deaths were proportional and not due to the large number of “vaccines” administered.
Source: PRR Data Analysis, Dr. Jessica Rose1
The CDC refused to make these shocking results public, and intentionally hid or minimized hundreds of critically serious adverse mRNA “vaccine” events and deaths. 2, 3
Out of Office, unaware, and no longer surrounded by an army of advisors, between 2021 and 2024, former President Trump believed the false propaganda emanating from the CDC that the mRNA “vaccines” were safe and effective. He continued to praise Operation Warp Speed at rallies, sometimes receiving actual ‘Boos’ from the crowd who had experienced or saw their neighbors and friends suffer crippling vaccine injuries, deaths, coercion, or mandates.
The mRNA vaccine program should have been halted in February 2021. By then, early-use Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin had demonstrated an overwhelming safe effectiveness at reducing COVID-19 mortality with no adverse cardiac events. This supported a return to safe, early, drug treatments that would have controlled pandemic progression as it had in 51 other countries.
(COVID-19 early treatment: real-time analysis of 4,082 studies (
Instead, the Biden Administration coerced and unconstitutionally mandated mRNA “vaccination” with tragic results. When it became obvious the “vaccines” were not reliably preventing infection, the CDC’s mantra changed to one where mRNA “vaccination” would “prevent serious disease progression. Yet there was no data to support this statement.
In mid-2021, a corrupt FDA expanded its authorization for mRNA vaccines to include 12 to 15-year-olds, then down to 5-year-olds. By June 2022, it had been extended to infants and children between the ages of 6 months to 4 years old. These were age groups with almost zero mortality risk from COVID-19.
Pregnant women were not at particular risk for COVID-19, yet they also continued to receive mRNA vaccines and boosters even though “vaccine” spike protein could later be found in their placenta and fetal cord blood. Long-term effects of this mRNA “vaccination” remain uncertain but there appears to be a definite large increase in vaccine-induced miscarriages.
Neither Pfizer nor Moderna ever admitted that their mRNA products encoded a genetic sequence leading to the multiple months-long production of a toxic viral spike protein inside the “vaccinated” individual, with widespread dissemination and a lot-to-lot variability for damaged organs throughout the body. This included the male testes where the spike protein damaged the testosterone-producing cells.4 In some, the “vaccine” spike protein was forming amyloid “prion” depositions in the brain, similar to those seen in Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases.4
Scientists have no idea what is happening with the injected infants and young children, except that basically it is “safer to become infected with COVID-19 than to take the mRNA “vaccines.” 5, 6, 7
Where is the Accountability For the False Vaccine Narrative?
Irrespective of who holds the presidency, the COVID-19 debacle was caused by a handful of senior federal health bureaucrats who ignored the science and their oaths, in favor of the pharmaceutical manufacturers.
It is of note that in 2021, Dr. Anthony Fauci joined the Biden Administration as a Senior Advisor and Dr. Janet Woodcock was made the acting FDA Commissioner. Dr. Birx was replaced by Dr. Ashish Jha who by his own testimony has never treated a single COVID patient and has repeatedly stated that Hydroxychloroquine does not work on COVID-19 patients.
Need anymore be said?
Dr. Steven Hatfill is a leading physician and virologist with expertise in pandemic preparedness and response, and is a guest columnist for Peter Navarro’s Taking Back Trump’s America.
Peter Navarro’s Substack account including all individual article posts are temporarily being handled and managed independently of him.
If you want to support Peter in his fight on behalf of our Constitution, unpaid subscribers can convert to paid and paid subscribers can always try to share his posts with friends.
1. United KP Freedom Alliance et al. v. Kaiser Permanente et al. Complaint. Case 4:21-cv-07894. Oct 7, 2021.VAERS/Analysis: Dr. Jessica Rose.
3. Open VAERS Team.
4. html Video of Brain Amyloid at 24:50.
5. Struber, Z., Zero Hedge, 27 April 2023.\
6. Lee CW, Monitoring Using Real-World Data. Vaccines (Basel). 2022 May 9.
7. Fraiman J, Erviti J, Vaccine. 2022 Sep 22;40(40):5798-5805.. Epub 2022 Aug 31.
You are correct, Dr. Hatfill, and thank you.
Now, Trump MUST be man enough to admit publicly that he was duped by Birx and Fauci (who should be held criminally liable!). If Trump doesn’t have the personal integrity to own his mistake, he will lose the Election! Most of his supporters now know the truth about the Covid jabs, and many of them could flip so fast to Kennedy- for his bravery to tell the truth and determination to take on Big Pharma - that Trump would definitely lose. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THIS, DONALD TRUMP.
Spot on! They gas lighted Trump and Biden just goes with the Big Pharma push to inject! Criminal to say the least! The great harm caused is being ignored by the DC clowns!