Now, Trump MUST be man enough to admit publicly that he was duped by Birx and Fauci (who should be held criminally liable!). If Trump doesn’t have the personal integrity to own his mistake, he will lose the Election! Most of his supporters now know the truth about the Covid jabs, and many of them could flip so fast to Kennedy- for his bravery to tell the truth and determination to take on Big Pharma - that Trump would definitely lose. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THIS, DONALD TRUMP.
Spot on! They gas lighted Trump and Biden just goes with the Big Pharma push to inject! Criminal to say the least! The great harm caused is being ignored by the DC clowns!
Need to get to the core of why it was imperative to get that "fluid" into as many US citizens (and globally) as possible - who was actually behind that? And why CDC and FDA buried data that would have immediately resulted in pulling the plug. Who made those determinations? And the "marketing" of it: it's easy, it's safe, it's effective. It's more like crimes against humanity. Pray for tribunals to be held for all those accountable, and it's a HUGE number of people and orgs. Don't forget the role the hospitals played in all this, surgeries denied if you weren't jabbed, and that's the tip of the iceberg. It's hospital administrators, doctors, nurses, other staff. And the researchers, the manufacturers, the media, government, and so on. Big pharma should utterly collapse over this global criminality, but they do seem to have a way of sticking around...
Good luck with that. Too much fluoride in the water, and porn on the internet. Plus, we need to kill sand niggers, so the Freemasons can rebuild Solomon's Temple.
Janet Woodcock was not inept, and Stephen Hahn was not clueless. Birx and Fauci knew exactly what they were doing. None of this was an mistake. They lied to the world to push a gene therapy that they knew would cause more harm than good. The CDC, the FDA and the pharmaceutical monopolies that dictate their policies are all complicit.
It was obvious from the data published on the "Our World In Data" website while this whole manipulation was going on in 2020. The facts continue to come out, in spite of a massive effort to keep it hidden.
This was a crime against humanity. They need to be held accountable for the deaths of millions in the world.
Covid was absolutely treatable with Methylprednisolone, Zithromax, Albuterol, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D and Zinc. They knew it, and attacked any doctor who treated their patients with these protocols.
If they admitted this virus was treatable they would have never gotten an EUA. This is why they did it.
I will tell you this, if Trump wants to win, he better stop touting the DeathVaxx as the greatest thing since sliced bread. His chief advisor Susan Wiles is a swamp critter going way back, and she seems to be stroking his ego and convincing him that he's a hero for pushing this Vaxx. Someone better wake him up, cause there are a shi'ite ton of us out here who have seen Vaxx injury in friends and family, some of whom have died due to this so called "vaccine". It is the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated, and Trump is pushing many of his voters into the hands of RFK or into not voting because of his hard headedness on this subject.
It is also Susan Wiles who is pushing Tim Scott as his VP. There is a connection between Wiles, Scott, and Boeing going way back. If Trump picks Scott, he'll be dead in 6 months if elected, because the deep state will see to it in order to put one of their own into the President's seat.
Heart problems, turbo cancers, excessive deaths, massive clots, young people dropping dead, athletes, runners and other extremely fit people dying, lower birth rates and US life expectancies dropping by 3 full years since the vax death jabs started.
The only way that life expectancy number falls that fast is if many young people die rapidly, like a war for instance.
You are correct, Dr. Hatfill, and thank you.
Now, Trump MUST be man enough to admit publicly that he was duped by Birx and Fauci (who should be held criminally liable!). If Trump doesn’t have the personal integrity to own his mistake, he will lose the Election! Most of his supporters now know the truth about the Covid jabs, and many of them could flip so fast to Kennedy- for his bravery to tell the truth and determination to take on Big Pharma - that Trump would definitely lose. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THIS, DONALD TRUMP.
No, he doesn't have to admit that. Do you want Buden or Kennedy for President? You have 3 choices. Grow up.
Spot on! They gas lighted Trump and Biden just goes with the Big Pharma push to inject! Criminal to say the least! The great harm caused is being ignored by the DC clowns!
No accountability is the worst of all.
Need to get to the core of why it was imperative to get that "fluid" into as many US citizens (and globally) as possible - who was actually behind that? And why CDC and FDA buried data that would have immediately resulted in pulling the plug. Who made those determinations? And the "marketing" of it: it's easy, it's safe, it's effective. It's more like crimes against humanity. Pray for tribunals to be held for all those accountable, and it's a HUGE number of people and orgs. Don't forget the role the hospitals played in all this, surgeries denied if you weren't jabbed, and that's the tip of the iceberg. It's hospital administrators, doctors, nurses, other staff. And the researchers, the manufacturers, the media, government, and so on. Big pharma should utterly collapse over this global criminality, but they do seem to have a way of sticking around...
Good luck with that. Too much fluoride in the water, and porn on the internet. Plus, we need to kill sand niggers, so the Freemasons can rebuild Solomon's Temple.
I am reading a book on general Grant now and all the swindlers that were swindling the United States army back in the day.
Hopefully there will be accountability in 25.
Janet Woodcock was not inept, and Stephen Hahn was not clueless. Birx and Fauci knew exactly what they were doing. None of this was an mistake. They lied to the world to push a gene therapy that they knew would cause more harm than good. The CDC, the FDA and the pharmaceutical monopolies that dictate their policies are all complicit.
It was obvious from the data published on the "Our World In Data" website while this whole manipulation was going on in 2020. The facts continue to come out, in spite of a massive effort to keep it hidden.
This was a crime against humanity. They need to be held accountable for the deaths of millions in the world.
Covid was absolutely treatable with Methylprednisolone, Zithromax, Albuterol, Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Vitamin D and Zinc. They knew it, and attacked any doctor who treated their patients with these protocols.
If they admitted this virus was treatable they would have never gotten an EUA. This is why they did it.
I will tell you this, if Trump wants to win, he better stop touting the DeathVaxx as the greatest thing since sliced bread. His chief advisor Susan Wiles is a swamp critter going way back, and she seems to be stroking his ego and convincing him that he's a hero for pushing this Vaxx. Someone better wake him up, cause there are a shi'ite ton of us out here who have seen Vaxx injury in friends and family, some of whom have died due to this so called "vaccine". It is the greatest crime against humanity ever perpetrated, and Trump is pushing many of his voters into the hands of RFK or into not voting because of his hard headedness on this subject.
It is also Susan Wiles who is pushing Tim Scott as his VP. There is a connection between Wiles, Scott, and Boeing going way back. If Trump picks Scott, he'll be dead in 6 months if elected, because the deep state will see to it in order to put one of their own into the President's seat.
Excellent Article. Seems accurate.
Thank you for the truth now, President Trump needs to realize what these monsters did to the country and world at large.
After he's elected and promised immunity.
Heart problems, turbo cancers, excessive deaths, massive clots, young people dropping dead, athletes, runners and other extremely fit people dying, lower birth rates and US life expectancies dropping by 3 full years since the vax death jabs started.
The only way that life expectancy number falls that fast is if many young people die rapidly, like a war for instance.
'Merica. Death to 'Merica.