Navarro spent his time productively noting the abuses by the Bureau of Prisons. He will definitely bend Trump’s ear to get this reckless bureau straightened out. 👏👏👏

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100 percent back prison reform, and I did before I knew which side of the political aisle I was on. We have people who were falsely convicted or were convicted on circumstancial evidence like Steven Avery and Brendan Dassey in Wisconsin. He was falsely convicted and sentenced to 18 years, then released, and then placed back in prison under suspicious circumstances, and there are more like him. I like these core tenants of prison reform especially first-time offenders! I think that's where to start.

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"America is waking up": It may seem that way from the Right, but I have an old Navy friend who is (SF-CA) Left. After P. Trump got elected in 2016 we did not communicate for 7-years. Update: It did not last long, as like Adams and Jefferson, we will probably never speak (email) ever again. The same is true for two of my sisters. One has a Masters in Mathematics. She is the youngest and was my favorite, but as a dedicated Boston Leftist, it's over. Propaganda is that effective.

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