Most excellent article with broad context and data collection regarding the unfair number of mistreatment by our DOJ, especially the ongoing number of J6 protesters, and the absurd low number of BLM rioters and high Dane but with very few charged and jailed.

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*Dane—damage (auto correct 🤦‍♀️)

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the lawfare against MAGA is another Biden proxy war

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A good way to look at it.

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I think most of us have been counting on the judicial system to save us from all of this insanity. Yet, lawyers with back-room deals, legal maneuvering, and political agendas have been conducting ‘lawfare’ instead. Please, you legal experts out there - save us! Only lawyers with intricate knowledge of Constitutional law and legal precedents can expose the corruption and steer this country back to fairness and principles. We also need MONEY to take legal challenges all the way to the Supreme Court. It’s save us through legal channels or it’s civil war, right?

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After watching ToddBlanche beside PresidentTrump and then his talking after the verdict, my opinion has drastically changed from admiration to total deflation. PresidentTrump must find better attorneys. When talking, he showed how beaten up he was and kept mentioning that PresidentTrump was the cheerleader keeping his legal team up to the challenge. That's not how it's supposed to work. How awful for PresidentTrump knowing how he was sitting there for weeks beside an inferior legal team.

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He would have lost with an exceptional team. The verdict was decided before he stepped into the courtroom.

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Todd could have at least shown some backbone and objected! He was afraid of Merchan and now he's a talking head promising to appeal. Sure, Jan... sure.

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Where are the checks and balances?

There are three branches of government for a reason. How and, more importantly, who overruled the separation of powers? Why aren't the other branches doing what they are supposed to do when the executive branch is out of control? Who has power over the individuals who could have prevented this?

Regardless of who will be the next president, obviously other than the Biden puppet, needs to find the answers to all these questions and prevent any future recurrence!

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The Checks have been cashed and the remaining Balances are very small. We are fighting The rinos as well as the demonrats, the captured alphabet agencies their bureaucrats, and the captured media.

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Let's face the truth, the 2024 Election is coming down to a showdown between the members and followers of the Bush/Clinton Crime Family and WE THE PEOPLE (MAGA) who will NOT surrender our Constitutional Republic to the the criminals who have taken over the reigns of power, we're going to KICK THEM OUT on November 5, 2025.

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We're all outlaws now.

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and when laws are outlawed, only outlaws will live by laws.

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I just don't understand how these 12 people ( who never take notes) who have never owned a business, maybe never taken one college course can convict a president.

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They were all left wing NY facists.

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Good article. Much good information

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Where is the military? They vowed to uphold the constitution. This corrupt,compromised judge needs to be disbarred & prosecuted. Bragg needs to be prosecuted. Who is paying these reptiles? They should be charged with seditious conspiracy crimes.

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I blame the Jurors.

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Have you ever seen a trial where 34 "felonies" were deliberated in only 2 hours and reached a unanimous verdict? It seems to me there would be a couple hours at a minimum for each charge. That would take about 68 hours. I was a juror in a case where a guy stole tractors and other farm equipment from an auction site, drove across state lines on the interstate where they had pictures of him at every toll booth, and documentation of his selling the equipment. We only needed 2 1/2 hour to find him guilty, but still went over everything one more time before notifying the judge we had reached a verdict.

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What we all are witnessing is the Obama “Hope and Change” With the help of Eric Holder( Felon ? , gun running & contempt of Congress)

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We are definitely in a spiritual war against some very powerful, extremely dangerous, political enemies, The World Economic Forum’s global elites who are so evil that they have been funding their Anti-American, Anti-Christian, Anti-Constitution, pro-Socialism/Communism agenda to destroy America and implement their New World Order.

If you haven’t heard of Yuval Harari, you should really do your diligent research. He’s Klaus Schwab’s main speaker at the WEF. These two leaders have been very vocal about their plans to microchip all humans; building their‘Sustainable Fifteen Minute Cities [to literally make us all prisoners], force countries into producing only electric vehicles, killing off our cattle, chickens, pigs and other livestock and gaining complete control over humans by enforcing their Bill Gates’ Patented “Digital Monetary System.”

Yuval Harari travels across America and other countries, blatantly speaking out, Humans are Hackable Animals. We now have the technology to track their brain activity, hearts, and other organs, sexual activity and GPS locations…”

Destroying countries’ sovereignties and gaining control over humanity is really what is motivating these Satanic psychopaths. Their members include Joe & Hunter Biden; Obama’s, Clinton’s, Bush’s, John Kerry, Mitt Romney, Nikki Haley etc.

We are being attacked & destroyed from within.

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Great data supporting why we need to be brave and get this all right.

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LauraLoomer reports that Rep. James Comer is blocking all efforts to supboena LaurenMerchan. God, I'm so sick of being played by our "leaders." Phony bad theatrics is all we get.

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That is crazy! Comer is such a fake! Which donors are paying him to do this? Their money always matters more than their constituents.

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But wait, there's more! JimJordan has written a strongly worded letter demanding that Bragg and the #3 from the DOJ appear in front of his committee in June. What a joke. You and I KNOW these two are having a laugh riot reading his letter. And they'll be laughing more when Jordan has a fit for the cameras when they don't show up. We are being punked every day by these phony "leaders." And no one has yet to mention who is behind it all... the commie kenyan.

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The Corp investors run the show.

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